American fame and fortune

Chapter 169 The Appearance of True Love

After taking the CD from Thomas, Martin looked carefully at the cover, and the people on it were so familiar that they couldn't be more familiar.

Of the films stored on the disc, the latter two were seldom seen, and I don’t remember them particularly clearly, but the main plot of the first one is extremely impressive.

This is one of the Hong Kong films he has watched the most since 2000.

It can be called the last glory of Hong Kong movies.

"The localized gangster theme based on Hong Kong films..." Thomas explained the recent situation in detail.

Martin, who had also seen The Departed, was sure what Thomas had heard about, such as the Irish gangs in Boston.

Thomas asked again: "Where is Pacific Pictures?"

Martin said: "The energy of Louise and Pacific Pictures will be temporarily put on the platter of "Wanted". This project hopes to be bigger."

Thomas clearly distinguishes the primary from the secondary: "I'll find another way to plan B." He specifically said: "For Scorsese's project, the audition results have a greater impact on the role, but if the acting skills are similar, the factors that determine the result There are too many, Plan B will become the third largest investor, and I am going to contact the personnel of Plan B.”

Martin immediately thought of the two largest shareholders of Plan B: "Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston?"

"I only had access to the executives of Plan B," Thomas said. "I found out that Scorsese was interested in asking Pete to play the second lead, but Pete turned it down."

Martin thought for a moment, and said, "I need a Boston accent teacher, as well as the relevant rules and regulations and organizational structure of the Boston Police Department." Since he is trying to get it, he must do his best: "It is best to have the Boston gang for more than ten years." history of development."

Thomas replied, "I'll do it."

After the new year, Martin will be 24 years old. If he remembers correctly, Leonardo will be 30 years old.

According to the character background of "The Departed Walker", in fact, he is more in line with the age setting.

These are not determining factors.

In Los Angeles, there are not too many teachers who teach various accents. Martin met a middle-aged female teacher who spoke a Boston accent that afternoon, followed by practicing pronunciation in the Boston area, and received a lot of recording materials.

Following the Hollywood accent, he started a new accent training.

Many film crews in Hollywood also have situations like 1234567 when they are filming on the spot.

For example, Depp's memory has long been destroyed by alcohol and flour, and his lines are all floating clouds.

But Martin Scorsese's crew required live recording, and the accent must match the character's background.

Thomas moved forward with a heavy load, and made appointments with the casting directors of "Gangs of New York" and "The Aviator" at night. She has cooperated with Martin Scorsese twice in a row, and the possibility of continuing to cooperate is very high.

Martin also had an appointment, and Anne made an appointment to meet him at the Griffith Observatory at night.


In a suite at the Hilton Hotel.

In front of the makeup mirror, Anne seriously put on her makeup and asked Laura, "Is it okay?"

Laura exclaimed: "It's so beautiful, Anne, Martin is right, you are a real princess."

Anne asked, "Are you all ready?"

Laura got closer and said, "Just confess your confession, and leave the rest to me. People have already notified you."

Anne asked again: "Do you think the location of Griffith Park is suitable?"

"It couldn't be more appropriate." Laura said, "There is the Hollywood Hills there, and the entire Los Angeles can be overlooked from the observatory. There are often celebrities going on dates, and some reporters have photographed you confessing, which is reasonable."

Annie nodded: "That's fine, I want to make a good impression on Martin."

Laura pointed to the clothes on the hanger: "Changing clothes, it's almost time."

Annie chose a white shirt, slim jeans, and deliberately dressed like a girl next door so as not to put pressure on the man.

Then, the two went downstairs, got into the hotel car and set off.

Annie asked Laura to confirm again: "Call Yuji and the paparazzi again, don't make a mistake."

Laura pulled out her cell phone and made a call.

On the other side, Bruce drives a Volkswagen, approaching the Hollywood Hills.

Martin looked at the Hollywood sign not far away and asked, "Notified?"

Bruce said: "I used the public phone to call "American Rumor" and other gossip entertainment newspapers, and I also called Jody's paparazzi. Some of them would go to the mountain anyway."

He urged: "The day before yesterday, I talked to Jody, and she said that you must make new progress, and ordinary street auctions can't raise the price."

Martin understands the business logic behind this: "I think it's almost there."

Bruce knew this rotten man's plan: "Can you be a human being? You have to let the woman take the initiative if you confess your love?"

"It says I'm responsible," Martin said.

When he came to the park parking lot, Bruce parked the car, checked the time, and took a can of beer.

Martin headed up the hill first, and he followed.

The Griffith Observatory is one of the landmark buildings in Los Angeles. Martin came to the park square in front of the Observatory, looked around, and found that some faces among the tourists seemed familiar.

Paparazzi and Yuji are here.

After waiting for a while, Martin saw Annie enter the square and took the initiative to greet her.

The surrounding paparazzi and entertainment reporters had already spotted the two of them, and followed them by coincidence.

At the edge of the square, Laura was looking for a quiet place, when she suddenly found a familiar person sitting on a bench next to her.

Bruce also saw her and nodded slightly: "What a coincidence."

Laura smiled: "What a coincidence."

The two looked at Martin and Anne in the distance at the same time.

Martin and Annie grew closer.

Suddenly, Martin looked back over his shoulder, as if someone was calling him from behind.

Seeing that he stopped, Annie could only quicken her pace. When Martin turned his head, Annie had already come in front of him, opened her arms, and threw herself into Martin's arms.

Martin hugged Anne.

Annie didn't hesitate at all, fearing that the high-quality stocks in her hands would run away, she couldn't wait to say: "Martin, I've been thinking about you these days, let's date!"

Martin upholds the principle of being a good person who doesn't refuse, doesn't take the initiative, and doesn't promise, and just nods vigorously.

Annie laughed happily, as if seeing a bright future: future and money.

She raised her head and closed her eyes slightly.

In this situation, how could the good man Martin maliciously refuse, bowing his head and kissing the red lips.

Not far away, flashing lights lit up one after another.

The Yuji paparazzi are very excited, now it is confirmed that there is another pair of dogs and men in Hollywood!

As soon as the four lips touched each other, Annie opened her eyes, staggered her lips, and buried her head in Martin's arms: "I'm so happy."

She twitched her shoulders vigorously, shaking in Martin's arms, as if she was too excited to control herself.

Martin hugged her tightly and stroked her temples gently.

The flash was on all the time.

Annie was worried that she would not be able to capture her face, so she adjusted several angles so that the camera lens could capture her perfect profile.

What an enviable love.

That's what true love should be like.

Finally, the two separated.

Anne's beautiful big eyes looked at Martin without any scum, and there was only one person in her eyes.

Martin brushed Annie's cheek lightly with his fingers, and was so moved that tears filled his eyes: "Annie, do you know? I saved the earth in my previous life!"

Anne didn't know why: "Save the earth?"

Martin said again: "That's why I got the look back from the goddess of this life."

The beautiful love words made Annie purse her red lips. At this moment, she couldn't tell whether her heart was touched or her acting skills exploded, and she was completely immersed in her feelings.

She kicked her long legs and threw herself into Martin's arms.

No matter what plan or not, he raised his head and begged for a kiss, and kissed with Martin for a long time.

On the edge of the square, Laura wiped her tears gently, deeply moved.

With a snap, Bruce opened the beer and said in his heart, "This is the Martin Davis who conquered female producers with hard power."

Laura said excitedly: "The princess and the prince are finally together!"

Bruce just nodded mechanically.

Snow White and the Prince? I remember that in the first version of the fairy tale I read, the prince was not a good person.

He was so bored that he couldn't help fantasizing that in the future, Anne would play Snow White and Martin would play the fetish prince, and if they were filmed according to the first version of the fairy tale, it would be wonderful.

The two people in the square ended their long kiss at this moment, interlocked their fingers, and walked towards the viewing platform of the Griffith Observatory.

Bruce automatically followed behind.

Laura followed suit.

Martin pulled Anne forward and walked quickly: "Let's go to see the night view of Los Angeles and announce to the whole Los Angeles that Martin Davis and Anne Hathaway have come together."

Annie followed closely beside him, and at the moment she really only had Martin in her eyes.

The two entered the observatory, laughed across the hall, and went up the stairs together.

Walking a few steps forward, Martin saw no one, turned around suddenly, and lowered his head.

Anne stood on tiptoe and kissed Martin lightly on the face.

At the corner of the stairs, Anne slowed down: "I'm tired."

Martin pointed to the upward stairs and turned around: "I'm carrying you behind my back."

"Hmm!" Annie was very happy, she climbed up a few steps, jumped onto Martin's back, and hugged his neck tightly.

Martin ran up the viewing platform with Annie on his back.

There was no one on the platform at this time, and the two came to the edge of the viewing platform together, opposite to the nine oversized letters of Hollywood.

Martin put down Anne, spread his hands into trumpets, and shouted down: "Thank you, Anne! Thank you for your favor!"

Anne stood next to Martin and also shouted loudly: "Anne-Hathaway loves Martin-Davis! Forever!"

Someone came up from below and heard their shouts, and it was not surprising.

This is also considered a sanctuary for lovers in Los Angeles, and young couples often come here to go crazy.

Martin and Annie snuggled together, admiring the night view of Los Angeles, and whispering.

After a while, we went downstairs together.

When passing by the bathroom, Annie said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Martin nodded.

Annie goes into the bathroom, sees Laura, and withdraws from her emotions.

The latter asked: "Is there any material that can explode?"

Anne whispered a few words, quickly came out of the bathroom, and went outside with Martin on her arm.

Laura waited for a while before slipping out of the bathroom, came outside the planetarium, found a familiar paparazzi, and looked for it.

The paparazzi handed her $50 directly.

Laura said: "Do you know why Annie is excited? Martin said that he saved the earth in his previous life, and only in exchange for Annie's favor in this life!"

Send it at the third watch, ask for a monthly ticket!

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