American fame and fortune

Chapter 517: Catch them alive

Irvine, Orange County, California.

After lunch, Andy Weir came to the office window, looked into the distance and relaxed his eyes.

In the small square in front of the office building, the statue of the Orc Wolf Cavalry held its battle ax high, while the Lich King on the other side pointed its sword into the distance.

Andy Weir lowered his head and took out a card, which recorded the phone number of a publishing house that contacted him. The other party wanted to promote the publication of "The Martian", which he serialized part-time.

That was his most precious child, into whom he had devoted countless efforts.

Andy Weir stared at the statue of the Lich King and murmured: "My child, how I wish that the day you were born, the entire United States would read your name..."

The wish is very beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Andy Weir took out his mobile phone and dialed the publisher's number. There was a busy signal.

After waiting for a while, I called again and still got a busy signal.

Andy Weir had a bad feeling that the publisher might have rejected his work.

He was given hope, but lost it again, and he was confused.

Before going to work in the afternoon, Andy Weir called the phone for the last time and still couldn't get through.

Just as I was about to put down my phone, it vibrated and the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number.

Andy answered: "This is Andy Weir."

The voice over there was also very unfamiliar: "Hello, Mr. Weir, I am Thomas Lane, Martin Davis' agent. I am here on behalf of Martin. I want to discuss matters related to "The Martian" with you."

Andy was stunned: "Martin Davis? Martin from Hollywood?"

"That's right, the Martin you know, America's national hero Martin." The person over there asked: "Do you have time now? Let's find a place to chat."

When his hope was shattered, a greater hope popped up. Andy almost didn't think about it and said, "Okay, okay, I'm going to ask for leave now."

Putting all work aside, Andy asked for leave from his supervisor and drove to the appointed place.

He thought of one thing. "Wanted" and "Never End" starring Martin Davis are both adaptations of literary works.

The unknown Gillian Flynn became a New York bestseller when Martin and David Fincher tried to change her novel "Gone Girl."

There is no choice at all between being a coder all your life and becoming famous with one book.

When the car stopped outside the appointed coffee shop, Andy did not go in immediately. After the initial excitement, he calmed down a little and took out his mobile phone to search for Martin's agent.

There are many pictures of Martin and his agent on the Internet.

Andy remembered the person's appearance, got off the car and entered the coffee shop. At a glance, he found the exact same face.

However, the hair seems to be less than the one on the Internet. There is still hair on the forehead, but now he is bald.

Thomas also saw Andy, stood up and shook hands with him, invited him to sit back, and went directly to the topic: "When Martin was in Washington, he saw "The Martian" that you serialized on your personal blog. He was very interested in it and wanted to To promote book publishing and film adaptations.”

Andy asked eagerly: "Will Martin play the leading role?"

Thomas, who had gotten the exact answer from Martin, responded: "Yes, that's 100 percent certain."

Andy knew that the opportunity to change his destiny was right in front of him. The publisher who had contacted him but lost contact was left behind by him: "I am willing to cooperate with Martin!"

Only he himself knows how much he paid to write "The Martian."

In order to write this novel, Andy taught himself orbital dynamics, botany, the history of aerospace development, an overview of Mars, etc.

"Wise decision." Thomas said with a smile: "You can call your agent over and let's talk about copyright licensing together."

Andy smiled helplessly: "I don't have an agent."

Thomas follows formal procedures to avoid subsequent disputes: "A lawyer can do it, too."

Blizzard has a professional copyright lawyer, and Andy immediately called for help, and started formal licensing negotiations with Thomas the next day.


Morocco, Astra Cinema.

While the crew was taking a break, Martin quietly entered the studio equipped with a centrifuge.

Nolan, who was originally listless, immediately became energetic when he saw Martin. He hurriedly greeted him, opened his arms and gave Martin a bear hug: "I've been waiting for you to come back!"

Martin said with a smile: "As soon as everything was done in Washington, I rushed back immediately."

Mene and Ellen Page both ran over at this time to congratulate Martin on receiving the Distinguished Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Nolan was about to wave when he found his assistant standing behind him with a pen and notebook.

"Write it down." Nolan said directly: "During the filming, Martin Davis received the U.S. Distinguished Medal of Freedom in Washington. After returning to the crew, the crew held a grand celebration ceremony for him."

While the assistant was taking notes quickly, he looked to the other side of the studio. Some British actors, led by Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy, obviously had no intention of congratulating Martin.

Nolan paused for a moment, then thought of an extremely important tidbit that could be used as publicity, and then said: "Guan Hai's daughter Maria used her summer time to come to the crew for holiday practice..."

The assistant feels that so far, Martin has received the Outstanding Medal of Freedom and Guanhai's daughter has come to the crew to participate in practice, which is the most eye-catching.

"Let's start with these." Guanhai's daughter came to the crew to practice and was able to write dozens of different tidbits and news. Nolan felt that Martin, who was not making trouble, could also create an eye-catching effect, which made him feel at ease.

In recent days, Nolan has even considered going into battle with Martin himself in order to create some news and highlights.

But he was also worried that if he really made Martin angry, he would become the next Bell.

After the studio became quiet for a while, Nolan found Martin again and said, "The crew has been getting a lot of good news recently. You won the Distinguished Medal of Freedom, and Professor Mordechai won Morocco's National Physics Award."

These can be used in publicity and marketing.

"Where is the professor?" Martin did not see Mordecai: "I want to congratulate him."

Nolan looked for it and pointed to the back of the centrifuge: "There." He added: "The professor won't be able to stay on the set for long. He will go to Tehran for academic exchanges in a while."

Tehran? When Martin looked over there, he happened to see Mordecai and the beautiful woman named Giselle walking out together.

Mordechai also saw Martin and walked towards him: "Congratulations."

Not only did he say congratulations, he took out a small box from his pocket: "This is for you."

Martin then said: "Professor, I also want to congratulate you on winning the grand prize."

When Bruce saw Mordechai take out the gift box, he opened his bag, took out the Coke God Edition Joker gift box, and walked over quickly.

After Martin said his congratulations, Bruce, who cooperated tacitly, had already sent the gift box to him. He gave it to Mordecai: "My family carved it by hand."

Mordecai smiled and said, "Then I'm welcome."

After taking it, he handed it to Giselle next to him.

After another break, the crew was almost ready. Nolan raised the loudspeaker to inform the actors to prepare.

In the action scenes to be filmed next, Mene is the absolute protagonist.

All the actors entered the revolving corridor.

Martin's scene was not rehearsed today, so Martin came behind the director's monitor and quietly watched Nolan dispatch the entire crew.

The director is the commander-in-chief on the set. Even if he is a producer, the director's opinions will be the main one on the set.

After a period of training, Mene was able to handle the action scenes in the rotating corridor.

However, Nolan designed hundreds of shots for this scene, and other actors, including Martin, had to cooperate with Mene.

Martin watched it for a while through the director's monitor. Whether it was an action scene or a wire scene, Mene's performance was quite good.

Between takes, Gisele went to help Mordecai make coffee.

Another plain-looking female assistant also came over and asked in French: "How is the progress going?"

Giselle also said in French: "He trusts me now and I will try again."

The man looked outside and said: "The information obtained from above is correct. Mordechai has made a breakthrough in some aspects. There are instructions from above. It is best to take him out. He is valuable to us. If not, we must Try to catch them alive."

She stressed: "He will go to Tehran for academic exchange next month, and we don't have much time left."

There were footsteps outside. Giselle nodded slightly and walked away with the brewed coffee.

During lunch, she went to the restaurant to get food and brought it to Mordechai's office to eat together.

In the past few days since Martin left, the relationship between Giselle and Mordecai has improved by leaps and bounds, and they seem like a couple.

"In ten days at most, the scene using the centrifuge can be finished." Giselle said while eating: "Last time you said you would take me to the Mediterranean after the filming was finished..."

Mordecai scratched his head and said apologetically: "Maybe I can't go. I'm going to Tehran for academic exchange."

Giselle was very surprised, but she didn't show it on her face: "Go to Tehran?"

"Originally, we were supposed to go there next month," Mordecai explained: "But after discussions between the University of Casablanca and the University of Tehran, we changed our schedule. Some things have to be handled two weeks in advance."

Disappointment flashed across Giselle's face: "That's it..."

Mordecai is a well-known Moroccan physicist who has done research on centrifuges, so the crew invited him over for this reason.

Giselle was worried because some centrifuges can be used in special industries.

Mordecai added: "When the academic exchange comes back, I will take you to Europe."

It was impossible for Giselle to object, so she responded first: "Okay."

After lunch, when she went to take out the trash, Giselle met the ordinary female assistant again.

"Did you mention it?" the female assistant asked.

"The situation has changed." Giselle lowered her voice and said quickly: "Mordechai wants to go to Tehran in advance. It may be because he has something very important to deal with."

After hearing this, the female assistant pondered for a moment and made up her mind: "We can't wait any longer. We will find an opportunity to take action tonight."

"You better have a plan," Gisele said.

The female assistant nodded: "I will go back to the hotel early and think of a way to prevent Mordecai from returning to Casablanca."

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