Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 81 The Last Strike

It was an incomparably magnificent scene.

The "mountain" located in the north of the city sank suddenly, dust waves and shock waves swept along the river, huge cracks spread across the ground like snakes, and some bean curd projects on the river bank even collapsed in the huge earthquake.

However, the main structure of the nest was not damaged.

The explosion tore apart everything in an instant, and the "kingdom" built by the burrowers in the ground collapsed in an instant. The reversing explosion and flame rushed to the interior of the insect nest through the connected structure. It was instantly torn apart by the violent explosion, and the passages connecting the cemetery and various underground facilities at the bottom of the insect nest were completely closed, blocking larger explosions and flames from the insect nest, and maintaining the outer layer of space operations and space navigation. Although the armor also contains biological structures, it is a super strong material under special metal materials. An explosion of this scale cannot penetrate such a defense layer.

But despite this, the soaring sacrificial explosion and flame waves have also rushed into the nest.

Located inside the insect nest, the mantis-like multi-eyed monster lowered its head, and its thirty-two eyes were illuminated into fiery red by the rising flames.

The next moment, it was engulfed by the shock wave and flame wave together with a large number of biological tissue structures in the worm nest, and all the pipes connecting it to various tissues and organs were all broken!

The high pressure and high temperature instantly swept through the entire insect nest like a torrent, making it like a grenade with a violent internal reaction, as if it was about to explode in an instant!

The inner wall of the worm nest even burst into terrifying cracks.

However, in the flames, the monster with thirty-two eyes did not burn. On the contrary, its thirty-two eyes lit up inch by inch, which was a brighter color than the flames. Closed, a large amount of dry powder-like things began to escape from both sides of the nest, sweeping the interior of the nest from top to bottom.

At the same time, from the inner wall of the insect nest, a large amount of bright blue soft tissue-like things began to secrete, but they were not afraid of the flames, and quickly formed a film inside the insect nest to relieve the impact head-on. At the same time, the insects The several lateral edge positions of the nest actively opened a mouthful of one-person-high openings, began to actively exert pressure, and released a large number of billowing smoke waves, submerging the entire insect nest in the monstrous black and white smoke, above the insect nest The densely covered black beetle "armor" finally fell down one after another in the huge earthquake, and its shield system finally went offline at this moment.

Su Ran was waiting for this moment, but this scene was still beyond his expectation.

The internal explosion, high temperature and high pressure failed to completely destroy the insect nest, which was expected by Su Ran, but according to his plan, such a martyrdom explosion would surely open the "exit gate" at the top of the insect nest again , releasing the pressure and heat to keep its interior from exploding.

And in that way, as long as Su Ran hits the head, the terrorist attack from the destroyer can completely penetrate the inside of the worm nest that was completely chaotic due to the internal explosion, and mess it up!

However, the worm nest's way of releasing pressure completely ruined Su Ran's plan.

But at this time, he had swooped down from the sky, and the laser cannon charged out, and if he didn't shoot, he would shoot.

This was the last main gun fire he could sustain, and now was his best chance.

Su Ran's destroyer auxiliary system was damaged in the battle just now, and the smoke and dust interfered with the sight to a great extent. Su Ran wanted to hit the cannon from the few pressure relief gaps opened by the worm nest at this moment, but he couldn't Unable to aim, he could only follow a column of smoke and shoot down with one shot.

Su Ran doesn't know whether this cannon can hit or not. The low-altitude position has almost been swallowed by the soaring smoke and dust. With the auxiliary system offline, Su Ran can only rely on the hot spots on the insect nest displayed by the destroyer's heat-sensing radar. And the human brain judges fire.

Su Ran's heart was extremely tense, his hands were covered with cold sweat, if he could punch in through the gap where the worm nest releases pressure,

A single blow would surely bear fruit, but if not, his single shot might not be able to penetrate the nest.

Su Ran is self-aware. Although his destroyer is powerful, it is also an intraplanetary combat platform, and these bugs are alien races, and this kind of insect nest is their strange "battleship".

It goes without saying how likely it is for an intraplanetary combat weapon platform to penetrate the armor of a battleship used to invade other civilizations.

However, at this moment, the height of the destroyer had dropped to the dangerous threshold, and he had to fire this shot if he didn't.

The entire destroyer was howling and vibrating violently. The high temperature also affected the interior of the destroyer. As the temperature rose, the mechanical structure creaked in the huge earthquake, as if this giant might collapse at any time. The locusts were all knocked away by the high-speed dive destroyer, flew out, and disappeared into the boiling smoke!

And at this moment, Su Ran suddenly pressed the trigger button of the main gun!

Dazzling flashes pierced the sky and the earth.

Su Ran didn't even blink her eyes, she watched the ray of light piercing through the steaming world, and finally disappeared in the boundless smoke.

At this moment, the mantis-like creature inside the nest suddenly raised its head. Through the flames and thick smoke, as well as the heavy outer defense layer of the nest, it seemed to be able to see Su Ran's blow.

At this moment, it seemed to be holding its breath, extremely nervous.

It regards Su Ran's destroyer as the greatest threat, and believes that Su Ran's destroyer carries weapons that are powerful enough to destroy its insect nest with one blow, and at this moment, its insect nest's defense is the weakest moment.

If that "unknown civilization warship" really has the force to destroy it, at this moment, it will usher in destruction!

At this moment, an emergency defense line was pulled up in the insect nest, and the opened pressure relief cavity shrank and closed extremely suddenly, but the ray still penetrated fiercely, illuminating everything for a short time, penetrating and destroying everything in the insect nest, It almost passed the praying mantis monster above, but the light only lasted for a short time. The hole in the insect nest in this direction closed, "cutting off" this terrifying blow in the center!

The blow was completed in an instant, and the dazzling light lasted for a few seconds before disappearing completely.

At this moment, Su Ran's destroyer pulled up quickly and raised its height again. However, from the screen, although the insect nest was slowly sinking, the main structure did not seem to be penetrated.

Su Ran couldn't see the whole situation below, and didn't even know if he hit or not, but judging from the situation, the insect nest should be half scrapped.

It's incredible for him to fight big with small things.

But at this moment, the nest was bleak, except that the outer shell was still strong, but its interior was almost rotten. The thirty-two strange eyes of the praying mantis-like creature were still open, and its head was raised, as if it was still staring at it. Dragging the billowing smoke and dust, the "unknown civilization warship" lifted off again.

At this moment, it finally realized that its estimation was wrong and it was too nervous.

The opponent has no force to penetrate them at all.

But it does not regret it, nor is it disappointed, because for the cosmic race, prudence is always the most important thing. If it makes a mistake in judgment, it will pay a little price at most, such as today, but if the judgment is correct, if it is not cautious, the dead race will be destroyed. They are the ones that are extinct.

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