American fame and fortune

Chapter 234 Let's Do It Together

In the conference room, most people dispersed.

The three most important actors in the crew exchanged feelings and clarified the relationship between the roles, and others did not dare to disturb them.

Martin looked at Nicholson with great interest, not sure if he was genuine or acting.

The other party has more than 40 years of acting experience and is known as one of the best acting people in Hollywood. Perhaps acting has already been integrated into all aspects of life.

Leonardo pointed to Nicholson: "You and Marlon Brando are known as the most fun people on Sunset Boulevard."

Nicholson said to the two with a smile: "I want to see what new tricks the younger generation can play."

Leonardo said: "Martin, it's up to you."

Martin shrugged: "Small."

Leonardo glanced at his watch: "I'll go first."

Martin also left the conference room.

Nicholson also came out, ignoring the things thrown on the ground.

Mene next to him shook his head slightly at Martin.

Martin is considering issues, especially Jack Nicholson's relationship with Scorsese.

He slowed down and waited for Nicholson from behind to come over, and asked directly: "Old Jack, that cushion, are you targeting me?"

Nicholson stopped, grinned suddenly, and even admitted: "That's right, I'm targeting you."

Since this kind of person admits it face to face, he will definitely continue to say that Martin is waiting for him.

Sure enough, Nicholson continued: "Today's matter, I wanted to play a prank on you. An old friend asked me to help you. I have been in and out of her for twenty years. I don't care about her. The face, also depends on the face below her, after all, I still want to continue to fuck her."

He chuckled again: "I'm getting old, and I don't care who, she asked me to fuck you, I did it, as for who else is behind her, I don't care about it, old man, I'm going to see God soon, Bill Guy When Ci comes, I will spray him in the face! Now everyone knows that I have fucked you, and she has no face to refuse me."

Martin asked: "Who is she?"

Nicholson spread his hands: "I've inquired about it. You are a good mess, and I want to keep messing with her. If you mess with her, what will I do in the future?"

He spoke bluntly: "I've been with her for almost twenty years, and I haven't gotten tired of it yet. Do you know why?"

Don't tell me, Martin is a little curious.

Mene next to him felt that if he could engage with Nicholson for 20 years, he must be in his 40s or 50s. He is an expert in this area, okay?

Can't help but ask: "Why?"

Nicholson looked like an expert: "You young people pay too much attention to faces, breasts, legs, etc. I have summed up a piece of experience in more than 40 years, as long as these things can get by."

He pointed to Mene's two legs: "The key is still here! Do you know how difficult it is to meet someone who can increase and suck? After you have experienced a lot, you will understand."

Suddenly, Martin saw Matt Damon coming out of the restroom tens of meters behind Nicholson.

Just when Damon was about to turn around, Martin quickly stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Nicholson's shoulders and neck, preventing him from turning around, and said with enthusiasm: "Hearing you say that, I feel itchy in my heart, what? Do we do it together?"

Nicholson was surprised, and his smile was full of evil: "Do you have this hobby?"

Martin didn't look at Damon's side at all: "Fuck people, you can get people to the point where they can't take care of themselves."

On the other side, when Damon came out of the bathroom, he saw Martin and Nicholson who were shoulder to shoulder at a glance, and then heard the two discussing how to get people.


In this situation, it is hard not to remind him of the cushion fart just happened.

Matt Damon has no friendship with Nicholson. He and Daben belong to the Weinstein family in Hollywood. Harvey face.

Of these two, one robbed him of his male number two, and the other embarrassed him in public.

Get together?

Matt Damon didn't pass by, and quickly turned into the elevator and went downstairs.

Near the corridor of the meeting room, Nicholson noticed that Martin's hands were tightly around his neck and shoulders, and suddenly had a bad association: "Hey, you little bastard, don't you like men? But never with a man."

Martin didn't let go of him: "Don't worry, I only like women."

Nicholson broke free from Martin's hand: "You're abnormal." He pondered for a while: "You're plotting against me! You suddenly grabbed my shoulder, why?"

Martin told the truth: "Deepen our relationship so that we can make people together."

Nicholson looked around, found nothing unusual, and said, "She's my baby, I won't share it with you." The old man wanted to leave: "In New York, you and Leonardo have a party, don't forget to shout I, I dare to break the news to the media!"

After they left, Martin and Mene also went downstairs.

Meeting Bruce in the lobby on the first floor, Martin said: "Come into the crew, pay attention to Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson."

Bruce nods.

The three of them walked out, and Mene explained what happened very quickly.

Bruce said: "I think more attention should be paid to Matt Damon." He looked at Mene: "There should not be many people who can make such pranks with people like Nicholson. You can ask Allen .”

Mene had to go to his date with Allen at night, and he responded straight away: "Leave it to me!"

After leaving Warner Bros., Mene wanted to find a place to rest and nourish himself, preparing for a new round of battle at night.

Martin had a date, rushed to an upscale restaurant near South Broadway, and met Blake Lively.

"Sorry, the script has just ended." He sat on the deck.

Black obviously waited for a while, but he wasn't impatient: "It's okay, work is important."

Martin took the menu from the waiter and handed her a copy: "Order whatever you want, don't be polite to me."

Blake spoke affectionately: "I read the News of the World, you signed a manuscript contract with them and earned a lot of manuscript fees, I will not save you."

Martin didn't have that level of writing, and the manuscript for fulfilling the agreement could only be handed over to Thomas for completion.

Bruce volunteered, but Martin didn't dare to use Lao Bu. One was that Lao Bu was worse than him, and the other was that Lao Bu had prepared a theme called Guide to Finding the Best Big Ass.

In the name of Martin Davis, it's such a good thing to write about his full stomach!

After Blake finished ordering, he asked curiously, "Can we talk about those two spies?" Her eyes were full of stars, as if seeing a little fan of her idol: "Eric is still jealous of you, just his brain, don't If you say you found a spy, if you really met the FBI, you would be so stupid as to be taken as a spy."

Martin was very helpless, he couldn't talk about the fact of being a spy, so he could only say, "I signed a non-disclosure agreement with the FBI."

As a super licking dog, how could Blake embarrass the male god, so he quickly changed the subject: "You have moved, when will you invite me to have a look?"

Martin said: "Today is fine. After dinner, we will go to Sherman Oaks."

When the food came, Blake ate it as fast as he could, and it took only half an hour for a lunch.

After paying the bill, Martin took Blake to the Escalade from the underground parking lot of the mall.

When Black saw Bruce driving, he greeted immediately: "Hi, Bo, long time no see."

Bruce smiled at her.

Ten minutes later, the Escalade arrived at the Coty community and drove directly into Martin's new home.

Blake got out of the car, looked at the yard, lawn and swimming pool first, took a deep breath, held Martin's arm, and had a dog-licking attack: "You smell everywhere here, it smells so good."

Martin invited her to the main house: "This way."

Blake followed Martin to visit the house, and said as he walked: "When I am 18 years old, I will move out of the house." She sighed: "It's a pity that I can't afford such a beautiful house."

How could a good man like Martin have the heart to let the girl sleep on the street, and immediately said, "I have a vacant room here, and I can rent it to you."

Blake was happy, and muttered: "I have no money, how can I pay the rent."

Martin's awareness and bottom line are very high: "This, let's wait until after your 18th birthday." He specifically asked: "When will you hold a birthday party?"

Blake said, "August 25th."

She knew that Martin was about to go to New York to film a movie, and he might stay there for a long time. Female fans would naturally think about the male god: "This movie is very important to you. If you don't have time to come back, I will hold a party at home. Just go to New York to visit the class."

How thick-skinned Martin is: "We'll see what happens then."

But Blake made up his mind: "That's it, I will go to New York to find you, and you have to organize a special birthday party for me."

Martin replied: "Of course, let you never forget it."

Blake couldn't help being full of anticipation, and couldn't help thinking, what kind of special gift would Martin give? What special events will be planned?

Martin led Blake up and down the stairs.

In the underground storage room, there is also a souvenir set specially given to Blake.

Contains a crocodile tusk pendant, a horned clown carving, and an emerald bracelet.

Blake liked it a lot.

Even if the male god sends a blank piece of paper, she will be happy.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Black's father called, and she could only say goodbye and leave.

After sending Blake back to Burbank, Martin sat in the co-pilot, looked at the dazzling array of shops on both sides of the road, and asked, "Old Bu, what's a good gift for a girl's 18th birthday?"

Bruce didn't think about it: "The fang pendant is carved with horns, and an emerald is added for important people."

"I've already sent a set." Martin turned into an animal protectionist at this moment: "I'm worried about the extinction of the crocodile and bison in Australia, so it's better to send some industrial products."

Bruce said: "Diamonds, luxury goods, watches, etc., these can never be wrong." He changed his voice: "Why did you suddenly become a human?"

Martin emphasized: "I have always been a good person. I used to be poor because poor people don't have the luxury of capital."

Lao Bu agrees with this. For example, he and the Kardashians used to be Bai Na Han Jin, that is, they started to give some gifts after earning money in the past six months.

Martin didn't stay in Los Angeles for a few days, and as soon as mid-July entered, he followed the crew to New York.

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