Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 115 Persuading Surrender

Just when the Fucheng Survivors Alliance Committee held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with Han Feng and this group of people.

The men in white beside the wall of the area to be cleared in Fucheng evacuated their team and began to take action.

All the vehicles in the convoy of the men in white started up one by one and quickly drove away from their original positions. The fire teams holding various guns also moved to positions suitable for shooting by the car windows, each with a black hole in the muzzle. All stretched out the car windows.

"Han Feng, do you think the garrison in Fucheng will exchange hostages with us?"

Wang Yingyu, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the Unimog RV, tilted her head and asked Han Feng.

"I'm not sure what they think. I can only take it one step at a time."

If the Fucheng Survivors Alliance is Qiao Dongliang's word, then Han Feng is very confident that this matter can be easily solved, but once other people intervene in this matter, the whole matter will be difficult to say.

When all the convoys of the men in white were mobilized and the tactics were transferred, the emergency meeting of the Survivor Alliance Committee proposed by Li Ju also came to a final conclusion.

Although Qiao Dongliang repeatedly stated at the meeting that the strength of the Baiyi team was beyond imagination, other members of the committee felt that their control of the Fucheng safety zone was the most important at the moment. Han Feng dared to take action in the safety zone. , obviously does not take the Survivor League seriously.

If Han Feng is let go so easily, it will set a very bad precedent, and the deterrence of the Survivor Alliance will be greatly reduced in the future.

However, because Qiao Dongliang repeatedly claimed that the men in white were powerful, after the committee meeting, the other four committee members made some concessions and agreed to assemble the garrison and blade commandos first, while leaving some time for Qiao Dongliang to do what he wanted. The last effort was to persuade Han Feng to give up resistance and surrender.

At this moment, the evacuation team of the men in white has left the walls of the safe area and the area to be cleared, and has retreated a long distance. The oil tankers in the team that are most susceptible to explosion have all been evacuated to the junction of the area to be cleared and the dangerous area. In this place, only the Unimog RV was slightly ahead, but the straight-line distance from the safe zone passage was still a full kilometer.

Wang Yingyu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was holding a high-resolution telescope and staring at the passage to the safety zone.

Staring at the safety zone, she discovered that a few minutes ago, there was a small commotion at the passage of the safety zone. The garrison troops originally stationed in the passage began to change their defenses. Wang Yingyu could vaguely see an armored convoy behind the passage. Assembling.

Afterwards, the assembly at the back of the passage continued, but another group of four explosion-proof vehicles sprayed with white paint drove out of the passage first and drove towards the location of the Unimog RV.

"Han Feng, there is a convoy coming out of the passage to and from the Fucheng safety zone."

"I know, let's see what the Survivors Alliance has planned."

Han Feng detained the soldiers of the garrison in order to exchange hostages with the Fucheng Survivor Alliance. If the Survivor Alliance agreed to exchange hostages, then Han Feng could not continue to pursue the matter and head directly towards Hucheng.

However, this idea must be impossible to realize. Although Qiao Dongliang is responsible for the defense force of Fucheng, he must abide by the committee's resolution and cannot reach a private deal with Han Feng.

Four anti-riot armored vehicles were four hundred meters in front of the Unimog RV and then slowly stopped.

The loudspeaker of the anti-riot armored vehicle rang, and a slightly familiar voice to Han Feng reached his ears: "Han Feng, I am Qiao Dongliang. We just met yesterday. I never thought that this would be the occasion to meet again. I am now On behalf of the Fucheng Survivors Alliance, I would like to announce to you: Since your team was in the Fucheng safety zone today, ignored the regulations of the safety zone, injured people, seriously injuring one person, and then detained the garrison soldiers who were performing the task, Fucheng survived. You and your team will be officially wanted by the Alliance of Hunters."

After announcing the wanted order, Qiao Dongliang's tone softened slightly: "But I have tried my best. As long as you can lead your team to surrender, release those soldiers, and finally go with me to the other four committee members If you explain the whole thing in front of me, I can guarantee your personal safety with my personality."

Han Feng, who was sitting in the Unimog RV, raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a mocking look on his face after hearing the wanted order announced by Qiao Dongliang.

These officials of the Survivor Alliance still think about problems in a pre-apocalyptic way of thinking. In their eyes, it is quite reasonable to use the sacrifice of their soldiers to safeguard the majesty of their own rights.

Qiao Dongliang in the anti-riot armored vehicle finished announcing the wanted order and found that there was no movement from the Unimog RV. After thinking about it, he planned to make a final effort: "Han Feng, I know that you are an evolved person with outstanding strength. You also have more than a dozen guns. Once the Fucheng army attacks, you will definitely have the strength to make our troops pay a certain price. However, there are so many soldiers in Fucheng, and they can kill you with a pile of people, so you must make the right move. Make a choice, don’t make a mistake!”

After Qiao Dongliang persuaded him again, Han Feng's faint voice came out through the loudspeaker of the Unimog RV: "Originally, I thought about not being too harmonious and solving this matter by exchanging hostages. But maybe I thought too simply, your request actually requires me to give up all my power and let you do what you want."

At this point, Han Feng's voice on the loudspeaker suddenly became louder: "If this is the decision made by the Survivor Alliance, then I will tell you my decision now. If you want to fight! Then fight! "

After listening to Han Feng's decisive answer, Qiao Dongliang sat in silence for a long time in the anti-riot armored vehicle, then waved his hand and asked the Blade Commandos to return to the Fucheng safety zone.

Before returning to the safe zone, Qiao Dongliang finally said helplessly: "As the person in charge of Fucheng's defense force, I don't want to fight with you at all, but due to the framework and orders of the Survivor Alliance, I have to fight with you. The outcome of the meeting will be decided by fate."

After Qiao Dongliang finished speaking, the four anti-riot armored vehicles of the Blade Commando quickly turned around and returned to the Fucheng safety zone along the way they came.

When the Blade Commandos returned to the Fucheng safe zone, other members of the Survivor Alliance Committee also learned that the negotiations with Han Feng had broken down.

Li Ju looked at Qiao Dongliang who came out of the anti-riot armored vehicle and said with a hint of ridicule: "Let me just say that negotiation is useless. For such lawless thugs who dare to challenge the order of the city, force is the best option."

After the garrison troops that had completed their assembly received the attack order from the committee, more than a dozen armored vehicles started up almost at the same time, and the roar of their engines spread throughout the city in an instant.

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