American fame and fortune

Chapter 311 The Girl Who Wanted Firecrackers

In the studio set up as a prison restaurant, Martin walked forward with his coat draped over his arms. His seemingly calm face, with the vicissitudes of decades, seemed restrained and self-closing.

When people look at it, they can tell that this is an old man with worries.

Not far away, the gray-haired Kate was sitting at the table, her aging face had changed, and it was only vaguely recognizable as Kate Winslet.

She quietly watched the former boy getting closer and closer, her eyes flashed awkwardly, and her expression was filled with inferiority.

Hannah's ups and downs of life, all gathered on the aging face.

The eyes of the two met, as if decades had passed.

Martin nodded slightly, pulled out his chair, and sat opposite Kate.

Looking at each other, Kate stretched out her hand anxiously, and moved forward bit by bit...

Martin took her hand.

"Stop! This one is over." Sam Mendes did not leave the director's seat, and said loudly: "Kate, change the position, and shoot again with your back to the restaurant entrance."

The various departments of the crew returned to their positions, and Martin also returned to the door of the restaurant to continue shooting this shot.

This morning, I was shooting scenes in the prison.

At noon, Martin and Bruce went to the restaurant for dinner.

More and more crews have settled in Pinewood Studios, even the "Bourne Shadow 3" starring Matt Damon has come.

Similarly, there are many people in the restaurant when they arrive at the meal.

The more people there are, the easier it is to have conflicts.

When Martin went in, he found that Emma Watson was confronting Saoirse Ronan with two girls, and there seemed to be a verbal conflict.

He vaguely heard something like Irish bitch.

It may be Saoirse's agent or family members who quickly pulled her away and voluntarily backed down.

Emma Watson, like a peacock who has won a battle, went to the dining area proudly.

Martin and Bruce took their trays and each went to get their meals.

There are a lot of people, a little crowded.

When Bruce was picking up the corn, he was squeezed by someone on the side and accidentally touched Emma Watson's arm.

He turned his head and said, "Sorry."

Emma Watson has just got angry with Saoirse Ronan, and she is inventing her star temper. Seeing a strange face, wearing ordinary clothes, and an American accent, she curled her lips: "Rude American bumpkin, pay attention A little bit."

Bruce frowned. People who used mortar shells to beat the British did not like the British.

Martin was on the side, and turned around immediately after hearing it: “Hey, Emma, ​​pay attention to your words.”

Emma, ​​who had seen Martin at the premiere last year, shrugged, joined the two footmen, and turned away.

Bruce said, "Forget it, let's not be like kids."

The two picked out the food, took the plate and found an empty table to sit down to eat.

"It felt like she was spoiled," Bruce said.

Martin said: "Now the commercial value is high and can generate huge profits. Not only the whole crew and the audience dote on her, but even Warner Brothers dote on her..."

Not far away, on another table.

Emma Watson is as proud as a child spoiled by countless people, with a fork brushed with corn, feeling very unhappy: "That Irish girl is a bitch, and two American bumpkins are not good things..."

Carly, the follower, asked, "How about we punish those two bastards?"

Emma Watson has a big temper, but she is not stupid: "What are you doing with those country bumpkins? It's detrimental to my style." She looked at another follower: "Cheryl, pay attention to that Saoirse, and look for opportunities to tear it apart. Her mouth!"

Cheryl is eating.

Carly slapped her on the table: "Didn't you hear what Emma said?"

Cheryl swallowed quickly and said, "I heard it, I heard it."

After lunch, Martin was going back to the trailer to rest. When passing by the studio, he found Kate sitting alone in the direction of the door, reading the script and trying to figure out the scene.

Kate also saw Martin and waved to him: "Come and chat with me for a while."

Martin entered the studio, pulled out a chair, and sat across from her.

Bruce took a bottle of water and leaned against the inside of the door to drink.

Martin and Kate chat for a while, discussing the scene being filmed.

Kate threw herself into the role.

Although it is not enough to regard myself as a character in daily life, I have paid a lot.

She said: "Michelle and Hannah's reunion has a lot to express, but the two don't know how to express it."

"Michelle is silent and introverted, even more so after middle age." Martin sat comfortably on a chair with his back to the studio door, and said with gestures: "When we meet again, the communication between us is more experienced in the eyes. In terms of expression, the language can be as little as possible.”

Kate nodded: "Hannah needs to maintain her humble dignity..."

Suddenly, she stopped and said, "Someone is peeping!"

As soon as the words fell, Bruce had already rushed out of the studio door.

Martin also stood up, and saw Bruce grab a girl by the sleeve and pull her into the studio.

"I... I didn't do anything!" Saoirse Ronan raised her hands above her head, with a digital camera hanging around her neck, and said to Martin, "I just took a sneak peek."

Although the two wore makeup, she could recognize them.

"What are you doing here?" Martin asked.

Saoirse hurriedly said: "I had nothing to do after lunch, so I wandered around and happened to come here. I thought you might be here, so I came to have a look."

"Just look for me, you don't need to peep." Combined with the last time, Martin felt that the girl might have a slight voyeurism.

He pointed to the camera: "Sneaking up again, what are you shooting?"

Saoirse shook her head again and again: "No, I just came here, and I was discovered as soon as I put my head up." She murmured in her heart: "It's not suitable for the daytime, but it's better at night, it's so dark that it's not easy to be spotted."

Kate interjected, "You know each other?"

Martin pointed to the girl, and introduced: "Saoirse Ronan of the Redemption crew, British actor or Irish actor?"

Saoirse replied: "I'm Irish, but I grew up in England."

Her burning eyes turned to Kate: "Ma'am, can I take a photo with you?"

For Martin's sake, Kate nodded with a smile: "Of course."

Saoirse took off the camera and handed it to Martin, and ran to stand beside Kate.

Martin first glanced at the photos already taken in the camera, and there were indeed none here.

But he saw a picture of Emma Watson with a background near a toilet, which was obviously a candid shot from the angle.

This girl was voyeuristic and secretly photographed. What is wrong with learning at such a young age, she might be beaten to death one day.

Martin was too lazy to meddle, raised his camera, and said, "Ready, 1, 2, 3..."

The camera shutter sounded again and again, and he took several pictures in one breath.

Saoirse was very excited, took Kate's hand and said: "You are the actor I admire the most, and I will definitely be like you when I grow up!"

Kate smiled and encouraged: "You will succeed."

Saoirse suddenly appeared, and Martin and Kate stopped discussing the scenes, and went out of the studio to rest in the trailer.

Not long after Martin went out, he found Saoirse still following, and asked, "Aren't you going back?"

Saoirse asked curiously: "I heard that Bell was injured and hospitalized?" She quickly explained: "I didn't tell anyone about that day."

Martin nodded: "I saw the right person, you are a good girl."

Saoirse didn't wander here, but with a purpose. She tentatively asked, "Do you still have the firecrackers in the woods?"

Martin turned his head and looked at her: "What do you want to do?"

Saoirse shut her mouth and lowered her head, but rolled her eyes and tried to look up. Seeing that Martin was as kind as ever, she said: "There are a few villains in the Harry Potter crew who are older than me, and they always like to rely on their own status." Celebrities bully people, they laughed at me more than once because I'm Irish."

Martin understood: "It was not a coincidence that you appeared in the pine forest that day."

Saoirse realized that she had slipped her mouth and quickly covered it.

Martin suddenly remembered what happened at noon, and had a vague guess, and gave Bruce a wink.

Lao Bu went to the trailer and brought a box.

Martin took the box and handed it to Saoirse: "Don't use it indiscriminately, don't put it on people."

Saoirse took it, opened it, took out one, and found that it was only as long as her little finger, much smaller than what she saw that day, and said, "It's a bit small."

"The big ones are used up, and the small ones are also hidden by Leonardo." Martin warned: "Don't tell others, let Leonardo know, he will silence it."

Saoirse thought of Leonardo's evil words and deeds that day, first opened her mouth wide in shock, then covered it again, and nodded at Martin vigorously.

Martin waved his hand: "Let's go."

"Thank you, Martin." Saoirse bowed slightly to Martin: "You are a good person."

She ran away with the box.

Martin asked Bruce, "Have you tried the power of that thing?"

"Very small." Bruce specially asked someone to do it: "A ten-year-old child exploded in his hand, at most it hurts for a while, like the fireworks of the crew, it's scary."

Martin didn't say any more, and returned to the trailer to rest his eyes and close his eyes.

In the afternoon, the crew started shooting normally, and Martin turned to the church area of ​​the set, where a temporary cemetery was built for filming.

One of them belongs to the heroine Hannah.

In addition to its own commercial attributes, the main purpose of this movie is to serve Kate's Oscar impact, and her role will naturally become a tragic figure.

As a person who worked in a concentration camp, death is a must.

Martin and Felicity Jones, who plays his daughter, walked down the path next to the church towards the cemetery.

The latter is about the same age as Martin, but regardless of temperament or demeanor, he looks more than 20 years younger than Martin.

This is also one of the few exterior scenes of the crew.

Director Sam shouted after the pass.

The two stood in the cemetery built on the set. Felicity glanced at Martin and said, "If I didn't know in advance, I can't believe you are only 25 years old."

Martin shrugged off his role, saying, "Maybe I've been through more."

Felicity thought for a while and said, "I just talked to you, and I have a feeling that you are like my father."

Martin laughed: "I hope my daughter will be as beautiful as you in the future."

Hearing this, Felicity laughed happily.

Not far away, Kate saw that the situation was not good, so she walked over immediately.

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