American fame and fortune

Chapter 707 Single-handedly Carrying the Box Office

The premiere has just ended, and the audience has not completely left. Investigators from the Disney Pictures Outsourcing Company have already reported the collected statistical data to the statisticians.

This person immediately entered the relevant data into the computer, quickly obtained accurate statistics, and sent it to the docking personnel of Disney Pictures.

On the other side, Alan Horn had just come out of the VIP room with Martin.

His assistant came over quickly and whispered: "President, the audience has been counted."

Martin also heard it and cast a concerned look.

Allen Horn nodded slightly.

The assistant said: "Basically all the reviews are positive, and the average audience rating is A+!"

Mentioning the latter sentence, Alan Horn couldn't help laughing and looked at Martin: "I said, North American audiences never abandon their favorites."

Martin also laughed: "I can only say that the film is to their liking."

There are two styles to choose from when shooting. One is to follow the style of the original work and shoot it into a hard science fiction movie with a science and technology orientation.

The other is the current preference for plot and humor.

Martin naturally chose the latter option.

And Ridley Scott also chose the latter.

Perhaps this is why Ridley can always make a comeback through science fiction themes.

The two came to the side entrance of the theater at this time.

Alan Horn shook hands with Martin: "I wish us a great box office success!"

Martin smiled and said: "Wish us a big box office hit!"

Coming out of the side door, he got into the Escalade driven by Bruce and left the theater.

The window of a Cadillac passing by was lowered, revealing Jessica Chastain's fair face.

She waved in Martin's direction.

On the other side of the back seat, there was also Alexandra Daddario sitting.

The two men stayed in the same hotel.

Martin nodded slightly at them and without saying anything else, the two cars had already passed by each other.

On the Cadillac, Jessica Chastain raised the window and said to the driver: "Go to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel."

Daddario next to him was busy scrolling through his cell phone.

Jessica Chastain asked: "Martin texted you?"

"No," Daddario said, "I was reading the online reviews of our film."

Jessica Chastain took her cell phone out of her handbag and looked at it too.

Nowadays, there are more and more smartphone users, and the speed of information dissemination is getting faster and faster.

Like a movie, after watching or even watching it, fans will tweet about it.

"After watching Martin's new film, I understand how to face a bleak life with an optimistic attitude!"

"A particularly beautiful space wilderness survival movie, Martin's performance alone holds up the entire film."

"True knowledge changes destiny. Martin entertained himself and acted so well!"

"Martin can easily hold up a one-man show, Ridley Scott shouldn't be too good at handling science fiction themes, Jessica Chastain in the supporting role is so beautiful, and Alexandra Dadari is wearing a tight bottom layer. Ao’s body is so good that it explodes!”

The Cadillac quickly arrived at the hotel and drove into the underground parking lot.

Jessica Chastain and Daddario got out of the car and took the elevator upstairs. The latter took out the key card that Martin had given her at the premiere and entered a suite.

Daddario has been here several times. He went to the bar to open the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of wine and three glasses, and poured them next to each other.

Jessica Chastain looked at the time: "Martin hasn't arrived yet."

Daddario said: "Wait a moment, he has a lot on his plate."

Ten minutes later, the door opened from the outside and Martin entered the room.

Jessica Chastain was leaning on the bar, holding a goblet and slowly tasting wine.

Looking from Martin's side, the curves are on full display.

Alexandra Daddario was wearing a red dress and sitting behind the bar. Maybe some of the items were too heavy and she deliberately placed them on the bar. It looked quite amazing.

Elizabeth went to London a few days ago, and Martin has been recuperating recently, waiting for this moment.

He took off his suit jacket, hung it casually on the hanger, and strode over.


Because they had enough confidence in "The Martian", the crew and Disney Pictures released the film's word-of-mouth ban on the night of its premiere.

There are mostly applause voices in the media.

"The significance of "The Martian" is not only that Ridley Scott has completed a self-redemption, but also that through the indomitable spirit of the hero played by Martin, it can rekindle mankind's desire to explore space!"

"Watching Martin Davis' one-man show is a pleasure. Although humans have not yet landed on Mars, under Martin's interpretation, the hero's miracle of survival on Mars is very convincing!"

The Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating is as high as 97%, and the MTC overall score is 82 points.

The film has received an excellent reputation from both critics and the media, as well as ordinary audiences.

At the same time, Martin's major fan organizations in North America, as well as local branches of the Coca-Cola Cult, have launched the "Bring Martin Home" campaign.

Lucky viewers who participate in the event will have the opportunity to obtain a scaled-down Mars Rover or Martin character figure doll in the film.

These are stimulating movie fans to buy tickets as soon as possible.

Today’s entertainment is too information-intensive. If a film cannot attract as many viewers into the theater in the first two weeks, the subsequent trend will be much more difficult.

After all, there are too few films with box office success like "Titanic" and "Avatar."

The weekend before Thanksgiving, "The Martian" was fully released in North America, with 3,855 theaters open.

As of Friday, the film has grossed US$27.12 million!

As the number of rating users reached, IMDB unlocked the rating, and "The Martian" scored as high as 8.8 points.

Supported by overwhelming word-of-mouth support, the box office rose again on Saturday, with the day's revenue exceeding US$30 million.

Anyone can see that from the beginning of the holiday season to now, the most popular movie has been born.

The film was a huge success in North America and also had a strong response overseas.

Because it is not a sequel or an adaptation of a world-renowned work, Disney Pictures adopted a conservative distribution strategy for the overseas distribution of "The Martian."

The film will only be released in one market in North America first, and will be released overseas after the North American box office and word-of-mouth are known.

This also shows that Disney Pictures has strong confidence in the film and Martin.

During the three-day weekend in North America, "The Martian" was a hit with word-of-mouth and box office, with revenue of US$86.65 million, successfully topping the North American box office rankings.


Disney Studios, Office of the President.

Allen Horn had just drank a cup of coffee when he received a call from Robert Egger.

He immediately answered: "Good morning, Chairman."

Robert Eger's hearty laughter came from the receiver, and he seemed to be in a good mood: "I just looked at the data of "The Martian", and the market response is excellent. Allen, you did a good job, and you got a fortune from Warner Bros." Business critical.”

Alan Horn also laughed: "Martin never disappoints."

Robert Egger agreed: "I heard the peripherals are also selling well?"

Alan Horn replied: "Martin alone has sold more than 2 million character models and figures."

Disney is now ambitious and preparing for a big move. Robert Iger warned: "Build a good relationship with Martin. His films will enjoy the highest distribution level."

He added: "In today's Hollywood, there are too few movie stars who can stand up to the box office alone."

"You can count them on one hand," Allen Horn said.

Robert Iger added: "People like Martin will not lack collaborators. Allen, you came from Warner, don't make Warner's mistakes."

Allen Horn responded with a smile: "No."

Robert Egger hung up the phone.

Alan Horn understands that the successful collaboration between Disney Pictures and Martin on "John Wick 2" and "The Martian" has attracted Robert Iger's attention.

After all, the risk of distributing a film is low and you can get a large commission.

The higher the box office and offline revenue of the film, the higher the revenue for Disney Pictures as the distributor.

Alan Horn picked up a copy of the "Hollywood Reporter" and the front page headline was Martin and "The Martian."

"After "The Martian" was a hit at the box office in its first weekend, with its single-player performance, Martin Davis once again proved his ability to carry a movie at the box office. Not only is he the first of the new generation in Hollywood, he can even compete with him. His best friend Leonardo and Nicholson are on an equal footing in Hollywood, provided of course that he has an Oscar for Best Actor..."

Seeing this, Alan Horn put down the newspaper, pressed the intercom, and informed his assistant: "Make an appointment with Martin for me. If he is free at noon, I will treat him to lunch."

Hollywood is never stingy with people who can create value.


Annapurna Pictures.

Megan Ellison had a party with people yesterday and drank a little too much. She got up late this morning and arrived at the company in the middle of the morning.

Entering the front room of the company, she happened to see Wilson about to go out, and she asked: "Has the box office of Martin Davis' new film been released?"

Wilson stopped quickly and replied: "$86.65 million, No. 1 on the box office list."

Hearing this number, Megan Ellison couldn't help laughing: "Not bad, very good!"

Wilson made her confused. Aren't the boss and the company not dealing with Martin Davis? How to applaud his movies?

"Get busy." Megan Ellison went upstairs and asked her assistant to bring over a copy of today's Los Angeles Times.

On the headlines of the entertainment section of the newspaper, there was last week's North American box office rankings, with "The Martian" ranking first!

Megan Ellison nodded. There is no problem with Martin Davis' project. The box office in the first week is definitely a hit.

This reminded her of the three projects she had stolen from Martin Davis - "The Man," "The Lone Ranger" and "Seventh Son."

Megan Ellison is very confident that as long as there are no problems with the project itself, there will be no problems with the filming and production on her side.

Annapurna Pictures is well-funded and employs the most professional team in Hollywood.

Unlike those idiots at Warner who have often done incomprehensible things for more than a year.

Megan Ellison has set her sights on No. 1 on the box office list again. I believe her film will reach this position in a long time!

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