American fame and fortune

Chapter 318 Black Dwarf and White Moonlight

"This is the most entertaining of all my films."

In front of the theater, after Scorsese finished speaking to the reporter, he lowered his head and got into the car. The black car drove to the hotel where the crew stayed, followed by the cow-drawn van.

The cow will be sent away overnight tonight.

The three of Martin were not interviewed and boarded the same car.

Nicholson, who has had decades of friendship with the director, said: "Scorsese is in a good mood, and he is very satisfied with this film."

Martin sighed.

Nicholson asked, "You thought it was bad?"

"No." Martin said in retrospect: "Just the three of us, there are more than 200 faks scolded in the whole film, right?"

Leonardo thought for a while: "It's just more and less."

"You know why I'm sighing? I'm ashamed of the barren swearing," Martin said.

Nicholson shook his head: "Your focus is really extraordinary."

Martin said: "Swearing is also an art."

Back at the hotel, the three of them went to Leonardo's room to drink together. Before they finished half a bottle of whiskey, three different text message notifications sounded at the same time.

Martin took it out and took a look, but it was Warner Bros.'s questionnaire score for the premiere audience that came up with the results.

Leonardo laughed: "The audience at the premiere gave an average score of A+, the best result."

"It's really good." Martin said solemnly: "I think I will get a lot of positive comments."

Nicholson chimed in: "It's mainly Leo, who's an idiot."

There was still a publicity event the next day, and the three of them left without drinking too late.

Warner Bros. is very confident in "The Departed", and lifted the ban on various ratings for the film that night.

By the morning of the next day, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes was formed, and the freshness was as high as 95%.

In the comprehensive media score released by MTC, The Departed Walker scored an average of 87 points.

The famous film critic Roger Ebert, who participated in the premiere, gave a quick comment in his column: "This is Martin Scorsese's best film since "Goodfellas" in 1990. And one of the best movies of the year."

The quality of the film is guaranteed, and Warner Bros. has only made a little effort, and the media reputation has risen.

Another point is that Martin Scorsese has never made a bad film over the years, nor has it been overly commercialized.

This has given him a good reputation among critics.

In contrast, because Martin's film has not yet been released on a large scale, it will not be released for the time being.

Unexpectedly, because he chose a literary film like "The Reader", the critics in Los Angeles had a good impression of him.

Especially "Los Angeles Times" film critic Kenneth - Turan.

He also participated in the premiere last night, and wrote relevant comments in the column for the first time.

Unlike Roger Ebert, Kenneth Turan's focus is on Martin.

"The critics in Los Angeles have always believed that Martin Davis is an actor with great talent and artistic pursuit. This can be seen from his choice of "The Reader" in the first half of the year. Last night's premiere of "Infernal Affairs" Walker also proves this point."

"Martin plays a criminal undercover in the police, and with his superb performance, he interprets the inner complexity of the character, showing us a complex character composed of desire, power and betrayal. It makes it easy for the audience to empathize with the characters and gain a deep understanding of the characters' decisions and behaviors."

"Many talented actors with outstanding talents have emerged in Hollywood, and Martin must become one of them. He used an outstanding role to inject special magic into the new film directed by Scorsese. He deserves something in this awards season. "

On the streets of Toronto, during a promotional event, Leonardo saw the "Los Angeles Times" sent by the crew.

He asked Martin: "Be honest, do you have an ass deal with that Kenneth Turan? That old bastard has scolded me all these years, but licked you like this!"

Martin's tone was deep and his eyes were far away: "No way, my artistic pursuit is higher than yours."

Leonardo dismissed it: "Do you have artistic pursuits?"

Martin told the truth: "It doesn't matter whether I have it or not, what the critics and academy judges think is that I have it is the key!"

Leonardo couldn't help it: "Those people have problems in their heads. I didn't like Oscars back then. They disliked me for not paying attention to Oscars and art. Later, I actively moved closer to the Academy and Oscars, and actively competed for awards every year. They I feel that I am deliberately chasing awards, and I still do not respect art."

He asked Martin: "Is there something wrong with their heads?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with them, they just look down on you." Martin revealed a bloody fact: "If there is a black and ugly chasing you, no matter how you behave or what you say, don't you have a hundred ways to reject her? Woolen cloth?"

Leonardo said: "I can find a thousand ways at random." Then he reacted, pointed to his nose and asked, "Am I black and poor?"

Martin shrugged: "Kate now understands what to do to become their white moonlight."

Leonardo looked down at his stomach, pinched his face that was getting wider day by day, and understood what Bai Yueguang was.

An Tan is really a bunch of perverts, isn't it good to appreciate beautiful things?

Nicholson came over from the side at this time and said, "What are you afraid of? Even if you become like me now, the woman who should pounce on you will still pounce on you."

He glanced at Martin and decided to stand for Leonardo: "Although you are 11 seconds old, although you are not as big as him, you are better than him..."

Leonardo interrupted him: "Stop! Jack, stop talking, if you keep talking, I'm going to jump off the building in shame."

Martin immediately criticized Nicholson: "You are too bad a person. How can you say that Leo is 11 seconds? Leo is 11 meters in the 100-meter sprint, which sounds much better."

Leonardo nodded at the two of them: "The day I get the Oscar statuette, I will give you 50 black clowns each. Even if you cry, you have to finish those things!"


Los Angeles, Pacific Film and Television Productions.

Accompanied by her assistant, Louise sent away Wu Maoting, an investor from Asia, and went into another reception room.

Thomas was waiting here, when he saw someone coming in, he said, "The premiere of The Departed was a huge success, and the word-of-mouth response in all aspects is excellent. Martin's performance has been praised by the critics, can we start it here?"

Louise said: "The critics who have a good impression of Martin, the relationship has always been taken care of by you, and you will continue to come forward, and the academy judges will leave it to me."

There are a total of more than 1,300 judges for the actor awards. According to previous experience, after applying for nominations, as long as you get 200 votes, you can basically guarantee the nominations.

Not every judge will vote on the nomination round.

Louise asked: "The few people I circled, how are you talking?"

Thomas said: "They made it clear that they would support Martin and mobilize certain resources to support it."

Louise nodded slightly: "We have to do a lot of work."

Knowing that Louise and the rich woman in Atlanta paid for and hired a professional public relations team, Thomas said: "The resources invested in the WMA have been handed over to me. When it comes to the key filming sessions, Ali Emmanuel will personally Attend to help canvass."

Louise felt that it was not enough: "At the critical moment of nomination voting, it is best to have eye-catching news. There are too many judges, no matter how you urge them, they will not watch the film and will only vote with their feet. Vote for someone you know recently."

"Martin made some preparations," Thomas said.

Louise nodded, and said: "Praise from well-known figures can also affect many people's choices."

"These Martins will do it themselves," Thomas said.

Louise also said a key point: "Also pay attention to the slander of the opponent. In the past few years, Martin has gone smoothly, and he has stepped on others in the process of climbing."

The two also discussed this.

Since Harvey Weinstein joined the game, not only has the amount spent on public relations multiplied, but every year there is a hit movie with some scandal.

The whole city's smearing of soldiers was a classic case of war.

After Thomas left, Louise returned to the office, made a phone call, and said, "Rita, start it."

Rita Public Relations Company is a special company that provides publicity and public relations services for the entertainment industry. Every year, the awards season is the busiest time for business.

Its founder and largest partner, Rita Baker, was a college friend of Louise's.

After receiving Louise's call, Rita immediately ordered the assistant: "Let the people in the first team act immediately, and send out all the emails and mails prepared in advance."

On the same day, many Screen Actors Union members, members of the Film Critics Association, and other Sentinel Award judges received an email in their email boxes.

"Directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Martin Davis, the new film "The Departed" will be released in North America on October 6..."

A few days later, there was another physical email with the same content in the mailboxes of these people.


Four Seasons Hotel Beverly Hills.

Lukaku from the News of the World sat in the lobby rest area, seemingly reading a newspaper, but kept his eyes on the hotel door.

The automatic door opened, and a fat, familiar figure entered the hotel.

Lukaku whispered: "Harvey Weinstein is here."

Hazard picked up his bag and walked towards the lobby. After following Harvey into the elevator, he glanced at Courtois who followed him, but said nothing.

The elevator dinged open and Harvey entered.

Hazard and several others followed the elevator.

He pretended to go to choose a floor, but found that the button light on the same floor was on, and withdrew his hand.

The elevator went up quickly, and when it stopped, Harvey got out of the elevator.

Hazard followed suit, turned out of the elevator, and walked in the opposite corridor to Harvey. He took out a special mirror from his pocket and secretly observed the situation behind him.

Some of the reporters of the News of the World have very good skills.

Seeing Harvey stop in front of the door to open the door, and then go in, Azar turned around and came back. From the room distribution map, he confirmed the room number of Harvey's long-term private room, and hurried downstairs.

After confirming the room, it is convenient to do the following things

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