American fame and fortune

Chapter 595 Even if I beat you to death, I won’t say anything

With the wide release of the film, the spinning top at the end has inevitably become the focus of discussion among movie fans, and there is a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether Cobb has returned to reality.

Martin and Nolan focused on this part when filming.

The latter was well prepared and let the crew's publicity department give a little guidance to ignite the topic.

"The protagonist must have returned to reality because his father-in-law has only appeared in reality."

"There was no return to reality, and his child never looked back and showed his face."

"There was an error upstairs. The protagonist returned to reality. If you look closely, you can find that the protagonist played by Martin was wearing a wedding ring in the dream, but there was no wedding ring in the real shot."

"The observation on the third floor is really careful. I'll take a look again!"

“Look again +1!”

"I want to see it again too!"

As a result, many movie fans choose to purchase tickets a second time to verify new perspectives.

Gradually, more perspectives emerge, some beyond what Martin and Nolan expected.

"The so-called dream theft and implantation are not true. I estimate that the real content of the film is that the protagonist in the first class cabin had a dream. The protagonists in the dream were him and the passengers in the same cabin. So when he got off the plane, They looked at each other."

Needless to say, this view is supported by some people.

No matter what the point of view, Martin and the show's publicity team are fanning the flames and encouraging the discussion to become more heated.

For the sake of commercial interests, an open ending was created. The audience continued to express various opinions for the ending. In order to support the opinions and to argue against the opposing opinions, they bought tickets again and entered the theater, watching carefully from beginning to end with wide eyes.

The medium of film is like the reading comprehension done by students. When it is placed in front of everyone, it far exceeds the original intention of the creator.

Even the creator himself can't explain it clearly and will be awarded zero points.

Often the more they watch, the more the audience interprets each plot part of the film. As the discussion deepens, this craze cannot stop at all.

The upsurge of discussion has also spread to the North American media. The more controversial the topic, the more popular it is with the media. The ending of "Inception" has become a hot topic of public opinion.

In the crew's promotional announcement, a group of reporters blocked Nolan and asked for details of the ending.

Nolan looked innocent and said, "I don't know either."

The reporter was dissatisfied, and one person asked loudly: "You are the director, how could you not know?"

"Because I didn't design the ending!" Nolan has completely learned to be shameless after participating in many Face Gang gatherings. In order not to be attacked, he pushed everything away.

He said: "The ending was provided by Martin. I thought it was good, so I used it, so you have to ask Martin for the details."

Martin on the other side was very leisurely and was exchanging experiences with Ellen Page from different angles when the reporters surrounding Nolan suddenly rushed over.

Ellen Page curiously asked: "Who did you fuck last night? Entertainment reporters are like crazy."

Martin was also very strange: "I slept at home alone last night."

Ellen Page stepped back: "Stay in front and hold on, I'll go get the reinforcements."

After saying that, he ran away very unfaithfully.

Without any fear, Martin straightened his clothes and allowed reporters to surround him.

Several security personnel, including Bruce, were around to withstand the pressure.

The one who rushed to the front turned out to be a female reporter. Her hair was disheveled and her clothes were disheveled, but it did not prevent her from asking questions: "Martin, has Cobb returned to reality?"

Martin didn’t want to get into this kind of trouble and said, “You have to ask the director about this.”

Another reporter said: "Director Nolan said that the idea for the ending of the film came from you, and he just shot it according to your opinions."

Martin couldn't help but be surprised, and then realized that he was a step too late and had been sold by Nolan.

This British director is even less loyal than Ellen Page!

Now the trouble is on Martin, but for the sake of the film's box office, he can't really answer. Besides, who knows what Nolan thought about the ending.

Martin paused slightly and said: "There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. My original intention is that fans can see the open ending and imagine the ending they want..."

He threw the pot back again: "I just provided an idea. What the film will look like is a matter for the director and producer to consider. I am just the leading actor and I don't have this power."

The female reporter refused to let Martin go and said loudly: "But you are not an ordinary actor. You are a member of the Twenty Million Club and also serve as a producer on the crew. You must know the ending!"

Martin plays it safe: "I was not a member of the 20 million club when I made this film."

In a word, I wouldn't even say it to death.

The craze for interpretation caused by "Inception" has also made the box office continue to rise, and theaters have always maintained high attendance rates.

After three days of its first weekend, the film grossed US$75.68 million in nearly 4,000 theaters in North America, unsurprisingly sitting at the top of the box office list.

"The Last Airbender", which was released on the same weekend, only had a box office of US$36.67 million in its first week.

Knight Shyamalan's new film can only rely on lengthy offline channels to recoup its costs.

Warner Bros.’s theater goal is to recover costs as much as possible through the box office and rely on offline profits.

"At present, our forecast is still a bit conservative."

"As long as we maintain a healthy box office trend, we will be able to make a profit through the box office," Daniel said during a small meeting of Warner Bros. executives on Monday.

Kevin Tsujihara was looking at the specific data report of "Inception" and said: "Nolan is a good director and has a lot of stuff."

Jon Berg said: "This film succeeded and he asked for more power in The Dark Knight Rises."

Kevin Tsujihara thought about it for a moment and said, "It can be given to him, but the final editing rights still belong to Warner Brothers."

Hamada remained silent because the movie discussed had nothing to do with him.

Daniel said at this time: "The theater company conducted a sample survey and found that more than one-third of the audience at the first weekend were members of the Coca-Cola Cult."

He sat in the position of a Warner executive and received the salary, bonuses and dividends provided by Warner Brothers. Naturally, he was responsible for Warner's performance. He reminded: "Martin Davis's market appeal is very strong."

Jon Berg added: "The leader of this film is Nolan."

Kevin Tsujihara did not speak for the time being.

Daniel added: "Continuing to cooperate with Martin will not hurt us."

"You are right, I also want to continue to cooperate with Martin Davis." Kevin Tsujihara emphasized again: "But the method of cooperation must be led by Warner Bros. He will either accept Warner Bros.'s conditions, or he will be rejected by us. Acquisition!"

Daniel sighed secretly and said no more.

Moving on to the film project.

Jon Berg talked about the recent situation. Warner Pictures will adapt a fairy tale fantasy film of the same name with the latter based on "Jack and the Beanbag" and "Jack the Giant Killer". The project has been approved by the Warner Bros. review committee Green light, production budget as high as 160 million US dollars.

The director is confirmed to be Bryan Singer, who has directed the "X-Men" series, "Superman Returns" and "The Wolverine".

In addition, Gillian Flynn has spent a lot of money to purchase the copyright of the novel "Darkland" and has reached the final stage of writing. The project has also received a green light because it plans to invite heavyweight actors and directors to join the project, with a production budget of up to 8,000. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

Warner Bros. also communicated with Random House about the publication time of the novel, waiting for the release of "Gone Girl" starring Martin.

Daniel made a last-ditch effort to keep Martin's film, but it still ended in failure.


Warner Studios, "Pharaohs and Gods" studio has been officially established.

In the director's office, Ridley Scott was reading the newspaper, the latest "Hollywood Report."

On the front page, Martin and Nolan stood side by side, looking into the distance together.

"The cooperation between the strong and the strong has created a science fiction classic - "Inception". The best director, the best actors, and the best story have created this best dream."

Ridley raised his head, looked at the agent opposite, and asked: "Ali, if "Robin Hood" had chosen Martin, would the outcome have been different?"

"How could you have such an idea?" Ali Emmanuel naturally wanted to protect the company's number one celebrity client, and said again: "Martin was not scheduled at that time."

Ridley nodded slightly: "I know, I know."

Ali said: "Everyone makes mistakes, and "Robin Hood" has become a thing of the past." In front of the director's client, he will also say things that favor the director: "The success or failure of a film is affected by many factors. The director's opinion of the film The control of the film is much more important than the performance of the actors. The key to the success of "Inception" lies in director Nolan."

These words, on another occasion, he would definitely say it differently.

Ridley said: "But choice and vision are key. Martin chose Nolan's project instead of "Robin Hood", and then he succeeded, and "Robin Hood" failed miserably at the box office."

Ali could not deny this and said: "Indeed, choices and opportunities are often more important than ability. Martin will always choose the right project at the right time."

Ridley asked: "What were Martin's criteria for choosing his film options?"

"I'm not sure." Ali recalled it carefully. It seemed like there was nothing special about it, and said, "Maybe he has his own standards, but others don't know it very well."

Ridley asked again: "The night of the premiere, you told me that Martin wanted to work with me?"

Ali said: "You don't have a schedule now. Martin said it will wait until you complete the project."

"The preparations here are basically ready. I have time now." Ridley thought for a moment and said, "I want to see him as soon as possible and talk to him, especially about his new project."

Ali couldn't refuse, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed Martin's number and told him the specific situation. Martin responded.

The two parties made an appointment to meet at WMA tomorrow.

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