American fame and fortune

Chapter 586 Teacher Ma doesn’t respect martial ethics

The sound of buzzing motors came from the water, and several speedboats were ready to go. Martin put his quiver on his back, picked up his recurve bow, and boarded the speedboat driven by Bruce.

Behind, Kate Upton, who was wearing cool clothes, handed over her hand: "The leader."

Martin pulled her: "Be careful."

Kate Upton got on the boat steadily and said: "I grew up in Miami, Florida. I have been around water and boats since I was a child. Apart from horseback riding, my best thing is water-related sports."

Martin nodded and said: "After I pull up the fish I shot, you are responsible for throwing them into the cabin."

Kate Upton responded: "No problem."

The speedboat next to him slowly sailed away from the pier. David Finch, who was on the boat, was carrying a shotgun and said to Martin: "The weapon you used is too primitive and you will lose the game."

Mene, who had just arrived from Los Angeles over the weekend, stood on another boat and shouted: "It would be unfair to us if Martin used a gun!"

Producer Danu has overtaken the boat: "Mene is right, it's only fair to give Martin a bow and arrow set and a pistol."

A total of six speedboats drove out of the pier and rushed towards the vast lake.

For this fishing activity, Jillian found a local club and organized it under the club’s name. The advantage was that she could use firearms that complied with regulations to hunt fish under the guidance of professionals.

Bruce drove the speedboat towards the left front, while Martin stood near the bow and carefully observed the movement on the lake.

The lake is connected to the Mississippi River and is also overrun with Asian carp.

And because the water quality is better and the aquatic plants are abundant, it has become a habitat for many big fish.

The six speedboats separated on the vast lake, and soon no shadows could be seen.

There was a faint sound of gunfire.

Kate Upton looked at Martin worriedly. The bow and arrow were definitely not as good as the shotgun.

Martin nailed himself to the speedboat, drew an arrow, and placed it on the bowstring of his compound recurve bow.

When I was a martial artist in my previous life, I had specialized in bow and arrow training, and I could also ride and shoot.

In the past two years, I have practiced specially for the filming of "John Wick".

Bruce operated the speedboat and stepped out of the large S-shaped boat on the calm lake. As the water surface was disturbed, fish began to explode out of the water.

A big fish jumped out on the right front.

Martin has quick eyes and quick hands, his bow is like the full moon, and his arrows are like shooting stars.

Just when the big fish was about to fall into the water, the arrow penetrated its round body and brought out a pool of blood.

The fish fell into the water and struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the arrow that penetrated its body.

Martin's hand, which was wearing anti-cut gloves, grabbed the harpoon line connected to the arrow and dragged it back forcefully.

The fish was very powerful, and it was the first time that Martin and Bruce cooperated in this regard. It took Martin a little time to drag the fish to the side of the boat.

This is a very large carp, it looks like it weighs at least twenty pounds.

Martin didn't need to lift the net, he just lifted the fish onto the boat, took off the buckle and arrow, and threw the fish behind.

Kate Upton went to pick up the fish. She was quite skillful. She grabbed the gills of the fish with both hands, lifted it up and threw it into the cabin.

Martin raised his thumb at her, looking for a new target.

Soon another fish came into the water, and it was bigger than the one just now.

Martin tightened his grip on his bow.

The blues ship turned that way.

At the moment when the water surface exploded, Martin turned the bow slightly and loosened the string.

As the sound of breaking wind sounded, a blood flower bloomed again.

As soon as Martin grabbed the harpoon line, he heard the whistling wind coming from behind.

When he subconsciously lowered his head and turned around, he caught a glimpse of a big fish breaking out of the water and jumping up!

The fish jumped higher than the side of the boat!

This may be a male fish. It may have had enough of being a fish and wants to imitate mammals and taste what it feels like to suck milk, so it flies towards Kate Upton.

But it jumped over, and after missing it with its head, it waved its tail like a struggle.

The head cannot experience it, but the tail can also experience it.

Martin heard a crisp sound, and Kate Upton, who was sitting on the boat, covered her chest and fell down, and let out a scream.

The big carp that jumped up exhausted all its strength and fell into the cabin with a thud.

Kate Upton shed tears of pain, but she showed her true character as a tough girl. She stood up and suppressed the big fish, picked up a short stick on one side, swung it and hit the fish on the head.

"I..." She covered her chest and gasped, "I'm fine."

Seeing that she had no big problem, Martin turned around and went to pull the fish.

In just this moment, the fish under the water dragged him to the bow of the boat, and the pulling force was astonishingly strong.

Martin put down the recurve bow, grabbed the harpoon line with both hands, assisted the winch at the bow of the boat to pull the fish, and at the same time shouted: "Bruce!"

Bruce drove the speedboat and cooperated with Martin to fish.

He didn't know how big the fish was under the water. With Martin's strong strength, he felt like he would be pulled into the water at any time.

After fighting for a while, the power of modern machinery was ultimately not something that an injured fish could resist.

A meter-sized big herring was gradually pulled to the side of the boat.

Although the arrow pierced the body, the big herring still had strong vitality, shaking its head and tail and refusing to accept its fate.

Martin found Kate Upton sitting there holding her chest as if in pain, and decided to end the fight quickly.

The big herring struggled desperately, trying to escape.

Martin took out the pistol he was equipped with from his waist, and without even aiming, he turned on the safety and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

He fired three times, hitting the big herring's head, and blood immediately came out.

The water surface soon became quiet, and the big herring floated on the water, staring blankly at the boat with its dead eyes, as if to say that you don't have martial ethics!

Master Ma, who has no martial arts ethics, dragged the fish to the boat. It weighed about thirty to forty pounds based on the feel of the fish.

Bruce has stopped the ship.

Martin asked: "Kate, how are you?"

Kate Upton was very tough: "I'm fine, I've recovered, just keep going."

Martin glanced at her and found that her chest was red and her bra cup was at least one size too big. He said, "It's better to go back and check first."

Kate Upton really wanted to say, just check it for me, but there was Bruce behind me, so she never said it.

She rubbed her chest, stood up, and said, "I'm fine, really, let's continue."

Seeing that she didn't look like anything was wrong, Martin reminded: "When you feel uncomfortable, tell me immediately!"

Kate Upton said: "I will."

Bruce started the speedboat and continued the hunting trip.

When the sun quickly turned from the east to the middle, six speedboats returned to the dock one after another. As soon as Martin's boat stopped at the wooden trestle, Kate Upton went ashore to the nearby dressing room.

David Finch's boat came from behind, and he asked loudly: "Martin, how many were shot?"

Martin asked someone to come over and lift the fish and said, "It's not too many, about a dozen."

David Fincher didn't want to talk to Martin.

Mene often played with guns and his marksmanship was not bad. He shouted on his boat: "I shot eight!"

Producer Danu simply stopped talking.

No one ate these fish, so Martin came ashore and said, "Leave all the big herrings you have for me."

Worried that these people wouldn't understand, he specifically pointed to the meter-level big herring and said, "It's a fish like this."

Many people from the crew came and were preparing for a picnic party on the shore.

Mene came over with a big herring and asked curiously: "Boss, what do you want this kind of fish for? It's not delicious."

"There could be gems in there," Martin said.

He followed the people from the club to the burial pit that had been dug in advance, found a knife and cut the largest herring along the large joint of the pectoral fin, and asked Mene to bring a stainless steel spoon to pry the herring stone from the fish's occipital bone.

Menei looked at the dirty mess and said, "It just looks average."

Martin said: "Because it hasn't been processed yet."

He took out a bag and put it away, and asked the club workers to dissect other herrings to look for herring stones.

Some herrings didn't have any in them. Martin harvested a total of five large and small ones, put them in a bag and handed them to Bruce. He said, "Find a place out of the sun to dry them slowly. When you get back to Los Angeles, go to Chinatown to find someone to process them."

Bruce put it away.

Martin took off his gloves and washed his hands. He saw Kate Upton coming out of the cabin dressing room after changing her clothes in the distance, and said, "Look back and remind me that the biggest one was given to Kate as compensation for her injury."

Bruce responded: "Got it."

Mene came up and said, "Boss, this thing is very strange. Can you give me one later? Celine Dion likes these strange things the most."

He followed Martin to the men's locker room: "Facing Celine, a rich woman with a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars, I don't know what to give her."

Martin immediately changed his mind: "Old Bu, the biggest one goes to Mene."

Bruce put his arm around Mene's shoulders: "To be honest, how many have you been dating at the same time?"

Mene waved his hand: "There are not many left now, only Celine Dion, Emma Thomas and Isabelle Huppert..."

He sighed: "Sophie Marceau only spent more than ten nights with me and then ignored me."

Bruce was deeply impressed: "You are really a love saint when you step on a horse!"

The three Martins changed their clothes and when they arrived at the picnic area, the Hunting and Fishing Club held a small ceremony.

The head of the club announced that Martin had won the fishing and hunting competition and awarded him a trophy.

After Martin received the trophy, he gave it to the injured Kate Upton: "Ladies first."

Kate Upton took it back, took the initiative to pat her chest, and said tremblingly: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

After the ceremony, the picnic begins.

It's also fun for a group of people to get together to eat, drink and have fun.

In the afternoon the club also organizes a fishing competition and a ladies swimming competition.

Martin was not interested in the former, but became the referee of the latter, and then was dragged into the water by a group of women. I don’t know how much oil was taken out of the chaos.

Towards evening, the crew returned to their location.

After returning, Martin spent his own money to treat the crew to a Mississippi-style meal.

While eating, Gillian Flynn came to Martin and wanted to talk to him about some work matters.

Martin asked: "Are you anxious?"

Jillian smiled and said: "I just wrote part of my new work, let me show it to you first."

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