Another World Sandbox Gamer

Chapter 26: Capture the Goblin Lair

[System] Congratulations on taming the raptor, please name your pet!

[System] Congratulations on taming the raptor, please name your pet!

When Ren was resting, the two raptors had already been tamed.

But he slept until the next day, and only went to the animal pen to check after he got up.

He was too lazy to name them, so he directly changed their names to No. 1 and No. 2, which is simple and clear.

The two raptors were released from the animal pen and were extremely well behaved in front of Ren.

They all have their own virtual storage space, where pet food and other materials can be placed, which is a good thing for Ren. Although the velociraptor doesn't have much storage space, only twenty-four, which add up to forty-eight grids. a lot of.

You can also make pet backpacks for them to increase storage space.

Ren went to the workshop first to make saddles for pets.

The recipe for a saddle is 5 leather and 3 iron ingots, which is quite simple.

I made two, and both No. 1 and No. 2 were equipped, and the shape was quite good.

With pets and two raptors with strong fighting power, Ren moved towards the goblin's lair, striving to capture these two natural ore veins, mine enough ore, and make a complete set of iron tools and equipment as soon as possible.

As long as he enters the Iron Age, he can develop the base in an orderly manner, continue to expand with the settlement as the center, destroy the surrounding threatening creatures, and create a living environment that is completely his own.

Taking the lift to the ground, turning over and riding on the back of No. 1, I felt that the special saddle was very comfortable.

When the raptor ran, Ren felt very stable.

Riding a Velociraptor, he quickly came to the vicinity of the goblin's lair, found a higher position, and took out the binoculars for observation without being discovered.

It looks like the goblins have just hunted a wild boar and dragged it into a dark cave to eat.

At the entrance of the cave, a few people who were assigned meat were patrolling, and at the same time, they were nibbling on the raw meat that was freshly cut from the wild boar and was full of bloodshots.

They have fires, and they seem to like eating raw meat.

Ren has observed this goblin lair many times, and the number is around 30.

Half of them are adult goblins, responsible for patrolling and hunting, and the rest are old and weak, and the scale is not too large.

They will not easily enter the hunting range of wild beasts, and will try to avoid threatening creatures, and they will not run into rivers with other species.

If it weren't for the iron ore veins next to them, Ren needed these minerals and didn't want to trouble them.

He won't come by himself. Although the goblins have limited combat power, the siege of more than 30 goblins also gave Ren a headache.

Now with the Velociraptor, that's another story.

Ren was in no hurry to make a move, ready to check the raptor's combat effectiveness.

He gave orders to the two raptors from a high place, while most of the goblins were enjoying wild boar inside the cave, and attacked the goblins patrolling the door at the fastest speed.

No. 1 and No. 2 were ordered to immediately set off along the path and quickly rushed to the goblin's lair.

They move extremely fast, at a speed of 60 to 70 kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to a car whizzing past you.

Although a car with a speed of 60 to 70 kilometers per hour is not very fast, compared to the goblins, it is extremely amazing!

The Velociraptor has a speed of two meters per second and can run for a long time, so it is difficult for the target to react.

Sure enough, the goblins who were patrolling did not realize that the danger was approaching, and focused on the delicious raw meat.

One of them heard the sound of "rustling" from the surrounding woods, and just turned his head, he was bitten by No. 1, and quickly broke his neck and dragged him into the bushes, before he could even cry.

The speed was so fast that another nearby goblin on patrol didn't notice it. When he approached, No. 2 rushed out quickly, biting the goblin's head and dragging it into the bushes ferociously.

[System] Kill the Goblin on the 1st, you will get 30 experience points!

[System] Kill the goblin on the 2nd, you will get 30 experience points!

When the pet kills the target, Ren can also gain experience, which is very cool.

I didn't expect the Velociraptor to be so powerful. Recalling the sci-fi movies I've seen before, no wonder those characters have a hard time surviving under a sneak attack. Their speed is so fast that they don't give you a chance to react at all.

The third patrolling goblin obviously found something wrong. It saw the blood stains left by its companions. Although it did not understand who the attacker was, it immediately howled in the direction of the cave and warned its companions.

As a result, No. 1 suddenly jumped out of the bushes behind it and directly bit its neck.

No. 2 also ran out, but without waiting for the goblins to come out, he rushed into the cave decisively.

No. 1 killed the goblin and rushed in.

In the cave, the panicked cry of the goblins and the voice of resisting the raptors were soon heard in the cave.

Ren was a little worried. Although the velociraptor is powerful, will it hurt to rush directly into the goblin's lair to fight?

There are so many goblins besieging and fighting, and they also have weapons. If they kill the two raptors that they finally got, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

Quickly left the highland with the bow and arrow, and quickly ran to the goblin's lair.

At the entrance of the nest, use the bushes to hide and watch carefully.

At this time, a goblin with a broken arm escaped in panic.

Ren took aim decisively, and the arrow shot out.

It's a pity that I shot a little too quickly and missed.

The Goblin was startled by the arrows falling beside When he found Ren hiding behind the bushes, he turned his head and ran away.

Ren drew the bow again, aimed carefully and shot the arrow.

This successful hit, the arrow pierced through the goblin's chest, killing him instantly.

[System] You kill the goblin and get 30 experience points!

[System] Kill the Goblin on the 1st, you will get 30 experience points!

[System] Kill the goblin on the 2nd, you will get 30 experience points!


There are constantly prompts to gain experience points. No. 1 and No. 2 are killing people in the cave, which seems to be very powerful.

Occasionally, injured goblins escaped from the cave, and Ren secretly shot up arrows, but not a single one was spared.

After a while, the prompt for gaining experience disappeared. Under Ren's nervous eyes, No. 1 and No. 2, covered in blood, came out of the cave and stepped on **** footprints to come to him.

Since they came out safely, it meant that the goblins inside were all wiped out and there was no survivors.

Ren was amazed at the strength of the raptors, only two of them emptied the entire goblin lair!

Open their status panel, both pets are injured and bleeding, the health value is very low, almost bottomed out.

Quickly take out the linen and use it on them. After bandaging, stop the bleeding, so as not to bleed too much and hang up, causing huge losses.

Fortunately, they can recover their health by eating meat. Ren asked them to eat the wild boars hunted by the goblins directly, and quickly touch the corpses to check the loot that the goblins exploded.

[System] You get Goblin's ears!

[System] You got the goblin's bone stick!

[System] You got the Goblin's Bone Knife!

[System] You get an animal skin skirt!


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