Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 136 Arriving at Hongrui County

A convoy of four vehicles drove along the asphalt road into the county seat of Hongrui County.

Han Feng looked at the low bungalows that frequently appeared around him and the vegetable fields that had not been taken care of for a long time and were overgrown with weeds, and sighed heavily.

After Baijun Mountain encountered a mudslide that caused the mountain to collapse, the food collection team organized by Tianqi made a detour and took almost a day and a half to reach Hongrui County, the southernmost county of Ruijiang City.

It originally only took about one day to reach Ruijiang City from Baijun Mountain, but Han Feng deliberately spent an extra half day and took a small road to avoid Ruijiang City and arrived at Hongrui County. With the strength of their team, they passed directly through Ruijiang City. The risks involved are indeed too great.

When Tianqi organized a food collection team and arrived at Hongrui County with the roar of engines, a pair of vigilant eyes were already fixed on the wall of their convoy entering the city along the main road of the county.

"Laowu, I just received a report that a convoy of four vehicles entered the city from the main road east of the county. The leader was an armored vehicle. It looked a bit like a military convoy. Should we send Can anyone go over and get in touch?"

After Shu Hongbo received the report from the survivors who were responsible for monitoring all situations in Hongrui County, he rushed to Wu Zhiqiang's side almost non-stop and told the news.

"Oh? Military convoy?"

After Wu Zhiqiang heard that a convoy suspected to be from the military appeared in Hongrui County, his originally closed eyes slowly opened, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Notify me! All survivors must return to the warehouse and stay there. No one is allowed to have any contact with that convoy."

"What! They might be a military convoy!"

After Shu Hongbo heard Wu Zhiqiang's order, he showed a look of astonishment. When they were in Ruijiang City, they were looking forward to a military team to rescue them every day. Now they actually encountered a convoy that might come from the military. Wu Zhiqiang Zhiqiang does not allow anyone to contact them.

"Do I need to repeat my current order twice? I saw that you and I were in the same unit before, so I asked you to help me convey the order. If you don't want to do it anymore, I can replace you at any time." Wu Zhiqiang was dissatisfied. He glanced at Shu Hongbo, his tone already a bit solemn.

"I see."

Facing the absolute strength of Wu Zhiqiang, Shu Hongbo did not dare to have any more thoughts. After nodding his head, he planned to retreat and issue an order.

But Wu Zhiqiang's next words made his body stiff again.

"By the way, you can find a younger girl to come over and let me relax, preferably no more than twenty years old."

Wu Zhiqiang's request made Shu Hongbo curse. You are already half-footed in the coffin, and it is so shameless to find a little girl under twenty years old to accompany you.

But he didn't dare to say these words in front of Wu Zhiqiang. If he did, who knows how Wu Zhiqiang, whose temperament has changed drastically, would deal with him.

"You said a suspected military convoy appeared in Hongrui County?"

"Yes, that's absolutely true. I saw with my own eyes that the head of that convoy was an armored vehicle with white paint. I guarantee it's unmistakable."

As the saying goes, there is no airtight wall in this world. Just when Shu Hongbo reported to Wu Zhiqiang, news of the presence of suspected military vehicles in Hongrui County had spread throughout the warehouse.

The survivors in the warehouse suddenly became excited. In their eyes, as long as the military sent troops to rescue them, they would definitely survive.

But things tend to move in the opposite direction. When Shu Hongbo returned to the warehouse and announced Wu Zhiqiang's order, the entire migrating team fell silent instantly. They were still discussing heatedly just now how they could live after the military found them. The survivors of the good old days suddenly fell silent.

Wu Zhiqiang was so powerful in this migrating team that none of the survivors dared to disobey his orders.

And when Shu Hongbo asked to choose a girl under twenty years old to accompany her, the group of young men who did all kinds of evil suddenly burst into laughter. The young man wearing a floral shirt at the head had a weird smile flashing in his eyes and looked at her. Then Shu Hongbo shouted loudly: "Just choose the girl we fell in love with yesterday. Judging from her figure, she is definitely only in her teens. It would be perfect to relieve Boss Wu's boredom."

The man in the flowered shirt had always held a grudge against Shu Hongbo for interrupting their good deed yesterday. Now Wu Zhiqiang had spoken out, and he wanted to see how Shu Hongbo could keep that little girl.

After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to patrol among the survivors, as if he wanted to immediately find the girl who escaped yesterday from the crowd.

However, when he inspected the entire warehouse, he did not find the figure of the girl they had blocked in the corner yesterday, and he immediately shouted.

"Hey, where is the person?"

After shouting, he grabbed a middle-aged man wearing a worn-out T-shirt next to him, slapped him twice, and asked viciously: "Yesterday, that little girl who was only 1.5 meters tall was blocked by us in the corner. I think I'll sit next to you, where is the person now?"

The middle-aged man who had been slapped twice inexplicably shouted in a trembling tone: "Don't... don't hit me. When there was news in the warehouse that a military convoy appeared in Hongrui County, I seemed to see her... her out."

"Humph, it turns out we went to find the military!"

The man in the floral shirt threw the middle-aged man in his hand to the ground, walked quickly to Shu Hongbo, and said in a cold tone: "That little bitch dares to disobey Boss Wu's order, we will punish him immediately." She’s been captured, but you don’t have to worry about what to do with her after that.”


Shu Hongbo sighed slightly and nodded helplessly.

Now that Wu Zhiqiang has announced that no one is allowed to have unauthorized contact with the military convoy, and the girl actually ran out on her own, based on this alone, Shu Hongbo already knew that he could not save the girl. Wu Zhiqiang, whose temperament has changed drastically, will not hold back on him.

The man in the flowered shirt suddenly became excited when he saw that Shu Hongbo, who was often against them in the entire migration team, was silent. He stretched out his hand and waved to the back: "Brothers, let's go, wait until we catch that little bitch." Let’s have fun together.”

After the words fell, those strong men passed by Shu Hongbo one after another, and the man in the floral shirt deliberately walked at the back. When he passed by Shu Hongbo, he opened and closed his mouth and whispered softly. : "Stop being a good guy. In this world, you have to enjoy yourself in time. If you want to protect others, first see if you have the strength."

After saying that, he bumped Shu Hongbo's body lightly with his shoulder, let out a wild laugh, and left the warehouse.

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