American fame and fortune

Chapter 842 Surprise or surprise?

Public opinion across the United States exploded, the incident was revealed, and the media was like a shark that had tasted the smell of blood and could not stop it.

The front-page headlines of newspapers and newspapers were all occupied by an incident that TMZ named "Ryan Reynolds Gate."

The TV station news channel broadcasts 24 hours a day, tracking interviews.

The click-through rate of videos exposed on the Internet climbed to the top of the year, and it ranked first on all hot search lists.

The public and major social groups were outraged.

Women's rights, child protection and LGBT groups took to the streets to demonstrate, and various voices of protest and pressure emerged one after another.

No matter how dirty the United States is behind the scenes, and even if every pore is dripping with pus and blood, a normally functioning society always has its bottom line and rules.

Many people have daughters or younger sisters. Could they be one of the victims?

This is public anger.

Some people still have some small thoughts, why can you do it but we can only watch? If you don’t do it, who will do it?

Especially on the Internet, partying without calling me is a crime punishable by death.

At this stage, Martin used his final move and cast the Great Summoning Technique.

Because most of the rescued people, including three underage girls, were from Ukraine, the social team headed by Alexandrovich strongly demanded that Ukraine conduct serious negotiations with the United States.

Ukraine simply set up a delegation headed by Alexandrovich and specially sent it to Los Angeles.

Although he couldn't do much at the official level, with the covert help of Martin, Alexandrovich quickly established relationships with several leftist organizations in Los Angeles.

These organizations took Ukrainians to the streets for demonstrations and contacted the media for interviews, which was very impressive.


Beverly Hills, Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

From the balcony of the luxury suite, Martin looked at the crowds on the street.

Several major leftist groups in Los Angeles have joined forces with the Ukrainian negotiation team to set off from West Hollywood and prepare to go to Century City for a sit-in demonstration to urge the judicial system to strictly investigate the "Ryan Reynolds Gate Incident".

After admiring the scenery outside, Martin lowered his head and glanced at Scarlett Johansson, who was sitting busy on the balcony. Due to his extreme sensitivity, his hair almost stood on end.

Scarlett realized that something was about to explode, so she quickly moved quickly and raised her face to eliminate the danger.

After a while, with the efforts of the widowed sister, the danger was successfully eliminated.

Scarlett took her phone, turned on the front camera, and took a close-up selfie of her face.

"Am I particularly beautiful now?" Scarlett asked.

Martin pulled up a chair and sat down: "Are you taking a selfie again?"

Martin reminded: "Don't save it in Apple's cloud disk, that thing can't stop hackers."

Martin shrugged: "Anyone can brag."

Scarlett giggled, wiped the corners of her mouth, looked at the time on her phone, and said, "Ryan Reynolds is temporarily out on bail. I'm going to meet him. Are you interested in going with him?"

Martin shook his head: "I have no enmity with him, there is no need."

"I have both grievances and grudges against him." Scarlett snorted coldly: "As an ex-wife, of course I have to go visit him at this special moment."

Scarlett got in the car, drove south, and soon came to Ryan Reynolds' residence.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan Reynolds looked very ugly when he saw his ex-wife who had cheated on him.

Scarlett deliberately tilted her head to look at him. Her eyes finally fell on the electronic lock on his ankle. She opened her mouth and spat out a special fragrance: "Of course I'm here to congratulate you. You really became famous this time, Hong." All over the world.”

Ryan Reynolds smelled a strange smell and couldn't help but wrinkled his nose and said, "That's enough! You betrayed me first!"

Seeing that he had framed her again, Scarlett laughed angrily: "So what? You will spend a long time in prison in the future."

She turned her head and blew deliberately at Ryan Reynolds.

The weird smell then floated over and hit Ryan Reynolds in the face, making him suddenly stunned.

"Yes, I did it on purpose, otherwise I would have come to see you at this special moment." Scarlett turned against his husband and wife. Although the breakup was announced to the public as amicable, only she knew the resentment in her heart.

Ryan Reynolds' hands were shaking.

She smiled so hard that her blond hair shook: "Are you surprised or surprised, my ex-husband?"

The weird smell, along with the words, came out of Scarlett Johansson's mouth, got into Ryan Reynolds' nose, and then got into his throat from his nose.

Ryan Reynolds suddenly felt nauseated and vomited it out.

All kinds of intimate memories during their marriage flashed before his eyes, and Ryan Reynolds just wanted to vomit, and he also vomited.

The person hugged his belly and bent over to face the floor, with mucus, tears and gastric juice pouring out.

Scarlett smiled happily, no longer caring about her ex-husband who was vomiting crazily, picked up her bag and left.

Ryan Reynolds was still vomiting and couldn't stop vomiting.


In West Hollywood, inside a very ordinary apartment.

Michelle Bryan, who was wearing electronic shackles, opened the door, and a high-end girl serving under her entered the door.

"Boss, I brought you some food." Merano put the paper bag on the dining table and said, "You can eat some."

Michelle nodded, took out a burger, and said while eating: "There are so many people under me, and if something happens, they all run away, and you are the only one who still remembers me."

Merano said that he liked this job. The money came in quickly and it was relatively easy. He then asked: "Boss, can we start over?"

Michelle picked up a napkin and wiped the cheese sauce from her mouth, and said, "Okay, everything will be restored when this matter subsides."

She was very confident: "At most, spend some money, and we can make more money after spending it."

Merano believes in his boss’ ability: “As long as our customers are still there, we will make money easily.”

"I will also develop new customers at that time." Michelle thought of the thing she was planning before and said: "I am developing Martin Davis to become our customer, and you can join in at that time."

Merano thought it was a piece of fat and said: "Really? Martin Davis!"

Michelle said: “Without a super-large customer, our ability to resist risks is too poor…”

Merano received a text message on his mobile phone, glanced at it, and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Michelle waved her hand: "Go and get busy."

Merano left the apartment.

Michelle closed the door, checked the time, took out her mobile phone and made a call: "It's me."

A woman's voice came from the other side: "I told you, don't call me again!"

Michelle didn't care about this: "When will this matter be resolved? I want an exact time!"

"We have released you on bail." The woman over there said in a steady voice: "Other work is being done, please be patient."

Michelle said: “All my property has been frozen!”

The person over there said: "I promise it will be solved soon."

Before Michelle could say anything more, the other party hung up the phone.

Michelle's face looked a little ugly as she listened to the busy signal.

If they couldn't help, she would have to reveal a little bit of the content to put pressure on them.

Putting down the phone, Michelle stretched and felt sleepy.

With so many things happening recently, it was hard to get a good night's rest. She didn't feel anything unusual, so she pulled out a quilt and lay down on the sofa.

Not long after, Michelle fell into a deep sleep and didn't even hear the door being opened from the outside.

Several people, all wrapped up tightly, entered the room, looked at each other, and carried Michelle into the bathroom.

One of them took out a shoelace from Michelle's sneakers and tied it to the bathroom shower.

Soon, these people exited the bathroom, carefully cleaned up almost no traces, took away all the garbage and the paper bags on the dining table, and disappeared from the door.

In the bathroom, the ambitious Michelle Bryan was playing on the swing, her body still swaying.


Davis Estate, Beverly Hills.

In the morning, Martin was eating breakfast alone, and Bruce entered the restaurant with several newspapers.

"You came just in time, your breakfast hasn't gotten cold yet." Martin pointed to the plate opposite.

Bruce directly handed a copy of the Los Angeles Times to Martin, pulled out the dining chair, sat down, and said, "Look at the headlines."

Martin took the newspaper and immediately saw the huge news headline on the front page.

"L.A.'s No. 1 Madam Michelle Bryan committed suicide out of fear of crime!" 》

There is a picture next to it. Although it is coded, it can be seen that it is Michelle's body.

Martin looked down and couldn't help but say: "Above the bathroom shower, you hanged yourself with the laces of your sneakers?"

Bruce was also reading the newspaper: "Ingenious way to commit suicide."

He further said: "The FBI initially determined that it was suicide. The specific results will have to wait for the autopsy."

Martin knew without even thinking: "The end result will definitely be suicide."

Bruce nodded: "With Michelle's suicide, all the crimes related to human trafficking, minors, drug trafficking, etc. will be borne by her alone, and there will be no further involvement, and countless people can feel at ease. "

"I'm really not surprised at all by this result," Martin said.

Bruce asked: "Have you thought of it a long time ago?"

"I just thought of the possibility." Martin said directly without having to hide it in front of Lao Bu: "At that time, I thought there would be two results. One was to go through the legal process, and Michelle Bryan would go in for a period of time and then suffer a huge fine. ;The other is the current situation.”

Bruce said: "She deserves to die!"

Martin's tone became extremely cold: "You want me to become an addict..."

Maybe in the eyes of pure old Americans, this is not a big deal, but based on Martin's experience, this is enough to destroy a family!

Of course he wouldn't be polite if he wanted to finish him off.

Martin put down the newspaper, finished his breakfast, and asked, "What happened to Ryan Reynolds?"

Bruce said: "If he is temporarily released on bail but is restricted from traveling, he will not have a future in Hollywood. No big shot will take advantage of him, so he will definitely go to jail."

Martin said: "Is Twentieth Century Fox willing to help him?"

"No, Fox announced the dismissal of those three executives and immediately distanced themselves from the relationship." Bruce did some research: "It is said that Fox is very dissatisfied with Ryan Reynolds and spoke out through its own network to let Ryan... Reynolds goes in for a few more years.”

In this matter, 20th Century Fox's reputation was damaged, and its anger was completely directed at the instigator, Ryan Reynolds.

Martin thought to himself, maybe Scarlett Johansson would be happier after seeing this.

Bruce added at this time: "Yesterday, Ryan Reynolds suffered from gastrointestinal cramps. It is said that the condition is quite serious. He has been sent to the hospital and is currently hospitalized."

"Stomach cramps? Hospitalization?" Martin wondered, what did Scarlett Johansson do yesterday? It actually sent Ryan Reynolds to the hospital.

Did she really transform into a widowed sister and beat up Ryan Reynolds?

Martin is very curious and plans to ask Scarlett Johansson about it the next time he treats her to a seafood dinner.

Bruce said: "Alexandrovic met with me last night and asked me to convey his gratitude. He said that it is not suitable to see you now. When you go to Europe again, he will prepare a special gift."

Martin asked: "When will he leave?"

Bruce roughly said: "When those girls complete the formalities, he will take them back to Ukraine."

Martin said: "This kind of thing depends on the right time, place and people."

Bruce said: "A comedian can't really become the president, right? This world is too magical!"

"Everyone who was shot in the back was judged to have committed suicide." Martin patted the newspaper and said, "The world is inherently magical."

Bruce nodded: "That's right. We two bastards can become rich. What's impossible?"

"This matter is over for the time being. I hope those bastards won't trouble me again." Martin picked up a napkin and wiped his hands and said, "It's almost time. Let's go to the airport to pick up Lily and Elizabeth."

The two returned to Los Angeles today. In more than an hour, the Global 6000 will land on the private tarmac of Los Angeles International Airport.

Martin and Bruce left Beverly Hills and headed straight to the airport.

After waiting for a while, the plane landed safely. Lily got off the plane and jumped directly onto Martin.

Elizabeth came from behind, opened her arms and hugged Martin and Lily together.

At this moment, Martin only had them in his eyes, and all the messy things were forgotten.

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