Apocalyptic Dark Age

2148 Humans wandering in the stars

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Gao Feng just observed and did nothing. When the swordfish's body was fixed at a length of more than fifty meters, Gao Feng opened his eyes thoughtfully. This was the twenty-seventh piece of material he had observed, twenty consecutive times. The seven galactic sea beasts all have the same evolutionary reaction, working hard to increase their size and then accommodate more energy, thereby developing into even larger sea beasts. . :.

This breaks the normal trajectory of biological evolution. The more powerful a creature is, at a certain level, it will give up its own expansionary development and instead pursue miniaturization. This is because a miniaturized body can better accumulate energy and move towards a more powerful one. High-level transformation is what most creatures in the starry sky do. Even savage creatures without intelligence will follow their instincts and compress themselves as much as possible when they reach the level of the center of the galaxy, and go to the starry sky to find places with abundant energy.

The real mystery of the Abyss Planet gradually unfolded in Gao Feng's eyes. Although it was only a small part, it was enough for Gao Feng to understand what the problem with the little mermaid was. The little mermaid violated the laws of the Abyss Planet and tried to advance as a mermaid. Naturally, It will cause the body to collapse, resulting in complete failure.

At the peak of completely clarifying my thoughts, I returned to the Crystal Palace again. Looking at the little beauty who was still frowning while sleeping, I couldn't help but construct a new image of the mermaid in my heart. According to the evolution method of the abyss planet, the body of the little mermaid must expand at least ten times. , can accommodate the energy of the galactic center level. Of course, it is not necessary for the 1.23 meter Little Mermaid to become 13 meters. It is also possible to develop sideways, but in this way, even the peak cannot accept a piece of 'fat' Meat' image of fat mermaid.

This time it is no longer covered by perception. Gao Feng's right hand is attached to the smooth and delicate belly of the mermaid, completely blocking the touch and feel. The spiritual sea flashes with waves and turns into invisible threads, covering the mermaid's body like a cocoon. Wrapping, slowly seeping in.

This is the first time Gao Feng has completed spiritual penetration with all his strength after becoming a peak powerhouse. Even if his spiritual sea is equivalent to the vast abyss, it still feels difficult because this is not a superficial analysis. , but a more in-depth and detailed analysis.

The structure of living things is complex and changeable, and the various chemical elements are even more bizarre. They are not as simple as ores. Even the most complex associated ores only have more than a hundred kinds, and the most inconspicuous living things have tens of thousands or even tens of thousands. Millions of changes, let alone mermaid, millions of changes are just the most basic.

Fortunately, Gao Feng has never given up his plan to treat the little mermaid. He analyzes it almost every day. His understanding of the little mermaid's body is probably deeper than any mermaid's millions of years of exploration, so the foundation has been laid firmly enough.

The powerful spiritual power turns Gao Feng into a ghost, wandering in the ocean of countless cells. Under the analysis of the complete state, everything is no longer a secret to Gao Feng, even the mysterious gene arrangement is still in the spirit. 'Under the exploration of divine power, it becomes a tangible image.

At this moment, trillions of information turned into data, rushing into the soul of the peak, pouring down like a waterfall. If the spiritual power of the peak is strong enough, it is likely that the spirit will be overwhelmed by this terrifying information flow. Hai, completely turned into an idiot.

Ninety-nine point nine percent of the information is complicated and repetitive useless information. A large amount of seemingly junk information is the basic material for building a mermaid body. If it can be understood and mastered, Gaofeng can rely on precise control. He uses his power to copy a little mermaid out of nothing. Unfortunately, even if he copies it, it is just a pile of dead flesh that can breathe. Real life is not that simple.

Originally, the spirit sea at the peak was extremely deep. Even ordinary peak powerhouses could not accumulate as much as him, let alone a great demon, Antalil, the great demon who transformed into a star. Jing always relies on the Spirit Sea, and uses slumber to complete a higher level of transformation. Maybe it was with the intention of free upgrades from the beginning, but it also indirectly improved the conversion efficiency of the Spirit Sea for Gaofeng. And it shared the pressure of the huge data information from the Spiritual Sea, and quickly cut off countless tedious information, leaving only the information about the genetic code lock.

The biggest trouble for the little mermaid is that the recessive code lock has imprisoned the genes, just like the drain pipe is blocked, the energy cannot flow smoothly, and the pressure is too high and the internal collapse occurs.

It is not easy to unlock the code lock. These code locks hidden deep in the genes not only lock the evolutionary channels, but also stabilize the genetic structure. If the balance is broken, it is likely to cause all-round collapse.

First of all, we need to analyze the mermaid genetic map, which is not difficult for Gao Feng. As someone who evolved from an ordinary life to an advanced life, every evolution is a process of genetic transformation, especially after advancing to the Broken Star, even if he is 'mixed' The process of swallowing the Chaos God King and using energy to reshape his body allowed him to fully understand the secret of genes.

It is easy to control oneself, but it is relatively difficult to analyze other life forms. Even if the analysis ability is used at peak to kill a large number of bugs, it will only initially understand the key points of the bugs, and does not need to understand the genes of the bugs. Therefore, a large amount of mental power is being consumed rapidly. In the process of consumption, the secret of the mermaid is finally revealed.

Gao Feng was surprised to find that there were traces of artificial modification in the mermaid's genes. Although after countless years of inheritance, the traces of modification were no longer obvious, but under the full range of spiritual power, they could no longer be concealed.

Suddenly, an inexplicable intuition surged in his heart. He, who was stuck at the peak of the catastrophe level, might be able to find further possibilities for himself from the mermaid's weird genetic map.

The genetic similarity between mermaids and humans reaches 95%, which is a terrifying value. Even the most similar ones among other humanoid species in the galaxy are only 80%, even if they look exactly the same as humans. , nor can they be closer genetically.

Gao Feng had a hunch that the modified genes of mermaids were not deliberately to prevent their evolution, but were more suitable for the environment of the Abyssal Star. In other words, the culprit of the mermaid's problems was the mermaid's instinct to survive on the seabed.

In other words, mermaids have been artificially transformed into marine creatures, and this transformation is redundant in the process of life evolution. It usually does not affect the reproduction of mermaids, but once it evolves, it will become like cancer cells, thus becoming The mermaid's curse.

"In other words, this little guy like you is actually a human, a pure human. It's incredible...

Recovering the peak of his mental power, he looked at the sleeping mermaid complicatedly, his fingers gently gliding her delicate cheeks. No wonder he was desperate, even putting aside the search for replacement materials for the jump engine, and concentrated on finding a way to save the little mermaid. The reason is not a rage that destroys everything due to losing control of emotions, but an instinctive reaction when encountering humans on a strange planet. This shows that the Abyssal Star is not too far away from the solar system.

What Gao Feng wanted to do at this time was not to return to Earth quickly, but to think about the reason why mermaids appeared on the Abyssal Star. There are countless planets in deep space, and most of them are gas or ice planets. There are no conditions for the birth of life. Once they appear, Life means infinite value improvement, and every living planet is a pearl in the sand.

Most biological gene comparisons on the living planet are similar and have the imprint of the living planet itself. In other words, even a shrimp and the most terrifying abyss behemoth have genetic similarities, but the mermaid is different. , although there is also the mark of the living planet, it is an external addition and has obvious traces of modification.

Gao Feng first thought of the Moko tribe. Only the Moko tribe could bring humans to this strange planet. Then he began to wonder. There was no sign of the planet's origin being harvested. If it was the abyss planet's Once the origin is harvested, it is impossible for creatures above the Silver Heart level to appear, and here, Silver Heart level creatures are not uncommon.

This made him feel incredible. If this was the case, there were only two possibilities. Either a third party brought humans from the earth, or the earth once had a very developed civilization that started the interstellar era and immigrated from the earth.

After a while, Gao Feng put aside all the distracting thoughts and returned his attention to the little mermaid. The problem of the little mermaid has been figured out. Although it is troublesome to treat, it is not a big problem. At least it is better than repairing the jump engine. It comes easy.

Gao Feng, who knew it by heart, took a crystal starfish the size of a basketball. With a shake, the blue crystal starfish instantly turned into billions of crystal sand, reflecting thousands of brilliance like clouds. At this moment, the entire Crystal Palace They all add a bit of color because of the flowing rosy clouds.

Gaofeng did not need the energy contained in the crystal sand. He blew a breath, and countless streams of light came out of the crystal sand and were scattered casually, becoming part of the island's abundant energy.

The crystal sand that has lost its energy has lost its brilliance and splendor, leaving only the original color of the crystal. It is like a woman who has seen all the prosperity, shed all the dust of her life, restrained her gorgeous color, and looks ordinary but not normal.

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