American fame and fortune

Chapter 637 Mexicans

South Botswana Street, diagonally across from Disney Studios.

Several trucks stopped in front of a four-story office building. Many Mexicans got out of the trucks and moved their goods into the building one after another.

At the door of the building, a newly hung copper nameplate was shiny, with a line of large characters written on it - Davis Film and Television Production Studio.

At the end of this year, the lease on the office building at Warner Studios expired. Martin did not renew the lease. Instead, he chose to move and moved the company to Disney.

Standing in the spacious office on the fourth floor, Martin could just see the Disney building opposite.

This area is similar to Warner Studios. Behind the office building is the studio area.

There was a knock on the office door, and Martin went to open the door.

Jessica came over with a few Mexicans pushing trolleys: "Boss, the safe you ordered has arrived. Should I let them put it directly in the office?"

Martin nodded: "Push it forward." He pointed to the reserved position in the corner: "Just put it there."

Several Mexicans pushed the cart over, and together they lifted the heavy safe and placed it in the corner.

Martin looked at the position and said, "That's it."

When the Mexicans passed by Martin's desk, two of them glanced at the table. In one place, there was a large pile of documents.

They often work for Hollywood companies, and they can tell they are scripts at a glance.

A few people walked out of the office without stopping.

Martin asked Jessica: "Have you almost moved everything?"

Jessica replied: "All the moving will be done in this trip."

Martin is like a mature capitalist: "Return to normal office tomorrow."

The sound of moving things outside kept coming from the open office door, and it didn't quiet down until half an hour later.

After settling the bill, the trucks and a large van left one after another.

In the van, four Mexicans were discussing.

"Boss, if you get such a big safe and put it in your office, it must be for valuables."

None of these people who came from Mexico not long ago knew what kind of jobs they had before, and some of them were very courageous: "Shall we find an opportunity to kill him?"

The boss looked quite honest and like a good guy: "Diego, don't fucking talk nonsense, we are doing legal business!"

Diego, who had a black and blue tattoo exposed on his neck, scratched his head and said, "Boss, it's too slow to earn money by working hard like this."

De Paul, who was standing next to him, said: "They say America is paradise. We threw away the business in Mexico and finally came to the United States, but in the end we still had to work hard."

The boss Rodriguez said: "Didn't you see? The owner of that office is Martin Davis, a real big shot in Hollywood. It is said that he has such a good relationship with the new chief of the LAPD that he wears a pair of pants!"

Diego was unconvinced: "In Mexico, we even did it to the mayor!"

Romero, who was driving, said: "Shut up! This matter is over and no one is allowed to mention it again in the future."

Rodriguez said: "You haven't been here long enough to understand that the LAPD is the largest armed violent organization in Los Angeles. People like us will be targeted for having their magazines emptied once they provoke the LAPD!"

Diego and Romero stopped talking.

Rodriguez added: "The public security in Los Angeles is not good. No one would put too valuable property in the office safe. Wouldn't that tell others to steal it quickly?"

Romero, who was driving, interjected again: "When I came out of the office, I found some scripts on Martin Davis' desk."

"I saw it too, it must be a script." Rodriguez looked at Diego and DePaul and said, "You guys, watch out. I'll teach you how to make money without risk."

Diego and DePaul nodded repeatedly.

Rodriguez said: "Martin Davis is known for his good eyesight in Hollywood, and the movie projects he chooses are always successful. I often contact people from Hollywood companies, and I have heard people mention it more than once. Many Hollywood companies and producers People want to know in advance what program Martin Davis will choose in the future."

DePaul's response was quick: "Those scripts on the desk?"

"Yes, those scripts are our business opportunities!" Rodriguez said to Lamela who was driving: "You know many people in Hollywood. Let the news out and say that we have seen many projects of Martin Davis. script."

Romero said: "But we just saw the script..."

Rodriguez seems honest, but he is not a vegetarian: "Where is the script hidden? This news should make some money."

Romero nodded: "I'll go this afternoon."

Diego and Romero said, "Let's go together."

Rodriguez nodded: "That's fine. Although you speak English well, you still have to adapt to the environment here. Don't be prone to guns and the like. We have to use our brains to make money!"

"Understood!" the two men responded.

Back in downtown Los Angeles, the four of them had lunch, Rodriguez went looking for high-end routes, and the other three went out to spread the news.


Like other Hollywood production companies, Davis Studios always receives many scripts from writers.

Every other week, Martin would take time to take out these scripts and browse them quickly, but after a few years, there were very few valuable scripts.

According to rough statistics, Hollywood receives nearly 400,000 scripts every year. According to data released by industry associations, the minimum number in a year is 350,000.

This does not include remakes of old movies, sequel movies, comic book adaptations and novel adaptations.

Among them, one percent that can be produced is a luxury.

As for the Hollywood script blacklist, which became famous due to the success of "Juno", some have become successful movies in recent years, but like the 80/20 rule of the industry, more have failed.

Martin has also been paying attention to the blacklist. If he sees a valuable project whose copyright has not been sold, of course he will take action.

The latest dozen scripts received are all piled on the desk.

Martin was flipping through the pages.

Among these, some were sent by well-known screenwriters in the industry, but most were written by newcomers.

The first script Martin opened was called "The Seventh Son". He opened the home page and saw the settings, closed it and put it aside.

There is no need to read any further because this is a magical epic.

The scripts he saw later looked like "Middle East Lover" and "The Escape of the Prince". Martin had no impression that the screenwriter himself was a newcomer, and the content of the script was not interesting.

The same goes for the next dozen.

Until the last one, Martin saw another impressive work called "Transcendental Hacker", a story about an electronic scientist who was assassinated by terrorists and his wife transferred his spirit into a supercomputer.

He had seen this film and it left an impression on him because the male protagonist was played by Johnny Depp.

But considering that since Depp played the role of Captain, everything has been a trap as long as he leaves the Caribbean. Martin directly closed the script and put it aside.

He had read all the scripts, and originally wanted them to take them all away, but thinking that even fairy tale books like "Jack the Giant Catcher" could be used before, he only asked people to take away the scripts that he was not impressed with, leaving "The Chapter 1" Seven Sons" and "Transcendental Hacker".

Martin thought for a while and couldn't think of a place to use it, so he simply put the script in the safe.

The phone rang on the desk and Martin answered it. The caller was Mia, asking him to come over.

After Mia joined the company and signed a creative agreement with Davis Studio, she has been writing and revising scripts.

As a new screenwriter, despite the help of Bradt, it was not easy to write the script to Martin's satisfaction.

And at Martin's suggestion, the script has been transformed into a song and dance type.

Mia's boyfriend Sebastian also resigned from Smoke House and joined Davis Studio, specifically responsible for scoring and composing songs for "LA LA LAND".

Martin came to the second floor, where Mia and Sebastian had a large independent creative room.

Mia handed Martin a manuscript and said, "I revised the script again."

Martin was not very satisfied with the script before, mainly because of the ending, where the heroine who became a big star ended up with the hero, just like a Disney fairy tale movie.

The happy ending seems very good at first glance, and it can be placed in other types of movies.

But this kind of film set in Hollywood is inappropriate. It neither conforms to the reality of Hollywood nor the public's perception of Hollywood.

The heroine can still have lingering feelings for the hero, but she will choose to marry a man who is richer and has a higher status.

Martin took over the script and turned directly to the ending. The ending had been changed. It was no longer about the male and female protagonists getting together, but the heroine marrying a producer. It ended in the music bar opened by the male protagonist. Once again Meet the hero.

The two met but never met again, and eventually went their separate ways.

Mia asked: "Is this ending okay?"

Martin closed the script: "This ends well."

Sebastian said at this time: "I composed a piece of music specifically for the ending."

Martin asked, "Can I hear it?"

Sebastian sat behind the piano and pressed the black and white keys.

This is a slightly sad tune, but there is also a sense of upliftment in the sadness.

Perhaps because he has listened to Taylor Swift singing too much, Martin has developed a certain level of appreciation and can actually hear these from the tunes.

He decided that in order to improve his musical literacy, he would listen to Taylor and her besties singing more in the future.

After playing the song, Sebastian took a breath before coming back to his senses and looked at Martin: "I first proposed the song type, but I only know how to compose music and not choreograph or write lyrics. I need the studio to do this." Make preparations early."

Martin nodded: "I will ask people to communicate with Disney. Disney is very good at music, singing and dancing, and there is no shortage of professional talents."

Sebastian was relieved and said, "I'm going to keep writing music."

Martin returned the script to Mia: "Continue to refine it, and communicate with Bradt if you have any questions."

When his cell phone rang, he waved out of the studio and found that the calls were from Jolie and Aniston.

"Hi, honey, let's go watch an art film shooting tomorrow? I talked to Jenna on the phone, and her and Pete's new movie will start shooting tomorrow."

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