Apocalyptic Dark Age

2191 Entering the battlefield

On this day, Fat Mao contacted Gao Feng privately again, and what he said made Gao Feng's face darken. After a while, he comforted the frightened and trembling Fat Mao.

"You don't need to be too afraid. Comorolo is a super power after all, and we will never let you go until the cannon fodder fleet is exhausted!"

"But the combat order has been issued. After twelve batas, a legion will be 'drawn' to enter. I am now affiliated with the combat legion!"

Fat Mao was desperate. Although he didn't know why he was sure that the legion he belonged to was the one that would be transferred out of the five legions. Gao Feng was unable to do anything about it. After holding it in for a long time, he suggested:

"How about you give star coins to the chief officer of the intelligence room and ask him to second you to me? I'll give you the star coins. Is one million enough?"

"No need, right? You still have a lot of dividends for me. If I die this time, the star coins will be useless..."

Fat Mao ended the call with concern. In fact, it was even less safe to go to Gao Feng. After all, they were still a legion of superpowers. Gao Feng was the elite among the cannon fodder. Before the big forces came on stage, they did not want to see second-rate forces. The fleet is intact.

On the next day, Fat Cat's 'fat' face appeared on the communicator again, not as depressed as yesterday, but not overly happy either.

"I was given one million star coins, and the intelligence office directly gave me sick leave, allowing me to return to the main planet to recuperate!"

"Is this good? You should be happy!"

Gao Feng likes Zhai Mao very much. He is a kind and honest guy. Although he is a bit lewd and lustful, he is also very simple, trusts people easily, and is considerate to his friends. Even if he is blackmailed by his friends, he cannot change it.

"The problem is that after three batas, the King of Glory Legion will enter the new star area..."

Bata is the timing unit of the Chaos Star Territory. About eighty hours are equal to one Bata, and three Bata are two hundred and forty hours. In other words, there are still ten days before the peak must be entered. On the battlefield, even if Gao Feng leaves with Gao Yue, the fleet must enter, otherwise, the ghost fleet will completely destroy the space city and want him throughout the chaotic star field.

"I know, don't worry, I've been through more battles than the hot girls you've seen!"

Gao Feng seemed very relaxed, which made Zhai Mao less uncomfortable, but he still wanted to express his kindness.

"Brother, how about I introduce you to some girls from Como, I guarantee they have hot bodies and smooth fur..."

This time Gao Feng turned off the communication. He was afraid that he would not be able to help but pull out the house cat and give it a beating. It took him a while to get the image of the female cat out of his mind. Gao Feng immediately got up and went to find Gao Yue. , there are only ten days left, and we can no longer do business.

Gao Feng finally understood why the ghost fleet crowded countless ships together. This starry sky is a rare narrow terrain, surrounded by a large number of meteorite fragments and twisted positions. It is almost impossible for medium and large warships to pass, while small ships will It’s easy to sink into a distorted position.

It can be said that this is a natural pond. The fish can only pass through two sections of the canal. There is no way to run in other directions. Every time when you want to kill the fish, you only need to open the gate to drive them away. Glory of the King More than 100,000 warships were driven into the unfamiliar starry sky, the so-called new star area.

As soon as they entered the starry sky, they were blocked by countless piled-up ship wreckage. There were still dense firefights shining at the end of the starry sky. In addition to the broken ships, there were more corpses and all kinds of things. Corpses were vaporized by high temperatures, exploded to pieces, dismembered by fragments, and fell into a vacuum and were frozen into zombies. Most of them were various rescue capsules. Unfortunately, there were no search and rescue ships to rescue them, so they could only be treated as corpses. The coffin sleeps forever.

It is not only the fleet of King of Glory that has entered the star area, but also scattered fleets of varying numbers. The largest is only three to five thousand ships, and the smallest is only a few hundred ships, so these individual travelers have become pathfinders. When the vanguard arrived here, whether it was the Faka Fleet or the League of Legends, they were all very happy in their hearts. Fortunately, Gao Yue brought them to join the gang, otherwise, they would also be a member of the pathfinder.

As usual, the weaker ones usually move up. After they disperse, they are the second-rate forces with less than 5,000 ships. This does not include the League of Legends, because the fleet that came later to join brought the number of warships in the League of Legends to 7,000. , even if it is placed in the King of Glory, it can be "touched" into the top ten, so it is in a safe position for the time being.

Who is the enemy? I don’t know, but all that were damaged along the way were warships and various weapons and equipment. The most common ones were some kind of unmanned attack aircraft. This silver-white fighter aircraft was like an enlarged cicada, with a huge engine nozzle, and it could accelerate in a short distance. Far more powerful than the fastest battleships.

Just as the fleet was grinding forward, news of an attack suddenly came from the front, and then, countless messages requesting support scrolled on the communicator like a screen. Perhaps because of heavy casualties, all channels were used. In other words, the entire Every warship in the fleet can receive a distress signal, which then plunges the entire fleet into panic.

The biggest problem with the patchwork fleet is that it is not united. Even if it fights alone and is very fierce, if it 'sneaks' into the organization, there will be all kinds of calculations. There will be terrible enemies ahead, plus the wreckage of millions of battleships destroyed along the way. , King of Glory's fleet cluster suddenly fell into a dispute. The powerful asked the weak to support, and the weak asked the powerful to cover. Some suggested temporary evasion and 'clarification' of the situation first, and most of them stopped the fleet. Waiting for results.

Something happened at this moment. More than 80 warships lined up, like lit firecrackers, exploded in a very short period of time. The scope of the explosion was still spreading, which immediately caused a "commotion" from other fleets. Chaos, like green-headed flies startled by stones, fled outwards one after another. Unfortunately, in the narrow range where the wreckage was scattered, most warships were unable to move at full speed, thus triggering more unknown attacks.

The King of Glory is originally a ragtag group composed of many forces, large and small. Once faced with a threat, the first thing that comes to mind is to let others step on the thunder, and then quickly escape. As a result, after suffering heavy losses, they still haven’t discovered what the enemy is. .

Fortunately, the attack occurred tens of millions of kilometers away, and the first to suffer was the cannon fodder among the cannon fodder. The League of Legends could be considered a strong fleet, and it was in a pretty good position. At least it was blocked by a large group of shields.

On the photon radar, countless tiny light spots dimmed rapidly. This was the immediate feedback after the battleship sank. The chaos was gradually spreading. Not only the cannon fodder fleet, but also the large fleets were beginning to be in chaos. At this time, the total number of battleships lost was only a few hundred, which was only an insignificant part compared to the huge fleet of more than 100,000 ships.

When the turmoil first appeared, Gao Feng understood one thing. Even if he made friends with a hundred thousand pigs, it would be better to survive in the fleet of King of Glory, and the battle loss would be 1%. If not, the huge fleet will be in chaos. If it goes to the battlefield, will you be tricked to death?

It is not only the discordant fleet that is in chaos, but also the people's hearts. Even in the absolutely safe core area, the League of Legends' patchwork fleet has sent communication requests to Gao Feng, all wanting to evacuate the battlefield.

"Do you want to avoid it for now?"

The unknown and strange attack made Gao Yue a little panicked. She couldn't blame her for being timid, but she had never encountered such a chaotic scene. When she first entered the battlefield, there were more than 100,000 battleships with a majestic momentum. Her emotions were high, but the next moment she was hit to the freezing point by the chaos of the fleet. The strong contrast made her lack of confidence.

Whether it was Gao Yue's suggestion or the League of Legends' request, Gao Feng ignored it. Instead, he carefully observed the rapidly disappearing battleship blip on the photon radar. Compared with others, Gao Feng had gone through hundreds of battles both physically and mentally, and had encountered countless dangers, let alone He has experienced dozens of battleships lost in an instant, even large-scale battles in which tens of thousands of battleships were lost, no fewer than dozens of times.

"Get your first fleet ready. If you find anyone trying to leave without permission, fire directly without warning!"

After a while, Gao Feng seemed to come back to his senses and directly issued the first order. Gao Yue opened her big eyes and stared at Gao Feng hard. Seeing that he had a serious expression on his face and no intention of joking, she suppressed the doubts in her heart and said, Turn around and give orders to the Guards Fleet.

The Guards Fleet is not a ragtag group that first conquered the planet Farka. The two hundred battleships may not seem big, but in fact they are all heavy-duty warships. They are equipped with sub-light speed gamma missiles dug by Farkar. Once they explode at full power, they can Thousands of large warships can be destroyed instantly, not to mention the large light cannon core components privately modified by Gao Feng, which can greatly improve the fleet's firepower and attack interval.

All fleets belonging to the League of Legends received Gao Yue's warning, and some fringe forces suddenly became more at ease, because Gao Gao firmly controlled the most powerful fleet, whether it was the Faka Fleet, or the second, third, and fifth combined fleets. They all look to the top, and it is these fleets that have the strongest combat power.

Following Gao Feng's order, the League of Legends, composed of more than 7,000 battleships, completely reversed the trend of collapse, and then gradually shrank to form a denser whole, with isolation lines separated from the battleships of other forces in the marginal areas.

It wasn't until this time that the members of the League of Legends discovered that the large forces of King of Glory had actually contracted their formations like their own fleets, forming large fleet clusters. It was all the small and medium-sized forces that were in panic because of the commotion. , in this way, the situation suddenly becomes clear.

If the mysterious attacker is an unknown virus, then the attacked fleet is an infected person. Before the truth about the virus is understood, either escaping or fighting back is wrong, which will make the situation more complicated and worsened. The best way is to isolate, create an isolation area, and then figure it out.

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