American fame and fortune

Chapter 192 Realistic Style, Missing My Sister

Boston, Grand Hotel.

In a business meeting room, Martin Scorsese meets his namesake young actor.

The temperament is introverted, except for being a little handsome, the rest is plain.

Like many of the regular detectives he'd seen at the police station this afternoon.

The two had already greeted, and Scorsese asked directly: "How did you show up in Boston?"

"I want to fight for the role of Colin Sullivan." Martin understood the progress of the crew, and made no secret of his desire, "I have confidence in my acting skills, and I want to get your approval in the audition, even if it's only 100% I will give my 100% effort if I have one hope.”

He selectively told his real experience: "I was born in a slum in Atlanta, and I saw more drug dealers and gangsters than PD. I lacked knowledge in this area, so I specifically asked the brokerage company to contact BPD, join them, and experience it."

Knowing about gangsters and experiencing life in BPD, isn't this an alternative Colin Sullivan?

Scorsese was almost surrounded by Martin's name at the crew meeting, and he was naturally impressed. As a veteran director, he knew the importance of investors.

Not to mention filming, investors are still expected to continue to pay for awards.

He asked again, "Aren't you from Boston? Accent?"

Martin said truthfully: "I practiced during this period of time, and I came to Boston to strengthen it."

Scorsese nods secretly, and the actor's seriousness is impeccable.

At this moment, he was like an examiner: "Do you have any experience?"

Martin recalled the movies he had seen: "It is very different from the images in the media, and even more different from the police and gangster movies. They are ordinary people, not very skilled, and they swear dirty words and make dirty jokes all day long. Sometimes they do not follow the rules when handling cases, and some have psychological problems and need psychological counseling..."

Scorsese nodded slightly. The style of the original Hong Kong film is not suitable for North America.

Too romantic and poetic.

What Scorsese determined was the realistic style, which coincides with what Martin said.

"Have you read the script?" Seeing Martin nodding, he simply said directly, "Perform a scene where you abandon your undercover identity and choose to kill the villain. I am Frank."

Martin simply brewed and started an explosive performance.

At the end of the performance, Scorsese nodded and said only one sentence: "Remember to participate in the audition with makeup on."

"Okay." Martin was very clear that he had Scorsese's approval.

Scorsese came over and shook hands with him: "That's it for today."

Martin said goodbye and left.

Scorsese sits back in his chair and thinks about it.

There is no doubt that the other party is a young actor who is active and serious about his work, and his acting skills are also good, definitely above his standard.

The only downside is that he is not as famous as Matt Damon.

Allen knocked on the door and came in at this moment, and asked, "How was the talk?"

Scorsese said: "It's better than I expected. He came from a low-level background, and he came to BPD to actually experience life, and his acting skills are also good. Not bad."

Alan understood him and asked, "You are hesitating."

Scorsese nodded: "Not as famous as Matt Damon."

"Let's talk about the matter." Allen sat on the sofa chair beside him: "That little guy is working hard to prepare for the role, what is Matt Damon doing?"

What kind of employees does the boss like? The donkey who took the initiative to pull the mill!

An old-school director like Scorsese also likes actors to prepare their own scenes with all their strength, so he pondered for a while and said, "Just ask."

Allen took out his cell phone, made a few calls, and said, "Damon is in Los Angeles, ready to stand for Harvey Weinstein's wife's fashion show."

"Investor Dyson Pictures supports Damon." Scorsese is also very greedy, he wants everything.

Allen said: "Damon is almost 35 years old, and his age is different from Colin's setting. It is more suitable for Ding Genan who killed Colin."

"Good idea," Scorsese said.

Wouldn't this solve the problem? Investors can also be all in place.

Allen went downstairs quickly, returned to her room, and made a phone call. Within a few minutes, Mene entered her room.

Early the next morning, Alan, contented, solemnly promised Mene that she would give him an important supporting role as long as he was on call.

For this role, Allen, as the casting director, can completely call the shots.

Under Mene's new verbal offensive, she repeated what she said to Scorsese last night.

Although the feedback from the old director was excellent last night, Martin still continued to experience life with the special operations team as in the past few days.

At noon that day, Mene rushed over and notified Martin of the relevant information.

"Thank you for your hard work." Martin looked at Mene's slightly swollen lips: "This time, I'm lucky to have you."

Mene wiped his lips: "It's okay, boss, this is what I'm good at. I didn't get anything from licking it before, and this time I got an important supporting role."

"We work together," Martin said.

Mei Nei has a lot in mind: "I don't want to be the protagonist, and I can have a stable income. When I am in my 50s or 60s, I will be content with Morgan Freeman's corners."

Martin said: "You can see Morgan Freeman on the set of "Wanted" later."

As a golden supporting role in Hollywood, the old man has a certain appeal to middle-aged and elderly audiences, and the salary is not high. Before Martin came to Boston this time, Louise had already sent an invitation to Morgan Freeman.

Martin Scorsese and others stayed in Boston for a week before leaving and returned to Los Angeles to continue polishing the characters and the script.

During this period, Martin and Scorsese had several exchanges.

Regarding the next Oscars, Scorsese strives for perfection, and the filming will not start until the summer.

Martin has plenty of time to shoot "Wanted" first.

After twenty days of experiencing life with BPD, it was time for Martin to say goodbye.

The public relations office held a farewell reception just for him.

Because Martin had invited them too many times, these guys thought it was necessary to invite them back once, not to mention spending public money.

At the reception, Martin clinked glasses with Jack, John and others one by one, and had a good drink.

All the people who participated in the reception came to take a group photo with Martin. If Martin became a big star, they would have more bragging rights besides scolding Fake.

At the end of the reception, Bruce appeared and brought a souvenir specially prepared by Martin.

Martin first approached the chief of the police department and presented him with a crocodile tooth pendant in a gift box: "A souvenir."

The director declined: "How is this possible."

Martin raised his voice and explained: "This is made from the teeth of a large alligator that I legally hunted and killed when I went to Australia to shoot. It is a pure handicraft. I just took it here as a testimony of my friendship with BPD. .”

The chief took it down.

Martin sent out dozens of crocodile tooth pendants in one go.

After the reception was over, on the car back to the hotel, Martin specifically said to Bruce: "Old Bu, send a message to Australia and ask them to get another batch."

No way, too many friends, not enough pendants to give.

Martin gave the remaining few to Mene: "Take it back and send it to relatives and friends."

Back at the hotel, Martin drank a lot of wine because of entertainment, so Martin went to bed early.

Bruce and Mene went down to the bar.

The two ordered a glass of beer each, drank and chatted.

Bruce fully approves of Mene: "Man, you did a good job this time."

Mene was quite emotional: "Before I met you and the boss, I licked countless old women and got nothing but a little money. After meeting you and the boss, everything is completely different. Now I have a certain reputation and I have a lot of money." A little money."

Bruce clinked glasses with him: "Facts have proved that people with skills can live better."

Mene fully agrees: "I can't count how many old women I have been through before I can develop the skills I have now."

Bruce took out a bottle of essential oil that Martin had given him, and handed it to Mene: "If you encounter those who force you, or go too far, this is the magic medicine to deal with them."

Mene unscrewed it and smelled it, and was about to pour it into his mouth.

Bruce quickly pulled him back: "Use it at a critical moment."

"Okay!" Menet screwed off the bottle cap, put it in his pocket, and said, "Paris Hilton has been playing with my ideas since the last premiere, I guess she may miss my tongue besides the hype. "

Before, Bruce would have thought Menet was bragging.

Now it feels normal. Kim Kardashian told him more than once that Paris is not an ordinary wave.

Mene said: "Paris wants to force me without spending money, so I will use the magic medicine you gave me!"

That made Bruce think of Kim Kardashian's... sister.

Kohler is pretty cool too!

Bruce quickly shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and at the same time cursed Martin secretly, all blame this rotten man!

The next morning, the three of Martin left Boston and took a flight back to Los Angeles.

When I got off the plane and came to the apartment, I didn't see the fat landlord.

Martin inquired with the tenant, and Antonio went to a club party.

The entry requirements for that club required millions of assets ten years ago.

On the second floor, the diagonally opposite door opened. Jessica came out, said hello first, and then said, "Martin, Thomas told me this morning, you should call him when you come back."

"I see." Martin took out his mobile phone, waited for Old Bu to open the door, and entered the apartment.

The apartment was spotless, and Jessica and Emily, who came in behind, cleaned it last night.

Thomas connected and immediately said: "Martin, good news, the crew of "The Departed" officially notified me today that on March 22, let me go to your studio for a makeup audition!"

Martin breathed a sigh of relief: "This time is not in vain." He asked again: "What about the competitors?"

Thomas simply said: "I specifically asked Louise, she will be an executive producer on the crew, your biggest competitor is Matt Damon, but Scorsese himself is inclined to let him play another important role. , the Dingonan who killed Colin."

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