American fame and fortune

Chapter 633 Twenty years in prison

The Los Angeles courtroom was packed with people today. Not to mention media reporters and various social organizations protesting, there were hundreds of family members of the victims alone.

There were more than a dozen TV broadcast trucks parked near the entrance.

In order to meet the needs of the public and media, wireless communication service providers such as AT\u0026T and Verizon also specially dispatched additional signal trucks.

Three buses stopped in front of the door and were immediately chased and intercepted by media reporters.

The Mitu organization, which promised to provide help to the victims, accompanied more than 100 victims into the court, led by Jolie and Aniston wearing fist logos.

Gavin Newsom, who will be inaugurated as the lieutenant governor of California next month, accompanied his wife Jennifer Siebel out of the car and accepted interviews with many media, showing how to be a qualified husband.

Bob Weinstein, the brother who stabbed him in the back, also came. He spoke impassionedly in front of the media cameras: "I heard that Harvey was dating some actresses, but I didn't expect that he went so far. People must be responsible for their words and deeds. He must be severely punished by law!"

Weinstein Pictures has fallen under Bob's control, changing its business policy during the Harvey era and focusing on the production and distribution of B-level movies.

Georgina Chapman, the ex-wife, said nothing when she came to the court.

Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson came together, but did not accept an interview and walked straight towards the court building.

Just when Harvey Weinstein was about to arrive, when the media and crowds were the most dense, a woman suddenly jumped out.

Last time, Meghan Markle grabbed a headline and reaped the benefits.

Therefore, this time she hired two banner pullers and customized cultural shirts to attract more attention.

Two employees pulled up a huge white banner with a line of bloody letters on it - Harvey Weinstein is a racist!

Meghan raised the electronic loudspeaker and complained loudly: "Among the many victims of Harvey Weinstein, there is not a single black person. What does this mean? Harvey Weinstein discriminates against black people!"

The whole place was in an uproar, but the cameras of the media reporters instantly turned to Meghan.

No matter what, Meghan grabbed the spotlight again.

Soon, the court hearing began.

Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson sat in a row, and across the aisle were Jolie, Aniston and others.

The three of them also wore Mi Rabbit logos on their collars to show support for the victims.

The case had a great impact. Not only was the court heard in public, it was also broadcast live across the United States via the Internet and television. ,

In the dock, Harvey Weinstein sat expressionless.

Witnesses, including Jennifer Siebel, came forward one after another to accuse Harvey.

Leonardo couldn't help but lowered his voice and said, "Harvey is such a pervert. He even forces himself to lick someone..."

Martin's voice was also very low: "He is worthy of being the spiritual leader of the Foot Gang."

Nicholson thought of his old buddy: "He's even more perverted than that guy Malone!"

Martin said: "Actually, he picks up girls according to the conventional method. What kind of women can't be picked up? There is no need to force him."

Nicholson, an old bastard, shook his head: "Forcing is too tasteless."

During the break in the trial, Harvey turned around and glanced at the auditorium. He didn't care about the victims who were exaggerating several times. He didn't care about his ex-wife Georgina. He didn't even care about Martin Davis, who speculated that he might be the mastermind behind the scenes. It fell on his brother Bob.

Only the person involved can feel the heart-rending pain after betrayal by the person you are closest to, the person you trust the most.

Harvey's gaze pierced Bob like a sword.

The little brother who always gave in in the past now held his head high and looked at him without giving in.

Not only that, in the subsequent trial, multiple Weinstein Films executives, including Bob and Harvey’s former assistants, testified against Harvey.

As glorious as the previous two decades were, Harvey today is just as miserable.

When Brad Pitt took the witness stand, Harvey's gaze was almost murderous, especially since Pitt was accusing him of a shooting that didn't exist.

"No!" Harvey couldn't hold it in any longer. His so-called calmness and calmness broke through his defenses instantly, and he yelled: "I didn't do it. This is all a frame-up! A frame-up!"

The judge banged his gavel and shouted for silence.

Nicholson looked at the two younger brothers and reminded: "No matter what you do in the future, think about Harvey today. Don't fall into such a situation. Then everyone will come and step on you, even if it wasn't you." It’ll become what you do.”

Martin nodded: "So, we only mess with people, don't let others mess with us."

Leonardo fully agreed: "Whoever wants to mess with us, let's mess with him first!"

Nicholson said to himself that the two young brothers really learned how to protect themselves.

Self-protection is never about passive defense, but about taking the initiative!

The trial lasted for three days, and on the third day, the court pronounced the verdict in court.

Harvey stood in the dock with his head held high, maintaining the last dignity of the boss.

He was very uneasy inside. If he was sentenced to life imprisonment, he would kill all the nets and drag all those bastards into the water.

"The jury unanimously found the defendant Harvey Weinstein guilty of illegal detention, solicitation, rape, and attempted murder..."

All cameras were focused on Harvey.

Harvey held onto the dock table with both hands to support his body from falling, but his mind was so confused at the moment that he could barely hear the outside world.

He only heard the last sentence of what the judge said - he was sentenced to twenty years in prison with no chance of parole for the first fifteen years!

Harvey couldn't stand any longer and sat down on the chair, his face ashen.

It’s not a life sentence, but it’s a terrifyingly long time, but there’s still hope...

The lawsuit involving him is not over, and there are astronomical civil damages.

More than a hundred victims were enough to scrape his bone marrow clean!

Harvey never spoke about certain things. After all, being alive was better than being dead.

Besides, once those things are spoken, death will be easier than death. There are ten thousand ways to make his life worse than death.

Like the Affleck brothers.

In the gallery, the victims were all excited. Such a verdict means that their chances of winning in subsequent civil lawsuits are infinite.

Get rich! Got rich!

Taking advantage of this chaos, Harvey turned to the lawyer and said, "Go tell those big shots, if I am forced to see the anorectal department, I will say anything, anything!"

The lawyer didn't react at first.

Harvey reminded again: "Ben Affleck went to the anorectal department..."

The lawyer understood: "I'm going to spread the word."

Harvey felt a little relieved and reached out to touch his fat butt. There can't be any mistakes here!

The trial ended to everyone's satisfaction except Harvey.

When Martin and the three bastards walked out, Jolie and Aniston followed.

"It's very satisfying." Julie was also one of the witnesses. She lowered her voice and said to Martin: "Thank you for seeking justice for me."

Nicholson, the bastard, answered first: "Verbal thanks are the least sincere."

Julie was so coquettish and aggressive that she forced Martin to stop and tried to squat down: "Do you want me to perform live so that you can see how sincere I am?"

Martin grabbed her: "Don't go crazy."

Aniston leaned over and said, "She's not crazy, she's irritated."

Martin held one hand and said: "Let's go, let's go."

Leonardo, this bastard, reminded a few people and signaled with his eyes: "Look over there, Brad Pitt!"

Martin, Jolie, Aniston and Nicholson turned to look to the left at the same time, and saw Brad Pitt standing alone less than ten meters away, staring blankly.

Peter saw his wife and girlfriend, all in Martin's grasp.

Just now, one of them had to perform the art of speaking live...

He couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, but thinking of the treatment of the Affleck brothers, he walked forward step by step and came to Martin, Jolie and Aniston.

Aniston took out her hand, held Martin's arm tightly, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Martin on the face.

Jolie tilted her head and smiled at Pitt.

Bruce took a step forward, ready to take action at any moment.

Nicholson took out his phone, turned on the camera mode, and said, "Leo, let's watch the show."

Leonardo, who was also a bastard, whispered: "Pete, come on! Pete, do it!"

Unexpectedly, when Pitt came to the man and two women, he didn't make any move at all, or even make any noise. He just looked at Jolie and Aniston quietly and said, "I wish you happiness in the future."

The resentful ex-wife is a very scary creature. Aniston said directly: "Of course I am happy. Martin is much better than you. He makes me scream every time."

Julie added with a smile: "I push behind Martin every time."

Martin was quite helpless. Is this interesting?

Peter's expression suddenly changed and he said: "Sorry, I have to leave quickly. You just gave me inspiration. I am writing a script. This paragraph is very suitable to be written in my script?"

Julie was surprised: "Who else in Hollywood would use you?"

Haven't she and Aniston done enough to crush Pitt to death?

Pitt will soon be participating in the filming of a new film and directly said: "The art film script of the Sacred Valley welcomes you to watch and support."

Jolie and Aniston laughed at the same time, very happily.

Martin said seriously: "I will buy the disc to support it."

Peter waved and hurried away. After getting in the car, he found a pen and notebook and quickly wrote down the inspiration that just broke out.

Sacred Valley art genre based on real events.

A certain man, because he met a wild woman, abandoned his first wife who did not want to have children, and wanted to pursue that woman. As a result, the wild woman fell into the arms of another man, and that man even got his first wife. Fucked with wild women and wives in front of him.

There can also be some scenes with female nannies and housekeepers interspersed in the middle, which is perfect!

Pitt even thought of a title for the film, and it was called "Forever Love"!

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