American fame and fortune

Chapter 104 Frequent Mistakes

In the dilapidated front hall of the theater, the prop master of the crew handed over the weapons: "Crossbows and arrows, I have them all ready."

"Thank you." Martin received it, waited until the prop master left, took off the crossbow bolt, and checked the arrowhead and crossbow arm.

After confirming that the crossbow bolts had soft rubber heads, and the arms were still too soft to hold, they were reinstalled.

The recovered Bruce came over and asked in a low voice, "Is there a problem?"

Martin's voice was also very low: "There have been more than one incidents of prop weapons wounding or killing people in Hollywood. I don't feel relieved if I don't check this kind of thing that shoots at people."

Bruce remembered something: "The crow."

Director Zomi's voice came from the set: "All departments are preparing."

Martin came to the set facing the entrance of the theater and got into a shooting position.

The filming started, the door of the theater opposite opened, and Brian appeared.

Martin pulled the trigger, but the soft-headed crossbow was not strong enough, and fell off without even making a sound when it hit the wall.

Brian fell to the ground.

In the next shot, Eliza joins in as Martin picks up the double-barreled shotgun and searches Brian for bullets, finding nothing.

The twins thought the enemy was dead and left foolishly.

Later, Eliza enters the set theater and sits in a dummy for the shoot.

Martin went out to catch his breath.

The scenes in the town have been filmed, and this is Warner's Road Show studio, the largest Hollywood shooting base in Australia.

Standing in the shade of the tree, Bruce couldn't help complaining: "The scene just now was really stupid. Anyone with a normal head would check to see if the person is dead or not, and make up two knives to solve the future troubles."

Martin looked around, and then said: "This part is really like shit." But he was clear-headed: "I have no right, this is not Kylie's casting of "Zombie Gigolo", it's not my turn to give opinions."

Bruce asked: "The director doesn't think there is a problem?"

Martin said: "Zomi is just the chief director of shooting, and has no right to change the script."

He looked into the distance: "It's not that I don't want to engage in bullying, but that I don't have enough status and power."

Bruce's words are very appropriate: "For a person like you, once you have power, there will be piles of shitty things about the crew."

But Martin said: "Look at you and me, climbing all the way up from the mud, why did you climb up? Don't you just want to live better, more comfortable, and have a better time? When we feel comfortable, there must be many people living If they are unhappy, it’s none of our business if they don’t! Could it be that we have to live a miserable life just to make them happy?”

He mentioned the masterpiece of the old cloth: "You have a good time when you take the mortar to the Brit, have you considered the Brit?"

"They're all perverts, like this." Bruce didn't forget to correct: "It's a mortar shell."

He was also looking at the distance, the black man in white and the white woman in red were quite conspicuous: "That idiot Mene, did you have an affair with Paris?"

Martin said: "The two almost became kangaroos of the same root, and probably have a common language."

Bruce changed the subject: "The hunting license you asked me to ask about is very troublesome. It takes time and exams."

How can you say you have been to Australia if you don't want to deal with the flooding of wild animals? "No other way?" Martin asked.

"There are hunting tourism companies that specialize in foreign tourists, and they have private hunting grounds." Bruce asked carefully: "Without an Australian temporary gun license, you can't use a gun, you can only use a bow and arrow."

Martin is not only for hunting, but also for socializing: "I talked to Zomi the other day, and he is very interested in hunting."

Bruce reminded: "Your one is vegetarian."

Martin thought for a while: "This is a man's activity, go find out how to get a temporary gun license."

There is a restaurant on the set, and Martin and Eliza have dinner together at noon.

In the way of buffet, you can take what you want to eat.

Martin came to the red king crab with a plate in his hand. Just as he picked up the tongs, he turned around and Eliza was looking at him eagerly.

There are many people here, and Eliza didn't say anything, but there was hope in her bright eyes.

Martin smiled at her, put down the stainless steel tongs and walked forward, ignoring all the meat, egg and milk, and mainly took some soy products, vegetables and mushrooms.

Eliza came from behind with a dinner plate, sat opposite him, forked a piece of mushroom, and brought it to Martin's mouth: "You like to eat mushrooms, try lobster mushrooms, they are better than real lobsters."

Martin enjoyed Eliza's meal with peace of mind, and the vegetarian food tasted good too.

Bruce sat at the next table at this time, and one plate was not enough, so he went to bring another plate.

The aroma of roasted beef and mutton, and the sweetness of king crab, keep drifting here.

Martin suddenly felt that the vegetarian food was bland and tasteless, and mushrooms and vegetables were not fragrant at all.

Eliza said at this time: "I'm going back to Los Angeles at the end of the month to attend the premiere, are you going back?"

Martin had heard her mention the last film she starred in: "The Girl Next Door?"

"Yes, I played an adult film actress." Eliza said roughly: "The film will be officially released on April 9th ​​and premiered on March 27th."

Eliza's line was already lined up when she entered the group. Martin really wanted to go to the premiere red carpet, but he couldn't say anything: "I'll ask Zomi about the specific shooting plan and see if I can ask for leave." He Asked: "Can you take someone there?"

"I'm the heroine, and I can bring my family." Eliza reached out and held Martin's hand tightly: "This is my first movie premiere, and it means a lot to me."

Martin held Eliza back. For some reason, he and Thomas had a faint feeling: "I'll try to adjust the time."

Eliza grabbed his hand and kissed him forcefully: "Let's eat."

Next to him, Kim Kardashian sat across from Bruce with a dinner plate.

Bruce asked, "In a bad mood?"

Jin nodded: "It's okay, I lose my temper every day."

Bruce opened a new bottle of Coke: "Drink something sweet and you'll feel better."

After finishing their meal, Eliza and Martin left the restaurant first. The former asked, "Old Bu wants to pursue Jin?"

Bruce may have truly loved Monica, but the interest in Kim Kardashian couldn't be more obvious. Martin said vaguely: "Don't worry about that pervert, Old Bu."

Eliza pointed to her trailer: "I'm going back to rest, are you coming?"

Martin took out his cell phone: "I'll make a call."

Eliza said, "I'll leave the door open for you."

Martin found a quiet place, called Thomas, and told him that Eliza had invited him to the premiere.

Thomas said: "Go, you must go! At this stage, all occasions that can increase exposure and popularity are very precious to you. I will call Susan to coordinate, and you can talk to the director."

He specifically reminded: "The explosion of fame comes from enough accumulation! Leonardo, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, before these people really became popular, they were already in the circle. After working hard for many years, I have gained a certain reputation.”

Martin hung up the phone, opened the phone's calendar, and looked at March 27th, which was more than a week away.

He went to find Zomi Shirla, waited for a while in front of the trailer, and Zomi Shirla walked over slowly by himself.

Zomi asked, "What's wrong?"

Martin nodded: "I'd like to ask for a day off."

Zomi invited: "Come in and chat."

The two got into the trailer, and Martin said directly: "On March 27, Eliza wanted me to accompany her to the premiere in Los Angeles. It will take about 3 days to go back and forth. The day of the premiere is Saturday and Friday..."

Zomi took out the schedule and looked it over carefully. The two of them had a good relationship and would not affect the filming too much. He immediately said, "It's easy. Next Friday, I will finish filming your scene on Wednesday and Thursday ahead of schedule."

Martin chatted with Zomi about hunting again, and made an appointment to apply for a temporary gun license for tourism and hunting this weekend.

Then I found the producer Susan and told her personally that although Thomas had called, the agent was the agent, and he was himself.

Martin had just helped the crew avoid a major accident, and Susan Levine agreed immediately.

Entering Eliza's trailer, Martin sat on the sofa chair: "It's done."

"Can you go?" Eliza very much hoped that Martin would accompany her on the red carpet for the first time in her life.

Martin said: "I can only go on Friday, go to the premiere on Saturday, and come back on Sunday."

"Great!" Eliza rushed over and kissed Martin vigorously. Mood pushed emotions, and high emotions stimulated hormone secretion. She bit Martin's earlobe and said, "Actually, I'm not completely vegetarian."

Martin was inexplicably happy: "Really?"

Eliza lowered her body slowly: "Of course it is true."

Although slightly disappointed, Martin quickly threw himself into it.

Not long after, the trailer shook slightly, and some things were especially exciting to do on the set.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Eliza was the first to get off the trailer. She was extremely gorgeous and radiant.

Martin looked energetic, but he felt something was wrong. The muscles in his legs were jumping, his waist was screaming, and his stomach was empty, like a gourd.

He has never encountered this kind of situation, even when he was drifting for a long time, it never happened.

Martin's body has always been very good, and the actual combat effectiveness of a little girl like Eliza is simply not comparable to that of Louise or Kelly.

In the afternoon shooting, Martin was in extremely bad condition, making frequent mistakes and NG.

During the break, even Mene ran over: "Boss, your body won't be occupied by other souls, right? This doesn't look like you."

Martin felt better after eating two bananas, and said to Menet, "Bring me to dinner tonight."

Mene responded immediately: "No problem, it should be, I know a famous all-vegetarian restaurant..."

Before he could finish speaking, Martin turned his knife-like eyes over.

Mene was taken aback, where did he say something wrong? You won't kill people and throw away corpses, will you? His mind was very active, and he immediately reacted: "Boss, I will treat you to an Australian barbecue."

The film crew finished work, and Martin used Mene's treat as an excuse to be absent from eating and living with Eliza these days.

The filming started the next morning, and everyone in the crew found that Martin was back in shape, and most of the shots were just one or two shots.

On the weekend, Martin, Zomi and Bruce went to the hunting company together. With their assistance, they had to apply for the relevant documents, and they also had to take training classes and exams, and then waited for a few weeks.

Martin and Eliza boarded a flight back to Los Angeles early Friday morning to attend the premiere of "The Girl Next Door".

Celebrities all start off with rubbish.

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