American fame and fortune

Chapter 388 Turn Passive into Active

In the morning, after driving from Louise's house, Martin was going to Century City. Thomas just came back from Atlanta yesterday and brought some new news from the crew.

They were supposed to enjoy the weekend for the two of them, but Louise's parents had something to do and she had to rush over, so Martin came out.

Sherman Oaks is not far from Beverly, and it's a short drive away.

When passing by Rodeo Drive, he found a new famous brand store, the storefront was all decorated with glass, and a big apple with a bite was pasted above the door.

Martin suddenly remembered that Apple's new mobile phone was launched at the end of June.

He parked the car, went into the store, asked about it, and bought 20 new mobile phones in one go, ready to give away.

Martin has been increasing his holdings of Apple's scattered shares in the past few years. For a long-term shareholder like him, even if Apple's stock price fluctuates, there is no loss.

The era of smartphones will come soon.

When he arrived in Century City, Martin parked his car, took two iPhones, entered WMA, and went upstairs to find Thomas.

As in the past, the managers I met greeted each other with smiles.

There are so many good people.

Martin went upstairs, put a mobile phone on Natasha's desk, and said, "For you."

Natasha looked surprised, took it over and looked at it, and said, "Thank you, Martin, this gift is great!"

"You're welcome." Martin entered Thomas' office.

When Thomas saw Martin, he said, "It just so happens that I need to talk to you about Bell, so I don't need to call you."

Martin handed Thomas another phone: "Apple's new phone."

"Thank you." Thomas put it away and said about work: "I've settled the deal with Bell."

Martin sat on the sofa and asked, "What's going on over there?"

"Both Nolan and Charles Rowan put pressure on Bell." Thomas said in general: "After I talked with Bell's agent Parker a few times, they finally agreed to pay $1 million in spiritual compensation."

This account does not need to go to a brokerage company, Martin said directly: "When the money arrives, you will get 10%."

Thomas smiled and said, "No problem."

In the past two years, his extra income alone has reached hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Thomas added: "Because Hibby wanted to sue for divorce, Bell was sent back to the UK to recuperate. He has stabilized a little bit, but he will go crazy when he hears the names of you and the clown. I guess if I see..."

He shrugged.

Martin understood what he meant, Bell couldn't be stimulated, and asked, "What about publicity and marketing?"

Thomas said: "I asked Director Nolan privately. He meant that it is not appropriate for you to appear on the same occasion as Bell at the moment. When the intensive publicity period enters next year, we will arrange a suitable time and place for you to meet."

Martin understood that Nolan would never let go of the opportunity to use Bell to promote the hype.

It's the same for him, with an investment of 180 million US dollars, the consequences of failure are so serious.

Thomas lowered his voice: "Nolan also asked me to convey that he will talk to you personally about other aspects."

Knowing that it was the specific plan, Martin nodded, "Don't give up on the preparations we've made here."

"I know." Thomas replied, and then talked about the endorsement of Cartier watches. As a first-line luxury brand, there are many Hollywood stars who intend to endorse.

Martin's information, Thomas has sent to the relevant person in charge of Cartier, and is also negotiating with them.

It depends on the choice of Cartier.

Thomas said one more thing: "The release time of "The Reader" has been confirmed, and it will start screening in November, and there will only be one screening theater in the first two weeks."

Martin said: "I was on the phone with Kate, and the film will operate as an award-winning film."

The topic of the two then turned to the publicity and release of "Long Reader".

The goal of this film is very clear, it is for this awards season, and even the commercial income of the film will be greatly affected by the awards of the awards season.

The Reader will be screened on demand in November this year. In order to control word of mouth, it was only shown in one theater in Los Angeles in the first two weeks.

For a movie, the fewer people see it, the easier it is to control word of mouth.

The focus of readers' assault during the awards season is not the best picture and best director, but the best actress first, followed by the best actor.

Martin also wants to get another Oscar nomination, whether it is to improve the coffee position or to win the final award, it will be helpful.

Not long in WMA, Martin left and returned home.

On weekends, instead of going to the studio, he simply moved out a rattan chair, made tea again, sat under the sun umbrella by the pool, took out the character script of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", and began to study it carefully.

Martin also recalls the movies he has seen from time to time to confirm each other.

Next week, I will participate in the makeup audition of the crew.

Strictly speaking, the role of Benjamin Button is more difficult in terms of makeup and special effects. In terms of the complexity of the role alone, it is not even comparable to the male lead in "The Reader".

Martin read through the character script and checked the time. It was almost noon, and Lao Bu hadn't come back yet.

Looks like last night was not easy.

He changed his mind, Lao Bu not only wanted to be the leading actor, director and cameraman, but also acted as screenwriter, lighting, costume, producer and equipment engineer. Maybe he was too busy?

By the way, he should also serve as the publicity producer and be responsible for the operation of the film.

Martin suddenly found that the most versatile person in Hollywood was by his side.

"I can't do without Bruce." Martin picked up his teacup and took a sip leisurely: "It's like the West can't live without Jerusalem."

After reading the script, he picked up the original novel and continued reading.

The more prepared you are, the smoother the future will be.

Near noon, Martin was thinking about where to go for lunch, the door opened automatically, and Bruce drove in a car.

He waved to Martin: "I brought you lunch."

Martin put down the novel, went to the garage, took the pizza and barbecue packaged by Bruce, and twitched his nose: "It smells good."

Bruce was in a bad mood, got out of the car, and yawned: "It's all the flavors you like."

Martin came to the pool with his lunch, went back to wash his hands and brought tableware and beer. Bruce had already packed up his books and moved a chair to sit opposite.

He picked up the pizza and ate it: "I'm starving to death."

Martin gave him a can of beer: "Too much consumption?"

Bruce swallowed the food in his mouth: "I was almost exhausted, no wonder Jenna said that the most difficult thing to make a Sacred Valley film is the male actor."

Martin said while eating: "You have actually experienced it, and you can consider going to the Sacred Valley for development."

Bruce opened the beer pull tab, took a big sip, and said, "It's too difficult to shoot and act at the same time, and to be able to go up anytime and anywhere. This kind of work is not as good as I thought, and there is no enjoyment at all. It's torture, and I suspect those male actors take drugs."

Martin pointed to the next door: "Next time you meet Jenna, you can ask carefully, she is the best actress and best director."

Bruce clinked glasses with Martin: "No, I will never touch it again. This is the only time and the last time."

Martin said, "I hope so, I don't think you can get rid of Kim..."

The two ate lunch and finished their beer, and Bruce picked up the trash and threw it away.

Martin remembered the new cell phone: "You have the latest Apple smartphone in that car, and you need to give it to a few people, and you take it yourself."

Bruce went to open the car door, took out only one for the time being, unpacked it, looked at the large screen, and said, "It looks good."

Martin picked up one for his own use and shook it: "Steve Jobs called an epoch-making new product, a revolutionist in mobile phones."

He remembered the rumors about the kidney machine: "Maybe it's also a fighter in a mobile phone."

Then I realized something was wrong. It seemed that this was an advertisement for a brand of mobile phone on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Bruce has seen related news and advertisements, and said: "Smartphones that can surf the Internet smoothly, I read in the advertising promotion soft article, can provide network storage services in the future, and store personal files in the network hard disk provided by Apple."

These words reminded Martin of the Hollywood blindfold door, and also of the things that Lao Bu shot yesterday. He specifically reminded: "Just store some ordinary things. Don't store sensitive things in them, as they are easy to be stolen by hackers. Those hackers with no quality , I will use these to blackmail you, and after you give the money, I will expose you."

"I definitely won't store nude photos in it." Bruce suddenly remembered the video he took last night, and asked, "Will the video I shot for Kim be stolen if I put it in there?"

Martin said: "The service hasn't been launched yet, and you think the video tape will be leaked? Old Bu, I can see it. You guys have exhibitionism, and you have mental problems!"

Bruce retorted: "It's you who have mental problems. You haven't seen the reports in the media. Martin Davis' role as a clown has caused mental and spiritual problems, and he is about to become a mental patient."

Martin spread his hands and said, "Well, I'm crazy."

Instead of talking nonsense with Martin, Bruce asked for advice: "You have always had a way to deal with the media and public opinion. The video I filmed last night, how to operate it can fully exert its influence. We can't let Jin go to Paris's heat again. "

"Do you know why I discussed hacking and videos with you just now?" Martin said without Bruce's answer, "I'm reminding you."

Bruce thought carefully about what Martin said just now, and asked, "You mean the video was deliberately stolen by hackers?"

Martin said: "It is estimated that hackers are not so free, too lazy to steal your videos."

Bruce touched his head: "How to do it specifically? Well, for the sake of the lunch I brought you at noon, give me some inspiration."

Martin put away his indecency and said seriously: "Following the topic just now, the video of you and Jin was stolen by hackers. Hackers contacted Jin and wanted to blackmail Jin. What should Jin do?"

Bruce said: "Kim's original intention was to let the video be exposed."

"That's too passive." Martin said: "Actually, there is a way, not only to get rid of other people's blackmail, but also to turn passive into active."

Bruce urged: "Don't be secretive, just say it."

Martin said: "Before the blackmailers, take the initiative to expose the stolen pictures or videos. Of course, you don't send them directly. You have to call the police, and you have to send a draft to let everyone know what happened to you. How helpless you have to be." Self-exposing these..."

Bruce suddenly realized, and after receiving the previous reminder, he quickly thought about the latter, pondering and said: "Not only will the public not criticize, but they will also sympathize with Jin. If Jin cries loudly at the press conference again, most of the media and Public opinion will be on Kim's side."

"Kim doesn't mind the exposure of the video," Martin asked.

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