American fame and fortune

Chapter 744 Image Bankruptcy

Accompanied by his lawyer and agent Whigham, Johnny Depp came out of the police station with a dark face. Hundreds of entertainment paparazzi gathered around him like crazy, throwing away all kinds of questions as if they were free of money. come over.

"Johnny, how many times have you beaten your wife?"

"Excuse me, did you take too many drugs and cause domestic violence?"

"What do you think about Amber Heard accusing you of sexual assault within marriage?"

"You have a bad record. Do you often domestically abuse your female partner?"

The police did not clearly identify domestic violence, and these media could not wait to convict Depp.

Depp couldn't help it and said loudly: "I have no domestic violence! Absolutely no domestic violence! I, Johnny Depp, swear to God, I have never hit any woman in my life!"

He defended with an unprecedented seriousness: "The only person I have ever abused in my life is myself!"

But no one of the entertainment paparazzi present believed it. Just like most people on the Internet, they all believed that Johnny Depp was the perpetrator of domestic violence.

In addition to his identity as a man, the bad image Depp has created over the years is terrible.

Drug abuse, alcoholism, being a scumbag, being late, acting like a celebrity, giving the middle finger to movie fans, urinating on other crew members in public, etc. These incidents were exposed one after another and almost finalized Depp's public image.

This is a rotten person. Isn’t it normal for rotten people to do rotten things like domestic violence?

Destroying a Hollywood A-list star like Johnny Depp is not an easy task.

Ever since Depp urinated on the crew of "The Martian" in Death Valley National Park last year, Martin has been carefully planning how to make Hollywood's top stars die socially and through the media.

It took nearly a year to finally achieve today’s results.

No one wants to believe Johnny Depp's words. Even if Depp can prove his innocence in the long dispute, his image in the media and the public will be completely destroyed.

Depp peed in public, and Martin wanted to repay him with not only financial ruin, but also image ruin!

Facing hundreds of entertainment paparazzi, Depp loudly defended himself, but the effect was zero.

At the urging of his bodyguard, lawyer and agent, Depp temporarily shut up and got into the car with him.

As soon as the car door closed, Depp asked loudly: "Where is that woman? Where is that crazy woman? Where is she? I want to ask her, why did I domestically abuse her? I never hit her once!"

The driver started the car and left.

Whigham said quickly: "Calm down, Johnny, calm down."

How could Depp calm down: "I didn't do anything to cause any personal harm to her! Why would she do this, why..."

"Johnny, you have to cheer up and deal with this matter. The evidence presented by Amber is extremely unfavorable to you!" The lawyer solemnly informed: "Many of the key exhibits she submitted to the LAPD have your fingerprints. The injury examination showed that there was damage to her lower body, and your DNA was detected from it..."

Depp said: "No, that's not the case. She saw that I was depressed and took the initiative to do these things to relieve my stress."

The lawyer reminded: "Do you have any audio or video or other people's proof?"

"I..." Depp was stunned, in a trance, and couldn't figure out: "Why did she do this?"

The lawyer continued: "The information I got from the LAPD, the evidence provided by Amber is not just this time, but also evidence from many times in the past, including but not limited to the videos and photos she took, the wine bottles and murder weapons she provided. Waiting for evidence.”

Whigham reminded: "Johnny, wake up, that woman wants to destroy you completely!"

Depp, who is super in love, finally sobered up a little and asked: "Where is she? I want to talk to her in person. These are all false and she slandered me."

For now, this is a solution. Whigham made a phone call and his face darkened.

The lawyer asked: "What happened again?"

Whigham hung up the phone and said, "Amber Heard is holding a press conference to accuse Johnny of domestic violence."

It is very obvious that Amber Heard wants to make the matter bigger, rather than reconcile privately.


Beverly Hills, Hilton Hotel.

The huge press hall was crowded with reporters, and their cameras and camera lenses were all pointed at the woman in front of the microphone.

Amber Heard's eyes were red and swollen, her face was scarred, and there were red marks on her neck. Accompanied by her agent, she opened a box and took out an empty wine bottle with a diameter of seven centimeters.

"During a domestic violence incident, Johnny Depp grabbed my throat with his hands!" Amber first made such gestures, then carefully picked up the bottle and said, "Pressed me on the table tennis table... …”

At this point, she covered her mouth and started crying.

Although she didn't say anything, all the reporters present understood what she wanted to express.

The scene was in an uproar, flash lights were on, and all the cameras were shooting at the wine bottles.

A wine bottle with a diameter of seven centimeters!

Amber calmed down and said, "Johnny Depp hurt me time and time again. I just hoped it wasn't a broken wine bottle."

A woman's fear and helplessness were vividly performed by Amber Heard at this moment: "In order to help Depp detoxify, I flushed all his drugs into the sewer. Once he had a drug addiction and asked me where the drugs were. Where, I said that I had thrown away all the drugs, but Depp didn’t believe me and actually tore off my clothes and went to my place to look for drugs. This incident caused great mental harm to me.”

Because of Depp's extremely poor reputation in the media in the past year, no one among the reporters here doubted that this was a fabricated lie.

"This is something Depp can do."

"It's not surprising at all that poisonous insects do this."

"Poor woman was tortured into this state by Depp."

Reporters are discussing that the blame has been placed on Depp in advance.

Amber glanced at her manager, who turned on the projector behind her, and some photos and videos were projected on the screen.

What was played was a video of Depp and Amber's wedding night. Depp went crazy and smashed up the wedding venue. He even pushed Amber to the ground when he tried to dissuade her, and hit Amber in the face with his hand.

The screen changed, showing a close-up of Amber in a wedding dress, with a large bruise on her face.

Then, more photos or videos of Amber's injuries appeared on the projection screen.

All this shows that Johnny Depp has been engaging in long-term domestic violence against Amber Heard starting from the day of their wedding.

At the end of the press conference, Amber burst into tears: "I originally wanted to bear all this silently and wanted to help Depp get out of the predicament caused by drug and alcohol addiction, but all I got was hurt and tears again and again. I couldn't. If we continue this marriage, we hereby announce our divorce from Johnny Depp and hold him legally accountable!"

The news hall suddenly felt like a boiling pot, because this meant that another super quarrel was about to take place.

Don’t worry about no news next.

Amber did not take questions from reporters. She left the press hall alone and went to the lounge at the back. After making a phone call, she entered the reception room on the same floor alone.

Megan Ellison was waiting here, glanced at Amber, and said, "You did a good job."

Amber was unceremonious: "Boss, I need a good lawyer to help me handle divorce proceedings and compensation proceedings."

Megan Ellison was well prepared and took out a business card and handed it to Amber: "Lawyer Bjorkman, specializing in divorce litigation and financial compensation litigation."

Amber knows that Depp still has a lot of property to deal with: "I will make Depp a pauper!"

Megan Ellison finally felt better when she thought about the miserable situation of Depp riding on the crew and even her own head.

She glanced at the evidence in Amber's hand and asked, "Did Depp really use it?"

Amber said: "For a drunkard like Depp, it would be too easy for me to get a wine bottle with his fingerprints and saliva on it."

Megan Ellison nodded and left the reception room without saying anything more.

Subsequently, Johnny Depp's domestic violence scandal set off a storm in the media, and its impact quickly spread to the world.

The whole world is reporting on this super feud.

Depp also launched a counterattack, and the two sides started a war of words through the media.

This couple, as loving as they once appeared in the media, now hate each other.

Originally, Depp could still maintain a stalemate, but Amber's side released a killer video, and even the National Parent-Teacher Association intervened.

In the video posted on the home page of TMZ, Johnny Depp, who was taking drugs, sat next to his daughter Lily-Rose Depp. Not only was the latter drinking heavily, there was also some powdered alcohol on the table in front of her. thing.

Public opinion exploded.

What kind of fairy father could do such a crazy thing?

"Is this Depp's biological daughter?"

"God, please come to the human world and take Depp away. The human world cannot bear such a great god as him."

"I feel sad for this girl who has a drug-addicted, domestically abusive and unloving father."

"Can no one take care of Depp? He is committing a crime!"

The American Parent-Teacher Association immediately publicized that it was extremely concerned about this incident and would send special personnel to follow up.

Perhaps in Depp's eyes, doing these things in front of his daughter is just a trivial matter. He has been used to it for so many years and doesn't care at all.

But society and public opinion require correctness.

As a result, public opinion was completely biased in favor of Amber Heard.

Behind this little white flower, there is not only Megan Ellison, but also Musk, and behind Musk, there is Martin who can come up with hundreds of bastard ideas a day.

Under Martin's control through Musk, Amber Heard established herself as a spokesperson against domestic violence.

Accordingly, Johnny Depp has become synonymous with domestic violence.

A few days later, Amber Heard's attorney filed for divorce in a Los Angeles court on her behalf. The grounds for divorce were not limited to domestic violence and marital coercion.

This lawsuit not only involves property division, but also violence compensation.

The amount of compensation proposed by Amber is - US$100 million!

(A lot of it is the real-life rivalry between these two people.)

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