An Unscientific Marvel Scientist

Two hundred and fifty-one, teleportation is indeed regular!

Kraft had no intention of understanding the identity of the female Spider-Man in front of him, and directly used the Reality Gem to confuse Spider-Gwen's vision, and then threw the portal gun in his hand to Gu Yi who was already crying with laughter.

"Try it for you! This is so evil!"

If it is based on the distance of the relationship, then he should also appear near Martin Lee, what the hell is a bunch of Peter Parker? And the black guy before and the spider girl he met now are obviously not Peter Parker.

"Okay, how do you use this thing?"

Gu Yi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, randomly chose a new coordinate under Kraft's guidance, and used technological products to open a portal for the first time.

So when Spider Gwen was looking for the two people who suddenly appeared and disappeared just now, Kraft and Gu Yi had already got into the portal and left this parallel time and space.

"It's a big night again..."

Kraft, who walked out of the portal, looked at the pitch-black sky around him and rubbed his chin.

"When will I go to other parallel worlds to get the time gem and add a time-locking function to my portal gun, otherwise the time will be very annoying if it changes."

"But then again, where is this?"

After determining the next improvement direction of the portal gun, Kraft looked at the surrounding environment again.

He didn't care about anything else, he just wanted to see if he would meet Spider-Man again.

For the first time in his life, Kraft felt a deep loathing for Peter Parker.

Judging from the surrounding buildings, they seemed to be in a manor, and the environment of the whole manor seemed to be quite good, probably not an ordinary rich family.

Especially after Angela located them still near New York through the stars in the sky, Kraft was more sure of this.

To have such a large private estate in New York where every inch of land is expensive, even in a suburban area is quite remarkable.

At this moment, Gu Yi beside Kraft suddenly let out a cold snort, and then swiped his hand a few times quickly.

"It's not polite to read other people's memories without saying a word."

Gu Yi cast his eyes coldly into the darkness deep in the manor.

Kraft glanced at Gu Yi, and didn't dismantle her... Obviously you have done such stupid things yourself...

"I'm sorry if I offended you, but the two of you came here uninvited, so I have to be on guard. After all, there are still many children here who need my protection."

A male voice that was kind enough to make most people angry at the first moment sounded from the direction Gu looked past, and then an old white man in a wheelchair slowly emerged from the darkness.

Kraft glanced at Gu Yi again, but this time his eyes moved up slightly, looking at Gu Yi's head with a layer of platinum-blonde hair.

It's not because of anything else, it's just that this old man who suddenly appeared has a shiny head like the old Gu Yi.

Gu Yi obviously understood the meaning of Kraft's gaze, she gave Kraft an angry look, and then turned her gaze to Professor Charles again.

"We just passed by unintentionally, and we have no malice towards you."

Gu Yi didn't intend to continue dealing with Charles, so he drew a portal and dragged Kraft away.

"Professor! Where did the intruder just go?!"

It wasn't until Kraft and Gu Yi left that Jean Gray and the others arrived late. They had been notified by Charles early on, and they were just staying in the student dormitory, protecting the young mutants in the Xavier Academy for Genius Boys.

"It's nothing serious, it shouldn't be an enemy."

Charles didn't want their nerves to be too tense, and he did not feel hostility from Gu Yi and Kraft.

"They should have stumbled here by accident while using their abilities.


"Mutants? Professor, why don't you keep them?"

Cyclops asked puzzledly.

"It's not just mutants who have special abilities, Scott."

Charles shook his head. He could feel that neither of the two people were mutants before, so he didn't ask them to stay.

"Okay, let's go."

Charles waved his hand, not intending to continue this topic.

"Eric's recent movements are a bit abnormal, and he is the one we need to pay more attention to."


After leaving Xavier Academy for Genius Boys, Kraft and Gu Yi were not in a hurry to leave here.

One is that Kraft is still curious about whether there will be a Spiderman in this world, and the other is that Kraft is a little tired after traveling through so many worlds in a row, so he plans to rest here.

Fortunately, the level of science and technology in this world is still advanced, and it is much easier for Angela to obtain information.

" should I put it... people in this world, are they all right?"

After reading the information collected by Angela, Kraft was stunned.

Mutants are discriminated against by the mainstream and under official control. In fact, Kraft can understand it. After all, in his own world, those superheroes and mutants have also experienced similar experiences.

It’s just that the official means of this world are really bad. If it was Nick Fury’s black-salted egg, most of the mutants would probably become official thugs. Most mutants have him to thank.

Then that Professor Charles, who is also bald, has a brain hole. He obviously has the power to wrestle with the American officials head-on, but he only wants to talk about peace, and keeps giving way on many issues. To be honest, mutants will fall into the situation they are today. At this point, he should bear at least half of the responsibility.

Although Magneto, whom Kraft is familiar with, is more extreme, if he does not want to surpass ordinary humans, but seeks to coexist like Charles, his way of action is actually more likely to achieve results.

It's not like the saying - if you seek peace through struggle, you will live peacefully; if you seek peace through compromise, you will die peacefully.

Kraft felt that Charles should take a look at Mao Xuan and other materials, otherwise, sooner or later, the mutants would be brought to the point of no return by him and Magneto, who were like pros and cons.

However, Kraft is actually not very concerned about the future of the mutants. Although he feels sorry for what happened to them, Kraft feels that just some information is not enough to make him stand on the side of the mutants.

And not all mutants seek to coexist like the X-Men, and there are actually quite a few mutants who hold the same view as Magneto. If Kraft wants to help mutants, then he must solve this problem.

However, this kind of problem cannot be solved in a short time. Even without considering the means and subsequent impact, Kraft estimates that it will take at least a few years, and he still has to find his way back. How can he have time? It's a waste.

Although with Angela and Ala Lei around, Kraft feels that there will be no major problems in his world, but he doesn't have the luxury to stay here for several years or even decades to help a group of unknown guys solve this kind of social problem .

Kraft only intends to spend a little time in this world, at most, while collecting the Adamantium metal that interests him, if he encounters something he doesn't like, he will help him. High-speed text hand-typed an unscientific Marvel scientist chapter list

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