Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 232 Shen Wuji’s smile

The hustle and bustle of the night made the entire coalition camp restless all night. When morning came, the burning desert camp was cleared out. The charred and shrunken corpses were pulled out from the ashes and piled in the air. There was a pile on the ground.

Those who were picking up the corpses were all desolate people. Looking at the piles of charred corpses stacked together, and then looking at the mountains of corpses piled up under the two hills, the eyes of many desolate people were filled with despair and anger. The conflict between them and the coalition warriors The atmosphere became more tense.

No one knows what happened in the Huangren camp, not Luo Ya, nor Shen Wuji. The coalition warriors swore that no one came down from the Beilong Canyon, and the Huangren's secret sentry in the wilderness was also discovered. They were still sleeping soundly at that time, and all the Huangren who were close to the coalition camp were killed by sharp blades in their dreams, which led them to conclude that there was someone in the coalition who didn't want the Huangren to survive.

Gao Feng's plan was unintentionally broken by Shen Wuji, and Shen Wuji's plan was clearly seen by Gao Feng. The game between the two sides unfolded among the deserters, and Gao Feng finally won the final victory.

This inexplicable effect of victory is not at the moment, and no one can clearly see the far-reaching impact of this incident. The tribal coalition cannot understand it, so they stop thinking about it, and no one is willing to get to the bottom of it. A new battle Right before your eyes.

The deserters were driven out of the camp again, thinking about the pile of corpses at the foot of the mountain. This time, the deserters were not killed for no reason by the coalition warriors. Most of them had crude weapons in their hands, and some were even equipped with broken weapons. Shield, the barren people are more threatening than yesterday.

But today, there is something brewing among the desolate people that only the desolate people understand. Driven by countless coalition warriors, they communicate their thoughts with their eyes. When the battle begins, anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that the desolate people today Very different from yesterday.

Thousands of deserters rushed toward the two peaks in a slow manner, but the ones they were most wary of were the coalition warriors behind them.

The coalition warriors also discovered that the deserted man who was as docile as a lamb yesterday became extremely aggressive. Most of the weapons in his hands were pointed at the coalition warriors. Anger and hatred were brewing in his eyes, which made many coalition warriors feel uneasy. .

The attack of the desolate people came as expected. Yesterday's corpses had filled all the gaps from the bottom of the mountain to the top. Even if you walked on it, you would not easily trip. The lagging desolate people rushed up the mountain one after another, but they were surprised to see Then, in front of countless bed crossbows, the desert warriors who also had white skulls painted on their bodies faced them face to face.

"Stop fighting for them. There is no way to survive if you win..."

"Everyone died yesterday. Do you want to die today too..."

"Come here. The only way to survive is to come here. I am from the Hengye tribe. We live very well here..."

Calls came from the opposite side, making all the desolate people on the mountain freeze. The atmosphere on both sides became strange for a moment. No one took the initiative to come out, and everyone was hesitant. At this time, the deserter on the opposite side took the initiative to walk towards them, making them very wary.

"We are all deserted people, will we harm you? The adults of the Tianzhao tribe see how pitiful you are, so they don't want you to die in vain. Everyone is born by grandma, and everyone needs food to grow. Are you really unwilling to live at such a big age..."

The shouts were getting closer and closer, and more desert warriors rushed up the mountain. The coalition warriors at the bottom of the mountain were surprised to see that yesterday's resistance was nowhere to be seen. A steady stream of desert warriors rushed up the mountain without any resistance, but they didn't know what was happening there. What.

"Left cheek, you are Zuo Cheek, the Zuo Cheek of the same tribe as me..."

Suddenly Yu Huangren screamed loudly, and then rushed out of the team and ran towards a person on the opposite side. He threw away the weapon in his hand and hugged the Huangren who was shouting in front of countless people.

Acquaintances are the best icebreakers, and the first person can always set an example. When two people hug each other tightly and are full of love, countless people can truly let go of their worries. At least the other person is not pretending to be a person. Human warriors, in this case, more and more people came out and surrendered to the opposite side. Simple weapons were thrown on the ground and piled up into hills. The Sky Claw tribe was also ready to accept it. Anyone who passed by would first A multi-grain flour pancake was presented, and under the temptation of food, more and more people let go of their worries and stepped forward...

"What is going on above? What's the conspiracy?"

Luo Ya touched his chin suspiciously and asked himself. Shen Wuji seemed a little restless. He frowned and kept thinking about the strange fire last night. He did not speak. Instead, Yue Laisha behind him said in a cold and hoarse voice:

"Lord Youming's son is not someone like you who can guess. Lord Youming has high expectations for him and even decided to train him to be the patriarch of a small family. If you do this, you are seeking death. Lord Youming will not let you go. …….”

"Shen Wuji, take care of your own woman. If it weren't for your sake, I would..."

Luo Ya has always been worried in his heart. When he heard what Yue Lasha said, he was immediately angered and yelled at Shen Wuji loudly. The unknown silence on the top of the mountain made him feel bad and his mood became unbearable. control.

"What? Are you scared? It's too late to let me go now. Whatever Lan Yu can give you, Master Youming can also give you, as long as..."

"I only want you, will You Ming give it to me?"

Shen Wuji suddenly interrupted, leaving Yue Tiaosha with angry eyes but nothing to say.

"Luo Ya, there is no need to worry about You Ming. She can't reach into the wilderness. As long as we don't show up, You Ming won't be able to find us no matter how angry she is. Then just throw a few small tribes out to support you. I think, You Ming I will soon forget all this..."

Shen Wuji had long since thought about it, and speaking these words made Luo Ya's irritability disappear a lot. Shen Wuji said it right, the family's power in the wilderness is not strong, and You Ming cannot find them as long as they hide.

"It seems that someone stood up and admitted to the fire last night. I really underestimated them and found our hidden danger so quickly..."

Shen Wuji then said something mindless, which made Luo Ya look at him in confusion. After a while, he said:

"what do you want to say?"

"The Deserters are our hidden danger and their only hope. The survival of the Deserters who survived yesterday is beneficial to us, but it is a disaster for them, so they should be the ones who want to kill the Deserters the most... In this way, The Desolate People will never trust us again, let alone be recruited by us. It seems that the Sky Claw Tribe has capable people..."

Shen Wuji's explanation made Luo Ya wake up and hated the Tianzhao tribe to the extreme. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Then kill all the desolate people and prevent them from contacting the desolate people again..."

This method was hopeless and made Shen Wuji dumbfounded. If this was the case, they would simply withdraw their troops, and at least some of the deserters could be kept as indentured slaves.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't count on Huang Ren from the beginning. It seems that I should move the chess pieces behind them..."

Shen Wuji was still full of confidence and told the back-up plan in an understatement, which made both Luo Ya and Yue Lasha extremely surprised. In Yue Lasha's heart, Shen Wuji had transformed from a savage wilderness man to a demon. Only demons can There will be such a calm smile and countless back-ups.

{Piaotian Literature


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