American fame and fortune

Chapter 293 Operation Red Wings

In the lobby of WMA in Century City, warm applause rang out. Aniston smiled and waved, walking all the way to the independent office area.

Steve, who was accompanying her, pointed to the luxurious office in front: "Jen, this way."

Aniston looked at the row offices where she came, and Martin was standing at the door of one of them.

She smiled that way, saw Martin nod in response, and entered Steve's office.

Martin pushed open the frosted glass door, pulled out a chair and sat across from Thomas.

"How's your rest?" Thomas asked.

Martin said: "When I came back, I was preparing for the next awards season. I finally made a preliminary plan and planned to go on vacation with Blake. Then you called me again and said that the commercial shooting of Coca-Cola had been finalized."

Thomas smiled and said, "It's not too late to wait until the commercial is finished." He turned to the topic: "The crew of the commercial has been finalized, and Coca-Cola invested a lot of resources in this commercial. They invited Sam Mende, winner of the Oscar for Best Director. Si as director."

The name was very familiar, Martin recalled slightly, and remembered, Kate's current husband.

Sure enough, big brands hired big-name directors to make commercials.

Martin has a vague impression that 10 years later, it seems that David Fincher has filmed a cyberpunk version of Coca-Cola commercials.

The specific content has long been forgotten.

If it weren't for David Fincher, this ad might be forgotten after seeing it.

Thomas directly handed over a fax to Martin: "The filming of the advertisement is in Park Town in southern California. The crew has already planned the schedule. This is the list of the main crew members."

Martin took a quick look and saw a familiar name besides Sam Mendes.

Elizabeth Olsen!

The same name, or the Austrian girl he knew?

Martin took out his cell phone, found Elizabeth's cell phone number, and sent a text message.

Elizabeth called directly: "Yes, it's me! I'm going to star in your commercial."

Martin said: "Okay, I look forward to working with you."

Elizabeth had a class to attend, so she quickly hung up the phone.

"Are you studying Leonardo?" Thomas seldom gossiped: "Which one is Elizabeth?"

Martin said casually, "Don't get it wrong, she's just a girl I saved in Burbank Middle School."

Thomas remembered: "The sister of the Olsen sisters?" He exclaimed: "Heroes save the beauty!"

Martin put down the fax document: "You should communicate with the advertising crew about the specific itinerary. I'll leave first."

After going out, he came to the front hall of WMA, waited for a while, and Aniston came down from upstairs.

The two chatted for a while, they had things to do, and they left.


Chad Stalski returns to the club entertainment area after finishing two clips at the Angels Shooting Club.

His friend Marcus, whom he met here, has been sitting on the sofa without moving.

Chad came over with two cans of Coke and placed one in front of Marcus.

Marcus picked it up, and the Coke can was printed with the pattern of Martin Davis, and said, "The Coke religion?"

Chad asked, "Are you in too?"

Marcus opened it, took a sip, and said, "Many soldiers in Afghanistan have joined the Coke God Cult as a diversion and pleasure in their work. It's a poor place and very boring."

Chad couldn't help laughing: "I'm also a member of the Coke Church. When we were drinking together, Martin also said that he would make me a bishop."

Marcus drank half of the can in one breath, and said: "I watched the video of Burbank Middle School, he is a very amazing star, only those who have actually been on the battlefield know, in that kind of situation people can keep calm and think of a way And how much courage it takes to have the courage to stand up to a gun-toting thug."

Chad thought for a while and said, "Martin is an optimistic, funny person who always finds a way. Although he likes to make trouble, he is very loyal to his friends, so I have been working with him."

Marcus asked, "Can I join your motion director team?"

"Yes." Chad said the prerequisite again: "You must complete the psychological treatment."

Upon hearing this, Marcus said: "It's not that I'm traumatized, it's guilt."

Chad saw that he had something to say, so he cooperated and asked, "What happened? It's a matter of confidentiality."

"It doesn't involve confidentiality." Marcus shook his head first, and then said vaguely: "One of my teams encountered three Afghan shepherds during the investigation and infiltration missions. At that time, the shepherds might leak We track, but they're civilians..."

Chad nodded slightly.

Marcus put his hands in his hair and continued: "The four of us had a disagreement at the time. Someone suggested killing the shepherd. I and another person disagreed because we didn't want to go to a military prison. In the end, the four of us voted and let the shepherd go. people."

He sighed: "A few hours later, more than 100 militants surrounded us. Except for me, the other three were all killed. I was also seriously injured. I fell behind a cliff and was taken in by local villagers. When I came here, I thought the villagers would hand me over, but they protected me, bandaged my wounds, fed me goat milk, and I survived until I was rescued..."

Chad immediately thought of the news that he had glimpsed last year: "Are you the seal that the terrorist publicly claimed to have captured?"

"Yeah, that's me," Marcus admitted, before correcting him: "They never caught me."

"It's all over, man." Chad didn't want to comfort people, that's all he could say.

Marcus sighed again: "If I had made another choice at that time, it might have been a completely different result."

Chad is a qualified filmmaker, and he suddenly felt that the story was very dramatic and conflicted, and it seemed to be suitable for film adaptation?

He himself did not have such ability, let alone the ability to promote the project, so he decided to go back and talk to Martin.

In terms of working together in the past two years, Chad feels that Martin's strength is getting stronger and stronger. The most important thing is that he can attract funds to turn the plan that stays on paper into a real movie project.

Chad weighed it quickly and said, "Just for a few days, I'll see if it's a good day, find a chance to introduce Martin to you, and you've met him once."

Marcus still remembered that the last time he had seen Martin was at the Angels Shooting Club.

Club owner Kane came over at this time and said, "You guys had a great chat."

Marcus laughed: "Chad always shared interesting things about the film industry with me, which is very interesting."

"Unlock Marcus more." Kane understood what happened to this little brother, and said: "The past is the past. People must always look forward, and they cannot live in the past."

Chad nodded, and said, "I'll ask Martin to come over another day, and then we'll have another match."

Kane replied: "No problem, I lost to Martin in the community shooting competition last year, and I always want to get it back!"

He patted the back of Marcus's chair and asked, "Can you take your dog?"

Marcus got up and said, "I've already found a new house, and this time I'm here to pick up the dog by the way."

Chad asked, "Where's Home?"

“In South Santa Monica, the fringe communities are renting a detached house, which is very spacious for one person,” Marcus said.

Chad thought of something: "I heard that the security on the south side is not very good, you should pay more attention when you go in and out."

Marcus just laughed.

Chad patted his head: "Look at me."

Afterwards, Kane took Marcus to lead the dogs. The two Labradors were very energetic, named Daisy and John.

Marcus squatted down and hugged the two pet dogs, as if hugging children and relatives.

After a while, he led the two dogs out of the club.

In the car, Marcus bumped into the dogs, waved to Chad, and drove off.

Kane said: "In Los Angeles, Daisy and John are the relatives of Marcus."

"I also have a dog, German Shepherd." When Chad was filming "Wanted", he adopted a stray puppy on the set. He pointed to the side where he got off the car: "I'm leaving, we can talk another day."

After getting in the car, Chad immediately called Martin: "Remember Marcus? He experienced a special battle in Afghanistan. There were reports in the media last year that local armed forces in Afghanistan claimed to have kidnapped a seal. Well, Marcus is the seal, and I suggest you meet Marcus in person to see if it's worth adapting."

Martin replied, "No problem, you can make an appointment at a suitable time."

Chad asked, "Are you free tomorrow morning? Okay, so at the Angels Club?"

Martin, who will be in Park Township for a commercial next week, immediately said, "Yes."


Burbank, a business club near the Sacred Valley.

Some female producers and directors in Hollywood occasionally meet here.

On the one hand, women help women and benefit each other; on the other hand, they enjoy various benefits of powerful women.

Mene followed Scorsese's queen casting director Allen into the entertainment hall of the club.

There are more than a dozen women gathered here, and five or six men.

The youngest seems to be forty years old.

Mene saw the target Emma Thomas at a glance.

It's not that the female producer is so beautiful, but that she is relatively young among a group of women in their 40s, or even 50 or 60 years old.

Mene licked Alan to his delight last night, and the latter let him go free.

Turning around a little bit, Mene seemed to have just seen Emma Thomas, and went to say hello: "Hi, Emma, ​​I looked like you when I walked in, and it was you."

The two chatted at the Warner Bros. annual party. Emma Thomas was impressed by Mene, smiled and nodded, wondering: "Why are you here?"

Mene pointed to Allen: "Director Lewis brought me here."

Emma Thomas heard Alan mention Mene last year, so she was curious. She beckoned the waiter to bring two glasses of wine, and handed one to Mene: "Have a drink with me, chat for a while?"

Mene sat across from Emma, ​​and the chat was in full swing after a while.

When the party broke up, although the two did not leave together, they exchanged each other's personal contact information.

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