American fame and fortune

Chapter 433 How to relieve stress

NewYork-Presbyterian Columbia and Cornell University Hospital.

Leonardo sat in the snow-white hall of the mental illness center, staring blankly at the entrance door, like a person in darkness, looking forward to the arrival of light.

That bastard Martin made a promise to call once every two days, but he only called once a week.

Leonardo rubbed his face and cheered up a little.

In terms of his job, he is still very dedicated. In order to adapt to Scorsese's requirements for filming "Shutter Island", he even stayed in the ward for several nights in a row.

Although it is not a severe area, the various sounds at night are quite exciting.

The door opened at this time, several people came in, and Leonardo saw Martin.

Leonardo stood up excitedly, his face was hot and his eyes were red, and even his legs were shaking a little.

This bastard actually knew how to come!

He strode forward to greet me, full of complaints and complaints: "Why did you come here! Do you know how I survived this week?"

Martin didn't answer, but asked: "You're not crazy? I'm so disappointed."

The doctor who came with him said, "You guys talk, I still have work to do."

Martin smiled and said: "Doctor Fletcher, you are busy."

Fletcher nodded slightly, pointed to another doctor and said, "If you have any questions, just ask O'Shea."

O'Shea, wearing a white coat, sat behind the medical reception desk in the distance.

After Fletcher left, Leonardo asked: "You promised to call me every two days, but what happened? You only called me once a week, and last night!"

Martin said seriously: "Because I have confidence in you."

The two left near the entrance of the hall and came to the bench area to sit down. After a short chat, Leonardo insisted on taking Martin to the patient area to experience life.

O'Shea asked the two men to change, get temporary passes, and walk through the building into the garden area at the back.

Many patients will relax and entertain here during the day.

A nurse came to see O'Shea, and O'Shea asked Martin and Leonardo to wander around and follow the nurse to see a patient.

Leonardo has been here for a week. He understands the relevant rules and taboos and has not caused any trouble. O'Shea is quite relieved about him.

The patients who can have fun here are also the ones who have no violent tendencies.

Leonardo walked on the checkered brick path and said to Martin as he walked: "This week, I have contacted many patients and doctors, and I have learned a lot."

Martin nodded: "I can see that you are under a lot of mental pressure."

Leonardo reiterated his old words: "That's why I asked you to call me and talk to you normally for a while, so I can relieve my stress."

Martin used his own way to help Leonardo decompress: "I read reports in the media that Tom Brady returned to Boston and Gisele stayed in New York. Go find her to decompress. I will help you keep the secret."

Leonardo shook his head: "Am I the kind of person who goes back?" He asked Martin: "If you were asked to go back and find Anne Hathaway, would you go?"

Martindo insisted on his principle: "Unless she takes the initiative to find me."

There was an old man sitting in a daze under a tree on the roadside. Hearing the voice, he looked towards Martin and the other two and said hello to Leonardo: "Hi, Leo, you're here again."

"Hi, Keane." Leonardo said hello first, and then whispered to Martin: "I communicate with him more."

Keane looked at Martin and asked, "Is he a patient?"

Leonardo said seriously: "People who have fully recovered and are ready to be discharged."

"Cure?" Keane stared at Martin: "Do you really meet the recovery criteria?"

Martin nodded casually: "Of course."

Keane asked: "Everyone who has recovered has to take a test, have you done it?" He made a direct judgment: "It seems that you didn't do it, I will help you make up for it."

Martin wanted to speak, but Leonardo held him back.

Keane took out the spectacle case from his pocket, took out his reading glasses and put them on. He looked serious like a knowledgeable professor: "The test is very simple. Only by passing it can you be sure that you have recovered. In this way, the swimming pool filled with water must be emptied. You are given a spoon and a bucket, what do you choose to use to empty the water?”

Martin knew there was something wrong as soon as he heard it. After a short pause, he decided to follow the other person's train of thought: "Of course it's a bucket."

Keane took off his glasses and shook his head: "Normal people open the floor drain."

Leonardo patted Martin on the shoulder: "Man, you need hospitalization."

Keane said seriously: "Dr. Leo, this man does not meet the rehabilitation standards. He must continue to be hospitalized."

Leonardo dragged Martin away: "Don't worry, he can't leave."

Arriving at a deserted place, Martin said: "What a special experience, Leo, you are a good actor."

Leonardo raised his chin, quite proudly: "In terms of professionalism, there are a few people in the industry who can compare with me."

The two entered the room and found a guy in the entertainment area hanging himself in a net bag hanging from the beam.

Martin was surprised: "What is this?"

Leonardo understood the situation: "He considered himself a chandelier in the house."

"The doctor doesn't care? Aren't you afraid that something will happen to him?" Martin is relatively receptive, so it's not too strange.

Leonardo asked, "How is that possible? Without the chandelier, wouldn't the house become pitch black?"

Martin looked at him: "Are you Leo? Or something from hell?"

Leonardo nodded: "Of course I am Leo."

Martin automatically took a few steps away.

Leonardo laughed: "How was it? Did it scare you? Haha, my acting skills have improved a lot, I scared you idiot!"

Martin said: "I was just about to pull out my gun." He said seriously: "I thought you were possessed by the devil and I was going to help you exorcise the devil."

Leonardo frowned: "Then we should use holy water and a cross."

"Physical exorcism is more effective." Martin made an exaggerated move: "Bang, your head explodes, blood and brain matter fly out together, the possessed devil will definitely run away, and then the exorcism is successful."

Leonardo walked forward quickly, looking for Dr. O'Shea as he walked: "There is a madman here, get him treated quickly!"

After confirming that Leonardo had no mental problems, Martin suddenly lost interest, and the same was probably true for Nicholson who returned to Los Angeles.

After walking around with Leonardo for a few times and chatting for a while, Martin was ready to say goodbye and leave.

But Leonardo grabbed him and said, "Come and see me again in a few days, otherwise I will really go crazy."

Martin nodded and said, "Don't send me away, there are many reporters outside."

Leonardo didn't understand.

"I'm here to see a doctor," Martin said.

Leonardo said deliberately: "It seems that Keane is right, you have not recovered."

Martin met Bruce at the entrance of the mental illness treatment center. The relaxed expression on his face disappeared in an instant, and he strode out of the main entrance with a hint of evil and madness in his heaviness.

More than a dozen reporters guarding here raised their cameras to take pictures, and the high-definition lenses recorded every expression on Martin's face.

Dr. Fletcher, who sent Martin out, was also the psychiatrist hired by the crew of "John Wick". He also accepted an interview with a media reporter: "Psychological and mental illnesses are the most stubborn. Martin's condition is quite complicated. His condition was originally relieved. , but playing new roles caused his condition to relapse."

After getting the interview record of the authoritative doctor, the entertainment reporters felt like they had found a treasure. They rushed back to the car to rush to publish the article and publish it to their respective online news editions first.

Martin's car has not yet returned to the hotel where the crew is staying, and news about his visit to the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Psychiatric Center for treatment is already spreading wildly on the Internet.

Entering the hotel lobby, Martin found that Nolan had come to New York and was waiting for him in the lobby rest area.

As the release of "The Dark Knight" gets closer and closer, the British director is under great pressure and suffers from insomnia every night. He even had several big fights with his wife Emma Thomas over some inexplicable little things.

It is too common for people to lose control of their emotions when they are under excessive pressure.

With more than 300 million US dollars of investment weighing on his shoulders, Nolan is becoming increasingly haggard despite his extraordinary marketing and hype methods.

When Nolan saw Martin, he seemed to see a companion who could share the marketing pressure, and said: "Find a place to have a good chat."

The crew had a special business reception room in the hotel, and Martin called Nolan and his assistant into the reception room to chat.

Nolan specifically ordered a cup of iced coffee, took a big sip, and said, "I just watched the evening news. You did a great job and sparked another wave of public opinion."

Martin smiled: "I can't get away now, so I can only do this for the time being."

Nolan asked: "Last time we talked on the phone, you said you had no work plans for the second half of the year?"

Martin stopped laughing: "After filming this film, I'm going to take a break for a few months."

"Well, I have a suggestion." Nolan always pays attention to authenticity in his work, and his suggestion is also true: "When you finish shooting and return to Los Angeles, announce to the public that you will take a temporary break because of the psychological and mental pressure caused by the clown. I will undergo treatment for a period of time and will not accept new film appointments before the end of this year."

He had a lot to think about: "Martin, counting "The Dark Knight," you have three films that haven't been released yet. It's not a bad thing to adjust for a while."

This is easy for Nolan to say, but it is difficult for a popular star to do it.

Martin will not make promises casually: "I need to discuss with the agency."

Nolan drank the remaining iced coffee in one gulp and said: "Martin, if The Dark Knight is a big success, the future of both of us will take a big step forward, and finding new projects will not be a problem at all."

Martin nodded slightly: "Chris, I believe the film will be successful because I believe in your ability."

Nolan wanted Martin to cooperate with him as much as possible, and said: "I already have ideas for new projects here. Jonathan has started writing the script. If possible, I still want you to play the leading role."

This idea has been in his mind for a long time. The original idea was to star Christian Bale, but during the filming of The Dark Knight, Bale's performance was really disappointing and he was simply a troublemaker.

On the other hand, Martin is no worse than Bell in terms of professionalism, good popularity, and knows how to cooperate.

The most important thing is that the business appeal is strong enough.

Of course, since the Dark Knight failed, there is no need to think about this.

Nolan took the initiative to invite, and of course Martin would not refuse. Good actors definitely need great directors. He said: "I also want to continue to cooperate with you and continue our perfect cooperation in The Dark Knight."

"You are a very good actor, the kind that every director would like." In terms of business bragging, Nolan is no worse than Martin: "Since the filming of The Dark Knight started, I felt that we could become Scorsese and Leon A long-time collaborator like Nadeau.”

Martin laughed: "Chris, we can be the best partners."

Nolan nodded and talked about the marketing hype of The Dark Knight again: "Next month, Bale will come to Los Angeles from the UK. According to the crew's publicity plan, you will meet at a public promotion event."

He made an explosive gesture: "Bang, Batman and the Joker are facing each other, and justice and evil collide fiercely."

Martin smiled like a clown and said, "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

Nolan said: "Also, Nicholson, when will you start?"

Martin knew what he was asking and said, "I talked to Jack and he was going to attend a preview at Warner Bros. and have an interview scheduled after the preview."

Nolan said: "No problem."

The two chatted for a long time and exchanged many opinions on publicity and marketing.

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