American fame and fortune

Chapter 605 Shortcut to Getting Rich

Brooklyn Studios, New York.

The crew of "John Wick 2" has been here since July to shoot some scenes that don't require Martin and Mene to appear.

Chad Starsky even appeared in person, playing the role of a gangster.

In the studio, Martin sat on the slide and operated the camera to shoot Chad's shots.

"Attention all departments!" He shouted loudly: "Field notes, prepare."

The recorder came in front of the camera to record the scene.

Martin concentrated on shooting, and the camera was full of close-ups of Chad's face.

"That man is a mystery, a legend, a lunatic. He killed three high-level killers in a bar with only a pencil!" Chad made no secret of his inner fear: "He is Jonathan, a living legend! "

The men on the opposite side said: "In this case, why don't we let go."

The following line is the key point, echoing the hottest explosive point in the first movie, when Chad turned from fear to ferocity: "He killed my nephew, killed my brother, just for a dog!"

He shouted angrily: "Just for a dog, he killed my only relative!"

The topic of dogs can never be skipped in this series.

Terms such as "a murder caused by a dog" and "killing your dog" have already become popular Internet terms.

Don't mess with Martin Davis's dog, which is also the consensus of the world.

As for provocations, the movie has the blood-soaked "John Wick" and the Santa Monica Pier incident serves as a warning in reality.

"Stuck..." Martin stopped the filming, raised his head from behind the camera, and shouted to Chad: "In the last two lines, you used too much force!"

Chad raised his hand: "My question."

Martin yelled, "Departments back to their posts."

The crew started getting busy, and filming started again a few minutes later.

When Chad was yelling angrily, Martin stopped again and said: "Exerting too much force, focusing too much on external expression and eyes, old man, your eyesight is dull!"

The third shot still didn’t work.

Martin simply got off the slide, entered the set, and deliberately asked: "Chad, were you taught your acting skills by Leonardo? You didn't learn his advantages. You stared, frowned, and roared. You learned them all." ."

Chad said: "I'm good at action scenes..." Seeing Martin across from him, he was embarrassed to smile: "I dare not say that I am good at action scenes in front of you."

Martin reminded: "This is a close-up shot, pay attention to express emotions with your eyes."

Chad responded, "I'll give it a try."

The crew reshot seven or eight times, and Martin, the interim director, finally gave the go-ahead.

Chad's performance is nowhere near as good as Leonardo's, but it's almost enough for an action movie drama.

The director's previous performance was really poor.

Martin only filmed a few scenes, and after getting over his addiction to temporary directing, he returned to his regular job.

This can also be used as a topic when promoting later.

He has limited talent as a director, and the scenes in these scenes were shot completely according to Chad's plan.

By the afternoon, Martin had joined the shoot.

On the set, which was decorated like a used car warehouse, Chen Hu reminded: "Warm up first."

Martin nodded and started to warm up with Chen Hu.

After the warm-up, he took the pistol from Bruce, a Glock.

As a sequel to a blockbuster movie, the crew increased the advertising quotation, and ultimately failed to reach an agreement with Heikohler \u0026 Koch. The Austrian Glock company took advantage of the situation and secured the film's pistol advertising sponsorship.

In this film, the male protagonist Jonathan will use Glock series pistols throughout the battle.

In view of the shooting that occurred on the "Inception" crew, the "John Wick 2" crew has formulated stricter regulations on the use of firearms. Not only are all props and firearms managed by dedicated personnel, they must also undergo three inspections before being handed over to the actors. The actors themselves are also checked at the end.

Because all the crew used were real firearms.

Safety first.

After Martin checked the gun, he entered the set and started filming the action scene.

Ping-ping-pong-pong gunshots rang out.

The gunfight scene is still one of the highlights of this film, and Martin has been maintaining training. His agility, standard tactical movements, and normal action design are almost perfect.

Compared to the first film, this one has more car chase and fight scenes.

However, most car chase scenes will be completed with stunt doubles.

After the filming of another action scene was completed, Martin returned to the rest area, took the glass of water from Bruce, and took a few sips.

Gun action guides Marcus as he passes nearby.

Martin stopped him, called him over, and asked, "When did you come back?"

The increasingly obese Marcus sat next to Martin and said, "I returned to North America in early July. The filming of "Lone Survivor" went smoothly in Jordan. It is estimated that the filming will be completed this month."

The fat on his smiling face piled up: "Mark Wahlberg is a good actor and he listens to a lot of my suggestions."

Martin said: "I am currently talking about the release of the film. It will not be a big problem to release it next year."

Marcus nodded: "This can fulfill my big wish, and it can also let Americans know that my teammates are true patriots and what a price they have paid for the United States."

Martin said with relief: "Just work with peace of mind."

Marcus hesitated to speak.

Martin asked: "Anything else?"

"After the autobiography was published, there were a lot of unfavorable rumors about me on the Internet." Marcus seemed troubled: "Many people also said that I was a deserter and so on..."

Martin waved his hand and said: "Don't care too much about the gossip in the media and the Internet. You should have seen that there are still people on the Internet slandering me for having sex with Leonardo and Nicholson. Is it possible? Just ignore some things. Okay, if someone goes too far, have someone send them a lawyer’s letter.”

Marcus smiled with a bit of bitterness: "Maybe I'm not mentally strong enough. I always get angry when I see those people and want to beat them up."

"I was like that at the beginning." Martin said a few more words: "But if you think about it carefully, you are now a celebrity and a rich man, and those people are eager for you to beat them up. This is a shortcut for them to get rich! "

After hearing the last sentence, Marcus rubbed his head and thought of Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck and Harvey Weinstein, who are all typical examples of vigilant people.

"I will try my best to adjust and ignore the bad comments as much as possible," he said.

Martin stood up to enter the set and patted Marcus on the shoulder: "I have time to come to the hotel bar for a drink tonight. I made an appointment with Chen Hu, Chad and Mene."

There is no Winston scene today, Mene did not come to the set.

"I'll be there on time," Marcus said.

Entering the set, Martin posed.

As the filming order was given, stuntman Lewis ran towards him with a wrench in his hand.

Martin dodged, grabbed his arm, and kicked him between the legs.

Lewis screamed, dropped the wrench on the ground, covered his crotch and fell to the ground.

Martin turned over, picked up a gun from the ground, and shot Lewis in the head.

As the crisp sound of gunfire rang out, the shot came to an end.

Martin got up from the ground, went over to look at Lewis, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Luckily I had a special baffle in my crotch," Lewis said.

Martin pulled him up and said, "I can control the strength well."

The two had collaborated as early as "The Mountain Has Eyes" and had a good relationship. Lewis deliberately joked: "I don't want to use my only two balls to make you try and make mistakes."

Martin laughed: "At most, it's just a touch of sadness."

The crew's day of filming ended. On the way back to the hotel after work, Chad got into Martin's car.

He asked: "You asked me to leave the roles of the female killer and Jaina. When will their actors arrive?"

Martin patted his head and said, "It's my fault. I've been busy with the overseas promotion of "Inception" and the Coca-Cola God's Washington gathering recently, so I forgot about it."

Chad was speechless: "Can you let me see the actors quickly?"

Bruce, who was driving, reminded: "You asked me to notify Sputrana, who plays the female killer, to come to New York to audition."

Martin really forgot about this and said: "Brother Boo, please notify Marina Alexandrova and ask her and her agent to come to New York for an audition."

He asked Chad, "When will Gianna's scene be filmed?"

Chad roughly said: "The underground castle scene has already been set up in the studio. If the right people arrive, shooting can begin at any time."

Martin said: "Marina is an actress with a professional background and has played many important roles in TV and movies in Russia, so there should be no problem."

"The role of Gianna is not very difficult." The character set by Chad was originally a person who caused conflicts in the scene, and there were not many scenes: "She is not the key, and filming can start at any time when the person arrives."

He emphasized: "The female killer Ares has a fighting role and needs to undergo some necessary training."

Martin was straightforward: "Audition first. If it's not suitable, just replace it."

There are other roles available for Thomas.

Arriving at the hotel, getting off the car and entering the lobby, Martin reminded: "Don't forget to come out for a drink at night."

"I remember." Chad saw the girl coming to the rest area and reminded Martin with his eyes: "I'm going up first."

Martin turned around, saw Lily, and asked, "Why are you in New York?"

Lily said, "Come over to an art exhibition."

Martin asked curiously: "Do you have any works in the exhibition?"

"Of course." Lily was still a little proud: "My works are now very popular."

She specifically said: "Whenever you have time, go and see the exhibition of my works. It's best to bring a few friends with you."

Martin responded immediately: "No problem, have a treat today."

Lily asked: "What do you want to eat?"

Martin called her upstairs and said, "I'll treat you to dinner. I'm going to invite friends from the crew to drink together tonight. You're responsible for paying the bill."

Lily would not refuse Martin: "It's okay to treat, but it can't exceed US$30,000. If Elena checks the accounts and sees it, she will blow my head off."

Martin laughed: "A few thousand dollars at most."

When he went upstairs to his room, his cell phone rang, but it was Taylor Swift calling.

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