Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 627 January

Iron plows, hoes, pickaxes, shovels, rakes, and other tools were continuously transported out from underground and joined the production army. The steel tools that made Yuntu jealous became farm tools used by ordinary people.

Yuntu just watched Gaofeng's western development and did not make any suggestions. His daughter Doudou was already crazy about it. Gaofeng could get all kinds of things from the channels of the underground city and initially established business communication, allowing Doudou to see many good things she had never seen before.

She was tired of playing with the floating car and was fascinated by various novel mechanical equipment, such as the flat wave gravel pulse that erased the rocks and the giant elevator that sent dozens of people to a thousand meters above. The electric grinder that grinded the stones into stone bricks and the electric lights that were brighter than the fire at night were all new to Doudou. She was mixed among a bunch of big men all day, moving this and touching that, which led to many accidents.

Gao Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly at the prank that was not a prank on Dou Dou. Yun Tu seemed to be very rude to Dou Dou, but Gao Feng knew that even if Dou Dou poked a hole in the sky, Yun Tu would run to fix it. Dou Dou's mischief today was completely spoiled by Yun Tu.

Whenever Dou Dou got into trouble, Yun Tu would yell and scold him. When he really started to fight, it was just thunder and rain. The big slap fell on Dou Dou's little butt and turned into a breeze and drizzle. No wonder Dou Dou didn't care about Yun Tu's anger at all, but he knew since childhood that he would be fine.

He had no choice. Gao Feng brought Dou Dou to Crystal Lake, where more than a thousand children studied. The environment was beautiful, peaceful and comfortable, which made Dou Dou like it immediately. He immediately lowered his age to twelve years old, mixed in with the children, and happily led a group of children to be a little bully all day long.

Yuntu was worried at first, and stayed in Crystal Lake for three or two days before he told Gaofeng with satisfaction that these were the only days in Doudou's life when he didn't get into trouble. Gaofeng was speechless at the time because he saw Doudou demolish the wooden house by the lake and grilling fish by the lake, and Yuntu thought that was the most normal.

This month was also the month when Gaofeng was most serious. With hundreds of underground people, his power had undergone a qualitative change. The combination of new technology and the western environment helped him find a path suitable for the development of the western wilderness, which was to use limited resources to create as much profit as possible, and to continuously transform the western wilderness through the wealth created.

Yun played a significant role in this regard. When he was in the underground mine, Yun was good at managing crops. He used mines and rare plants that were more barren than the western wilderness to develop a planting base. Now he is like a fish in water on the vast land. Even though he knew that the temperature in the west would reach more than 40 degrees in a few months, he was still full of confidence.

More and more underground water veins were found by Yun. Under Yun's planning, these underground water veins formed a network covering dozens of kilometers of land, which could continuously provide water to nourish crops. Even in the dry season, there would still be some harvest.

Dozens of square kilometers of land are not the limit of development. It's just that due to the vast land and sparse population, the land cannot be effectively developed and utilized. Gao Feng's shortage of manpower has reached the limit. Women are almost used as men, men are used as livestock, and livestock are used as tractors.

The sand dates planted before the snow fell have sprouted. The tender seedlings have made the more than 20,000 acres of land outside the Tianzhua tribe into a green carpet. Thousands of men and women, carrying tools and pushing carts, walked in an endless long line on the wide road between the green carpets, heading towards the sweet water well.

The second elder with small eyes held an exquisite and shiny stainless steel cane, wore dark red sunglasses, and held a cigarette in his mouth. He stood at the exit of the tribe and looked at everyone who set out with an inspection. If he saw someone slacking off, he would scold him. The people around him also looked at the guy who wanted to slack off with contempt.

So many people set out at the same time, just to make the tribe never suffer from the water source again. A steady stream of barbarians migrated from the east. It is extremely difficult to settle them in the western wilderness. There is a lot of land, but not much is easy to cultivate. Due to the limitation of water sources, even if it is cultivated, grass will not grow.

Only by digging an underground ditch over 100 kilometers long can the abundant groundwater from the sweet water well be introduced into the tribe. Digging a canal is a feat that the tribe has not seen in hundreds of years in Tianzhua's view, but for Gao Feng, it is just a small project, and he doesn't even want to show up. He just throws hundreds of workers who are proficient in underground operations here as guidance. As for the overall situation, the second elder is responsible.

And today is the day for the second elder to mobilize. It must be said that the second elder is a little old man who pays attention to fashion. Gao Feng got a lot of useful and useless things from the underground city. It is said that westerners should be very conservative and stay away from things they don't understand. Only the second elder uses it on himself regardless of whether it is useful or not, and proudly shows himself to everyone.

The long team stopped in sections along the way from the tribe to Tianshuijing, with a temporary camp every ten kilometers. Although Gao Feng did not participate, Yan Huang of Tianshuijing would not sit idly by. He led thousands of people who had just finished planting southern wild wheat to participate in this vigorous construction. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he always prevented others from entering the range of Tianshuijing and volunteered to undertake the excavation of 30 kilometers of ditches outside Tianshuijing.

Except for the peak, I'm afraid no one knows what Tianshuijing looks like now. Since last winter, Yanhuan has tried his best to develop Tianshuijing after getting a large number of labor forces. Yanhuan's previous tribe was very good at construction and development, and will be destroyed by the war. The destruction of the Black Claw tribe was praised by even the highest level.

In one winter, plus two months of melting snow, Tianshuijing cultivated nearly 50,000 acres of fields, of which 15,000 acres were planted with Elaeagnus angustifolia, 30,000 acres were planted with southern barren wheat and black cloud beans unique to the central wilderness, and the remaining Five thousand acres are planted with healing alpaca grass, woodland flowers, black thorns and other plants, forming a large-scale planting base.

Yan Huan stood on the hilltop where he had once seen the invasion of barbarians with his teeth bared. I looked at the hillside surrounding the valley with sigh. All the hillside has been cultivated into fertile fields, like rows of irregular steps. There are small grooves one foot long between the steps, and the gurgling water is faintly visible. resounding among the terraced fields.

At the bottom, the Asphalt Lake, which was previously unknown and feared by the tribesmen, exudes an unpleasant odor, which also contains the fragrance of some wood rose flowers. Countless wood rose flowers are blooming in every inch of the land around the asphalt lake. In the past, The polluted area where there is no grass is just suitable for the growth of rosettes. The rosettes that were supposed to bloom in the hot weather bloomed ahead of schedule. Some of the rosettes have begun to wither and produce green fruits the size of rosary beads.

Yan Huan was slightly worried when he saw the changes in the flowers. He didn't know much about the flowers. He had only heard from the previous tribesmen that the flowers seldom bore fruit. To him, planting the flowers was the most important thing. The needs of the peak do not seek merit, but seek no faults. Whatever the peak requires is the best thing to grow. If there is too much fruit, what is it?

Crossing from Tianshui Well to the eastern wilderness, the desert camp after the war has become a dilapidated ruin, with scorched black land everywhere. There are no more living people here, only the occasional airship appears in the sky. One of them is flying quickly towards the western wilderness. The round hull of the airship is like an overly fat pea pod. It is especially cute when it is chubby. On the tail of the pea pod, there is a thing that most people cannot understand. The pattern is carved on the wooden texture of the hull, but it is a three-wheeled moon, an upper Xuan moon, a lower Xuan moon, and a full moon. If a knowledgeable person saw it, he would be surprised, how could the airship of the Moon-Watching City State appear in this place? In the wilderness?

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