America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 316 Alexander’s Road to House of Cards

The atmosphere of a big family like the Shrub family.

It made Abel feel like China. Compared with ordinary Angsa people or Europeans and Americans, the proportion of people who value family is not very high.

Although they are not kicked out of their homes at the age of eighteen, they are among the common people and poor people.

Many families really become two families once they reach adulthood.

Only the middle class and the elite have a stronger sense of family values.

The Shrub family has such a strong family concept. Firstly, the family really has a "throne" to inherit.

Secondly, it is mainly because Herbert's wife Barbara is a good housekeeper, and Herbert himself is very capable.

Under the constraints of him and his wife, this generation of the Bush family was fostered to be united.

The older generation is united, and the next generation has grown up in this atmosphere, so the relationship will naturally not be too far off.

This atmosphere also infected the small Smith family.

Emily even whispered to Abel: "Actually, if we have more children, it might be nice to be more lively."

She already knows that she now has three grandchildren, but they are not born yet.

Abel did not hide this from her.

Abel glanced at her and wanted to speak. Just as little Laura got dressed up and came out, he naturally stopped the topic.

There is still an hour left before the dinner and cocktail party starts.

In the first lady's living room, everyone had something to eat in advance.

This is also what many European and American upper-class people do when attending cocktail parties and banquets.

Eat first, at least half full. In this way, you can avoid it at the cocktail party or banquet later.

Because I was hungry, I focused on eating and forgot the real purpose of these wine parties.

Eating at this kind of reception is never the main thing.

What's important has always been social interaction.

The Smiths ate a little too.

After we had almost eaten, we took advantage of the fact that it was still dark.

Little Laura suggested that Emily go out for a walk. She wanted to show Emily the white house.

Little Laura could see that Emily was quite curious about this place.

This is also the curiosity of most people in this country, even Abel who is just starting out is no exception.

George also smiled and supported little Laura's approach. Little Laura took the Smith family and left the first lady's living room first.

Little Laura held Emily's arm intimately while touring the white house.

Alexander did not go. He appeared on the South Lawn accompanied by Abel.

There are many staff setting up on the South Lawn, and a large part of the evening reception will be held here.

Tonight we will use the buffet mode for the buffet because there may be too many people coming.

We might not be able to stay indoors, and since the weather is nice today, we might as well have an outdoor buffet.

It was about half an hour before the guests arrived, and there were only staff on the wide South Lawn.

Abel and his son were walking among them.

"I think this place is very ordinary." Alexander suddenly said: "I think your grandfather's house in Houston is more beautiful than here."

"The attraction here is not the house. It's the power that the people who live in this house have."

Abel glanced at his father, "Ask yourself, my father. Have you never thought about living here one day?"

Faced with his son's question, Alexander looked up at several buildings across the lake.

It's not completely dark yet, and the buildings are already lit up.

"Of course there is. American boy, who didn't have this kind of fantasy when he was a child?"

This is just like the vast majority of children in China who dreamed of becoming a XXX when they were young.

"That's right." Abel stopped and said softly to his father, "I hope you can live in it one day."

Alexander stopped after him and looked sideways at his son.

Alexander would have been surprised if Abel had said these words to him a year ago.

Alexander was not surprised at all when Abel said these words to him now.

A year ago, that time in the safe house beneath Smith Manor.

The secret conversation between father and son had already made Alexander understand Abel's thoughts and plans.

From that moment on, Alexander decided to help his son.

Then Alexander would not be surprised to hear his son say this again.

"Father." Abel suddenly whispered, "Do you think you can become a member of Parliament next November?"

Alexander looked at him and said, "Next year? Isn't it too hasty? I've only just gotten used to adapting to this kind of life."

"What's the point? Some people were senior executives in certain companies last month. They became finance ministers next month." Abel said nonchalantly:

"In comparison, you also have richer experience."

Alexander guessed that his son was talking about George's treasurer.

Because of my son, even as far away as Texas.

Uncle Alexander is paying attention to the political situation across the country, especially the situation in DC.

In this way, Alexander naturally also knew about Paul Henry O'Neill, who was said to be increasingly at odds with George and the White House recently.

Alexander ponders his chances of success next year.

Abel was thinking too.

Next year is 2002, and there will be a new round of selection at the end of next year.

It is for this reason that Abel wants Alexander to be selected next year.

Because it only relies on the local prestige of the Smith family and the support of the nearby Bush family.

There is also Abel’s total investment of two years from last year to next year. Abel feels that Alexander has a high probability of being elected.

And it doesn't matter if he doesn't get elected, he can still continue to be his county chief.

It won't be until the general election three years later that if he fails to be elected, there will be no county commissioner.

Like George, if he lost the election last year. He can go back and continue to be the governor of Texas.

However, it was only in December, after his victory was basically confirmed, that George resigned from the position of governor and let his deputy do the job.

For example, if a certain senator or governor is running for election.

Once elected, it is enough to resign from the position of governor or senator when it is almost time to take up the duties.

If you are not elected, you can continue to be your own governor or senator as long as your term is not over.

This is what Abel thinks. He wants his father to try it next year.

If they can successfully become one of the members of the House of Representatives, then the Smith family will really start to make a name for themselves in Congress.

Faced with his son's eager eyes, even Alexander thought it was too fast.

After all, this time last year, he was just a farmer. This year's are now all Tarrant's Sheriffs.

If I succeed next year, I will be a member of Congress the year after that.

The identity span is too big, and Father Smith is a little uncomfortable with it.

"Okay. I'll think about it," Alexander finally told his son.

Abel chuckled.

Because Abel knew it, based on his father’s character. He never considers things he doesn't want to do, and anything that allows him to consider means that he has actually agreed.

The father and son began to walk back slowly, and they saw Emily and little Laura coming out of the room.

It is estimated that Emily has finished visiting the white house.

Abel estimated that he might not have finished the tour.

Because according to Ms. Wales, except for the second floor.

There are many places inside here that she can't go to.

Very boring.

Wales is not allowed to go, and of course little Laura and Emily have nowhere to go.

Just like how Abel was treated during the day.

Two generations of the Smith family met in the middle of the South Lawn.

"How about it, my dear mother. How do you think this house compares to our Smith Manor?" Abel said with a smile.

Emily had a smile on her face, "To be honest, I'm a little disappointed. I can't go to many places. It's too serious and I don't like it."

Little Laura chuckled beside her and said, "That's what this place is like. When I lived here when I was a kid, the only place I could play was outside!"

Emily couldn't help but look at little Laura next to her, who was about the same height as her, and the latter smiled sweetly at her.

Emily actually liked Charlize more in her heart.

After all, they were together day and night, and Charlize had Abel's child, and her belly was getting bigger and bigger.

Emily accompanied her to check-ups every time.

Through various examination methods, watching the child in her belly getting bigger and bigger, Emily also had a sense of participation in watching her grandson grow up.

As much as she loved the house, she also liked Charlize more.

Little Laura actually only met her for the third time today.

The first time was at a family gathering after Christmas last year.

At that time, little Laura had not yet confirmed their relationship, and the two parties were in the "blind date stage."

The second time, little Laura took the initiative to come to the door. Emily was very nervous at that time, worried that little Laura would attack to accuse her.

Because little Laura had already been to Charlize's place at that time.

But Emily didn't expect that little Laura was very gentle and didn't mention Charlize at all. Instead, he took the initiative to please Emily in various ways, which surprised Emily.

Emily couldn't help but feel a fondness for little Laura.

Today is the third time Emily has seen little Laura. Little Laura has been enthusiastic and proactive in taking her with her, which makes Emily like her even more.

In addition, little Laura will obviously be her son's wife. At this moment, Emily actually doesn't know whether she likes Charlize more or little Laura more.

Abel's mother became entangled in her heart.

Naturally, Abel didn't know this. He asked his parents and little Laura to leave the South Lawn because the reception was about to begin.

Later, George's deputy Cheney and his wife will be responsible for welcoming guests outside.

The Georges entertain guests directly here.

They are also guests. If it is just Abel and little Laura, they can just stay here.

But there are still Alexander and his wife, so it's better to walk through the main entrance, so that you can get to know more people.

Abel didn't need it, but Alexander, who was destined to take this road, needed it.

Under the familiar guidance of little Laura, the four of them came to the main road outside the reception.

While the guests in front were talking to Mr. and Mrs. Cheney.

Abel, his parents and girlfriend jumped in the queue and walked towards the main entrance of the reception.

Coincidentally, the guest behind Abel was Buffett, one of his old acquaintances and friends.

Buffett called twice from behind. Abel turned around and saw that it was Buffett.

"Oh, Warren is here." Abel said, "Let's wait for him."

Alexander also saw the stock god behind him, and he also stopped with Emily.

"Hey, why did you and Miss Bush come out from the side? Oh, this is"

Buffett brought a woman about his age, who should be his wife.

As an aside, Buffett has two wives - his ex-wife and his current wife.

The problem is that after Warren divorced his ex-wife, his ex-wife never left her.

He later married another wife.

Buffett’s first wife is named Susan, and his second wife is Susan’s best friend!

What’s even more amazing is that the three of them lived together from beginning to end!

Abel felt that this might be the reason why he and Buffett could get along well.

Because Warren is as philanthropic as he is.

It's just that Warren's body is an ordinary person's body, and there can only be two at most.

It’s not like you have a cap of twenty-five at a time!

Thinking like this, Abel didn't know whether this was Susan. He smiled and introduced his family to Buffett——

"This is my father, Alexander Smith."

"This is my mother, Emily Koch Smith."

"This is Miss Laura Bush."

Warren Buffett smiled, hugged Alexander, and shook hands with Emily and little Laura.

Abel smiled and hugged the old woman who didn't know if she was Susan.

Because he didn't know his identity, he was still waiting for Buffett to introduce him.

"Astrid Monks Buffett." Buffett introduced his wife with a smile, "my wife."

Oh, that’s not the ex-wife Susan, but the current wife and second wife.

There were new guests coming from behind, and Abel suggested going inside first.

It’s better not to be stuck in traffic and affect other customers.

Naturally, Buffett would not refuse, so the six of them walked inside together.

When they walked to the entrance of the main reception hall, George's deputy, Vice Commander Cheney, smiled and greeted them.

Whether it's Buffett or Abel, Cheney knows them all.

What's more, there is Laura Bush among them.

After another brief greeting, there were guests coming later, so Abel and others went in first.

Entering the door is a large living room.

There were many people in the living room. The back door of the living room was wide open, and outside the door was the South Lawn.

There were already a lot of people coming, and Abel saw a few familiar people in the living room and front hall.

Like Paulson of Goldman Sachs, Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers—

That's right, the main guests of this cocktail party tonight are the people at the meeting held by Paul Henry O'Neill that day.

In other words, the guests invited by the White House today are mainly "friends" in the American financial sector.

Of course, a party of this level.

Of course, serious guests are also indispensable. Everyone knows the importance of Wall Street and finance in this country.

With so many important financial figures gathered, who would refuse to participate as long as those members of Congress have time and can come in?

Therefore, the number of guests tonight, including the female companions brought here, may exceed four to five hundred.

Even the white house does not have such a large indoor banquet hall that can accommodate so many people.

Fortunately, the South Lawn is large enough. Together with the front hall, the South Lawn can accommodate approximately six to seven hundred guests.

Plus it's a buffet style, so it's quite entertaining.

Abel, who was accompanied by his parents and little Laura, and accompanied by Buffett and his wife, naturally attracted more attention.

Like Paulson, he was the first to come over and say hello.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling man, let alone the Smith family really wants to move up. It is always better to have more friends than to have fewer enemies.

Abel made another introduction, and someone else came later. He was a little annoyed, so he simply took the initiative.

He took his parents around and got to know everyone he met.

At the end of the day, Alexander, Abel's father, has gained a lot of reputation on Wall Street and is finally no longer an unknown person in this country.

At least when others introduce Alexander Smith in the future, they will say - "Oh, this is Abel Smith's father."

Walking around like this for half an hour.

The Buffetts have long since left to find their own circle.

So in the end, only little Laura and Abel were left, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Alexander.

As time goes by, more and more guests come.

Finally, around seven o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. George appeared.

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