American fame and fortune

Chapter 167 Between People

In the theater, there were very few audiences.

Bruce watched the movie being shown, grabbed the popcorn in boredom, threw it into his mouth, chewed it crunchy and delicious.

Martin picked up the Coke and took a sip.

On the screen, Alexander commanded the Greek allied forces to form a Macedonian phalanx and fight with the Persian army.

One of the most important highlights of epic films is the big war scenes.

What is the standard of a good movie? Everyone's judgment is different.

But studios have a very uniform standard: make money or not.

Bruce couldn't take it anymore when he saw the glass dog's heart-wrenching scene: "I'm going out to take a breath."

Martin was not too interested in these either: "Let's go."

The two stood up and prepared to leave.

Martin found that besides them, some people were also leaving the theater.

The number exceeds a quarter of the theater audience.

That's bad news for any movie.

Martin has long forgotten what the movie in his previous life was like. Except for Angelina Jolie, it seems that this movie has left no other impression on him.

The two left the theater and walked towards the parking lot.

Bruce said: "I watched the King Arthur DVD, which is much more interesting than this one."

Martin thought for a while: "Because King Arthur died after his death, but it is very commercial, this one is more literary?"

Bruce shrugged: "Maybe, I knew it would be so boring. I'm going to find Jin. It's not as interesting as watching bad movies with you."

Martin asked, "Fengyoujing?"

"Gold only used a little, and he screamed in pain. After washing for a long time, he almost went to the hospital." Bruce wanted to lift his clothes again: "You rotten person, you want me to paint there."

Martin grabbed his clothes: "Don't mess around, there is LAPD, be careful of being emptied." He came up with an idea: "Gold uses wind oil essence, which is popular all over the world."

Bruce gave him the middle finger: "You are such a pervert!"

The two got into the car and went back to the apartment together.

Martin was a little worried, so he called Louise: "Drunkard, what are you doing?"

Louise replied in a low voice: "Stay with the family." She asked back, "What are you doing?"

Martin was thinking a lot: "He and Lao Bu just came out of the theater."

Louise understood why Martin called: "I know, the movie didn't go well, and that's okay."

"I won't bother you anymore." Martin hung up the phone on his own initiative.

Sitting in the co-pilot, he concentrated on thinking, focusing on the relationship between people.

Bruce speeds up the car and asks, "You think this movie is going to fail?"

Martin simply said: "In the same movie theater, so many people leave halfway, it can always explain something."

"Are you worried about Louise Meyer? Dude, when did you have a conscience." Bruce said, "I thought you left your conscience in Atlanta."

But Martin said, "She is a millionaire, so I don't need to worry about it."

"Man, are you going to do something bad again?" Bruce had a bad feeling.

Martin was ambiguous: "Geshan Youyan patched this film, and I am worried that the bad luck will continue."

Bruce remembered one thing: "The Coke transported by Robert arrived a few days ago. I rented a warehouse to store it. I also took some and put it in the studio. You can go and drink a can."

He deliberately said: "Expired Coke, endless aftertaste."

Martin shook his head, but said nothing.


Brentwood, a famous rich area in Los Angeles.

In a mansion on the top of the mountain, Louise stood in front of the window, put away her mobile phone, and overlooked the night view of Los Angeles in the distance.

The status of Alexander the Great's film was actually determined before it was released.

The only uncertainty is how catastrophic the failure will be.

Martin could call at this time to inquire about the relevant situation, Louise sighed softly: "It's a bit of a conscience."

Footsteps sounded behind her, and a woman in her 50s came up behind her: "Honey, are you worried?"

Louise turned her head and smiled: "For work, don't worry, Mom, I can handle it."

Mrs. Mel nodded slightly, and didn't ask much: "Just remember one thing, no matter what happens, your father and I will always be your backing."

"Got it..." Louise took her mother's arm and said, "Come on, let's go have a drink."

Mrs. Mel reminded: "You are drinking more and more intemperately, and you need me to send you to AA?"

Louise said: "It's not that serious, I just have a drink once in a while to relax."

The mother and daughter came to the small bar at home and just opened a bottle of low-alcohol rum.

Mrs. Meier asked: "This project is not going well?"

Louise took a sip of wine slowly: "It is estimated that all the money earned this year will be lost."

"Business, it's normal to earn and lose, and Buffett can't guarantee that every business will make money." Mrs. Meier has also worked hard in the mall and is used to the situation: "Since you graduated from USC, your career and life It has been going well, and setbacks are not necessarily a bad thing.”

Louise's face was about to collapse: "Mom, do you wish I had a hard fall?"

Mrs. Meier did not touch the glass: "I don't understand the big truth, but when you fail, it is easier for you to see who is trustworthy around you, who can face the storm with you, and who will abandon you at any time. "

Louise put down her wine glass and thought carefully.

Mrs. Mel picked up the wine and drank it slowly.

After "Alexander the Great" was fully released in North America, Martin paid close attention to the film's market response.

Some films have a good reputation but a poor box office. Relying on long-term operation, they can always pay back slowly.

However, the word-of-mouth of this film exploded in place. From film critics to ordinary audiences to the industry media, it was full of negative reviews. The IMDB score was 5.6, and the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes was an outrageous 16%.

As a matter of course, Alexander the Great only received $13.69 million at the box office during the opening weekend in North America.

The film's disclosed production cost was $155 million.

Its hit the street is more tragic than "King Arthur" and "Van Helsing".

It can be called the number one box office disaster in Hollywood in 2004.

All investors participating in the platter will face huge losses.

The failure of an A-level production will always have many consequences.


Sherman Oaks, in a villa on the south hillside.

Louise sat in front of the bar in the lobby, opened a bottle of whiskey, filled the glass, and drank it in one gulp.

The personal cell phone that was set aside then rang.

It was Martin who called.

Louise asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Martin asked, "What are you doing?"

Louise said: "It's a meeting, don't disturb me for now."

Martin replied: "You are busy first, and send me a message when you are free."

Just as Louise put down her cell phone, the business phone on the other side rang.

She connected: "This is Louise Mayer."

"Hi, Louise, it's me, Fairman." The person on the other side spoke very politely: "My Zero Foundation participated in your fundraising at that time, and the funds were invested in your Pacific Films in batches, and participated in Hollywood's For movie platter investment, the foundation is now encountering difficulties, the second and third phases of investment cannot be in place, and the first phase of investment..."

How could Louise not understand what he meant: "Don't worry, I will return the first-phase investment and the promised interest dividends to you within the contract period."

Fermat laughed twice: "This is the best, I will participate in your platter investment when there is a suitable opportunity."

Louise threw the phone on the bar, poured another drink, and continued drinking.

Although she was mentally prepared, it was beyond her expectation that the film would be so tragic.

Within a few minutes, the official phone rang again, and it was also a foundation preparing to withdraw its investment.

Louise's Pacific Pictures, somewhat like Relativity Entertainment Media established by Wall Street funds, raised funds from investors such as foundations and invested them in Hollywood's movie platter project to make a profit.

The difference is that Louise herself will also invest.

The investment platter projects are profitable, and even as long as the capital is returned, investors are in an endless stream.

With such a tragic failure, it is normal for the investor to withdraw capital and cancel the cooperation.

Since the media officially disclosed last weekend's North American box office data, in just a few hours, Louise received 7 calls, all of which were unilaterally canceled by investors.

Even if she was mentally prepared, she was still annoyed.

How can a person be happy when encountering such a thing.

Louise drank glass after glass, and a bottle of 40-proof whiskey soon bottomed out.

At this moment, the private cell phone rang, and Kelly Gray called.

Louise's face was gloomy, and she pressed the on button and said: "Lost, are you not going to cooperate with me?"

Kelly let out a clear laugh: "Pervert, I really want to abandon you, but I want to see you fail more times."

"You have a conscience." Louise decided to give her some rewards: "Next time, I will not only let Martin play it outside, but also open the live broadcast."

Kelly gritted his teeth in hatred, and said, "Aren't you and that bad guy preparing a new movie, are you going to come to Atlanta to shoot? I've prepared a surprise for you when you come over."

Louise said, "I like surprises the most."

The two didn't talk much, the phone hung up, Louise got up and took another bottle of wine, and continued to drink.

Troublesome things can be saved for tomorrow, and at least I can get drunk today.

Louise drank a few more glasses of wine, and when she was about to get another drink, the housekeeper Mary suddenly came over and stopped her.

"You drank too much, don't drink any more." Mary advised, "Your body won't be able to take it anymore."

Louise looked very sober: "I didn't drink too much, this is how much, I know it in my heart, it's okay."

Mary said, "I'll help you upstairs to rest."

"I'm really fine." Louise waved her hand and suddenly whispered something to Mary.

Mary hurried to the hall.

Louise poured her wine and continued drinking.

Mary picked up the hall phone and dialed Martin's number.

The other side picked it up: "Louise?"

Mary said, "I am Mary, Louise's housekeeper."

Martin found an empty place and asked, "Do you have something to do?"

"Mr. Davis, if you have time, please come and persuade me. Louise has been drinking since this morning." Mary spoke very quickly, seeming particularly anxious: "A dozen companies and foundations have called , ended the cooperation with Pacific Pictures, and demanded a complete divestment. Pacific Pictures may not be able to survive this hurdle, and it will be a big blow to Louise..."

She paused for a while: "There are still calls coming in. I'm worried that something is wrong with her, but I can't persuade her."

After saying this, Mary quietly waited for the reply from the other party.

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