American fame and fortune

Chapter 651 Three Bastards, Five Oscars

It’s the end of February, and Hollywood’s annual event, the Oscars, has kicked off.

The focus of this session is naturally on Leonardo, and all the media are frantically reporting on whether Leonardo, who is pursuing the Oscar statuette, can get his wish.

The once handsome boy Jack, for the sake of performing arts, did not hesitate to destroy his image in reality and turned into a greasy middle-aged uncle who was abandoned by more than a dozen girlfriends. It was really not easy.

"If Leo wins the award, I will give him my best wishes!"

When Martin walked into the media area, he happened to hear the red carpet host Maria interviewing Nicholson. The old man was wearing a suit and sunglasses, and he was quite cool.

His voice suddenly became stern: "If Leo doesn't win the award, I will hold a separate training class for him and conduct hell-style special training."

Maria saw Martin approaching after being reminded by the director, and quickly pulled him over and asked: "Martin, if Leo wins the award, how will the three of you celebrate."

This question was obviously flawed. Martin would definitely not open the champagne at halftime. He said seriously: "The results have not been released yet, and everything is still uncertain. I will answer your question in five hours."

Martin and Nicholson are relatively low-key, helping their best friends to build their reputations.

Suddenly, Bruce took two steps forward and blocked Martin's side.

Martin reacted very quickly, without even thinking, and pulled Nicholson behind him.

Diagonally opposite, Christian Bale had just finished an interview with another red carpet host, Robin Roberts, when he turned around and saw Martin.

After the filming of "The Dark Knight" ended, he received psychological treatment, and all the painful memories were suppressed by the newly built psychological defense line.

Seeing Martin, Bell thought of his divorced wife, broken family, torn corpus cavernosum, etc.

At this moment, Martin's appearance suddenly changed in his eyes. His face was automatically covered with white paint, and his blood-red mouth stretched up to his ears.

Bell's voice became thicker unconsciously, like Bruce Wayne with a voice changer: "There is something called justice..."

Martin put his hands into his trouser pockets and just looked at Bell quietly.

Bell walked towards this side: "It can make me shine, or it can make me burn!"

All the people and movements around him stopped, and all their eyes turned to Bell, thinking that he was crazy.

Martin said nothing, did nothing, and waited for Bell to make a move.

If Bell takes action against him here, it will be equivalent to severing himself from the Oscars and the Academy.

Michael Caine squeezed out from the crowd and hugged Bale. The old man persuaded in a low voice: "Don't go crazy, come with me, come with me quickly!"

Kate Winslet came from the other side and pulled Martin down: "Entering the theater."

Martin glanced at Nicholson and followed Kate.

Nicholson originally planned to persuade Martin to leave at the critical moment: "Let's go. If we really fight, it won't be good for you. After all, the Oscar is the face of the Academy."

The three of them entered the Kodak Theater one after another. Kate said to Martin: "You are so aggressive."

Martin was innocent: "I didn't do anything today, I just encountered him suddenly."

"There's something wrong with him." Kate pointed to her head: "Don't care about him."

After all, the two have been in and out of relationships many times. Of course, Martin will not have any objection to Kate because of such a trivial matter. He said: "I am an easy-going person and not aggressive at all. Who in the circle doesn't know this?"

Nicholson added: "Our trio has a very good reputation. No one can praise us."

Leonardo, who was single, was waiting in front. After the group met, they passed through the guest entrance and entered the hall.

Oscar always respects the old and favors the young. Nicholson's seat is in the front row, the crew of "Shutter Island" where Leonardo is on is on the left, and the crews of the two films starring Martin are on the right.

The three of them separated and went to find their seats.

Martin came to the second row on the right, shook hands with Nolan and David Fincher, and wished them good luck tonight.

That being said, they all knew there was no way they would win the Best Director trophy tonight.

The Directors Guild's Best Director Award went to David Russell, director of "The Fighter."

Nolan, the director who is famous for his superhero movies, still has a long road to Oscar.

"Gone Girl" is not accurate enough, and David Fincher himself is not the type of director who is very popular with the academy.

Martin said hello to the other crew members one by one. As soon as he sat down in his seat, a person came over from behind and lay on the back of the empty seat next to him.

Saoirse Ronan has grown taller again: "Teacher, long time no see."

Martin turned to look at this trouble-making girl and asked, "Why did your face suddenly become bigger?"

Saoirse rubbed her cheek: "I'm also very distressed. After entering the period of rapid growth, it became like this, and the whole body grew wildly."

Martin looked at him briefly and said, "He has grown a lot taller."

Saoirse suddenly looked far away with hatred in her eyes: "At the British Academy Awards, and the other two times, she laughed at me, saying that I had grown into a defective product."

"Who?" Martin asked, and at the same time he thought about it, turned around and saw that it was indeed Emma Watson.

Saoirse said: "She said I was aging prematurely, that I was a disabled child star and that I looked like an old woman in her forties."

Martin rambled casually: "Being disabled is an irresistible fate for child stars."

Saoirse almost cried when she said this.

Martin is not a good guy either. He is essentially the same as Nicholson. He does not cause trouble and makes people uncomfortable. He added: "Next time you meet Emma Watson, you laugh at her for having a shoehorned face. "

Saoirse couldn't understand the latter word at all.

Martin gestured with his hand: "Ugly crescent face."

Saoirse understood this time: "I understand, thank you teacher for teaching me, let's see if I can find an opportunity tonight, I want to fight back!"

She specifically asked: "Teacher, did you bring any firecrackers?"

Martin asked, "What do you want this for?"

Saoirse learned a lot from Martin: "I would keep watching her, and when she went to the bathroom, I would go to the partition next to her and throw firecrackers into her!"

"It's a pity that Oscar doesn't allow pets." She obviously became a mortal enemy of Emma Watson: "Why don't you borrow the feces of other people's pets, wrap it with firecrackers, and throw it to Emma to satisfy your hatred!"

Martin didn't intend to accompany her to fool around: "I don't have it here, you should wait until next time."

Charlize Theron arrived at this time, her seat was next to Martin, and Saoirse Ronan quickly stepped back.

Turning to look at Saoirse, Charlize sat down and whispered: "You have such a wide range of hobbies, not as specific as Leonardo."

Martin shook his head: "I am very dedicated and only like beautiful ones."

Charlize turned to ask: "You have been robbed of film projects one after another. Have you been depressed recently? I remember Elizabeth is on a business trip. Come to my place in the evening and I can help you relieve your depression?"

Martin said: "It depends on the situation. If Leo can't win the award, I will go find you."

With the Kodak Theater filled to capacity, the awards ceremony officially began.

Although the Academy claims to be comprehensively reformed, the Oscars still have the same tone and melody as before. Too many links before the awards are nostalgic. Not to mention the young audience who make up the majority of movie fans, even actors born in the 1980s like Martin were drowsy. .

There were so many people and things they missed that they simply didn’t know about and had no interest in understanding.

In addition, as the host, James Franco's performance was not normal. Anne Hathaway seemed to be preoccupied and her performance was a disaster. There was almost no chemistry between the two hosts.

Charlize covered her mouth and whispered to Martin: "James Franco seems to be high."

Martin feels the same way.

Finally, someone came over to remind Martin that it was time to go backstage to prepare the award for Best Actor.

Martin entered the passage next to him, and just as Nicholson came over, the two went backstage together.

After entering the backstage, the director handed the word card to Martin, the golden envelope to Nicholson, and gave a few more instructions.

Martin glanced at the string of words, took it over and held it in his hand.

The previous host came to an end, and Anne Hathaway returned to the backstage. She saw Martin at a glance, and since she didn't need to touch up her makeup for the time being, she came specifically to find him.

Nicholson reminded Martin: "Your old flame is here."

Martin saw it.

Annie came to Martin: "Long time no see."

Martin looked like a scumbag: "Annie, are you okay?"

"Not very good." Annie said directly: "Can we find a time to chat tonight?"

Martin thought for a moment: "I'll go to the Oscar night party."

On the stage in front, there was a reminder that the Best Actor was about to be awarded.

Martin walked forward first.

Nicholson, an old bastard, said something specifically before following up: "If you want to win back Martin's heart, find someone to get engaged to or get married to."

When these words fell into her ears, Anne was stunned. After she got married or engaged, how could she possibly win back Martin?

No wonder people say Jack Nicholson is crazy.

Martin and Nicholson stood in front of microphones on stage.

The following discussion was not loud, because after the Screen Actors Guild Awards came out, the ownership of the major awards was basically determined.

"Jack, you and I, and another idiot, are called the Iron Triangle in Hollywood." In such a formal situation, it is impossible for Martin to call himself a trio of idiots.

He said: "People often ask me, how many Oscars have your Iron Triangle won in total?"

Nicholson replied: "Of course four!"

Martin asked: "But they always ask me, do you each have one? And then I can't answer."

"Because we have to take care of the face of the asshole who doesn't have an Oscar," Nicholson said.

The guests and the audience burst into laughter. Of course they understood who Martin and Nicholson were talking about.

The main camera also pans to Leonardo, taking a close-up of him.

Nicholson introduced the nominees and opened the envelopes directly for Martin to read.

Martin read: "The winner of Best Actor is Leonardo DiCaprio!"

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