Faced with Thor's sudden question, the popular science duo who were originally analyzing suddenly turned dark.

"Your hammer doesn't count!".

"Can you please stop interjecting!

The fierce expressions of the two seemed to be about to devour Thor alive.

Dr. Banner, the good old man, hurriedly spoke.

"Thor. Your hammer is not a technological product! Naturally, it is not a high-tech invention. "

Thor pouted.

"Just because you can't make it doesn't mean that others can't make it. You're not saying. Isn't there anything that technology can't do?".

As soon as the popular science duo wanted to refute, the light curtain in the sky changed again.

An eerie and dark forest emerges above a curtain of light.

As the distance closes, the ragged-looking Wolf Castle comes into view.

Banner, the good old man, looked puzzled.

"If this gray wolf can invent so many things, why does his home look so dilapidated!".

For Dr. Banner. The popular science duo is still more respectful.

"Technological invention and infrastructure are not exactly the same thing. "

"After all, there are animals in this world, and there are no human beings, so it is already their ultimate to be able to build a house like this!"

Inside Wolfsburg.

The gray wolf with a blue nose and swollen face suddenly appeared.

In the next second, an afterimage flashed. Hit the gray wolf directly in the head. A big bag protrudes instantly!

It's a frying pan!

The red wolf stared at the gray wolf with an angry face. He also kept the posture of throwing out the pan.

"Didn't you say you'd be able to catch the lamb, why haven't you caught it yet?"

Facing the question of the red wolf, the gray wolf still had a respectful expression.

"Wife, don't worry. I'm sure I'll be able to catch the sheep!".

This scene stimulated the heroines who had a deep love for Ron.

[Natasha: I also can't understand that this red wolf is so strong, but the gray wolf is obedient to her. Can't figure out why that's happening. 】

[Wanda: I can only say that the life of this red wolf is too good, and it would be good if I could meet a man like the gray wolf. 】

[Spider Girl: Hmph! If someone dares to bully someone I like like like this, I will definitely let him know how good I am!].

[Stealth Woman: This red wolf really doesn't know what to do, the gray wolf can invent so many things, she is not satisfied, she only knows how to eat sheep! What a waste!].


At this time, on the screen, the gray wolf was rummaging through the box in front of him.

The red wolf frowned.

"Big Big Wolf, why don't you hurry up and catch the sheep, what are you doing here!".

The gray wolf laughed again and again.

"Wife, let me see if there are any things I have invented before that can be used to catch sheep!".

Seeing this, the male superheroes were slightly stunned, and their eyes were all focused on the cardboard box.

In the next second, everyone's expressions became strange.

Thor scratched his head.

"I heard you right, did I?

"How does this box look like a worn-out cardboard box for throwing garbage?".

"Whose invention is in this kind of place. Besides, this box is too small!"

The popular science duo just wanted to speak, but thinking of the embarrassing remarks before, the words that had already reached their lips were swallowed again.

Looking straight at the light curtain in the sky.

The gray wolf kept rummaging through the cardboard boxes, but what he took out was not balloons, small sticks, or car-like things.

Seeing this, the eyes of the popular science duo lit up.

"This time I think Saul's statement makes a lot of sense. "

"No matter how you look at it, this box is full of children's toys or messy garbage. "

"It seems that it is really as we imagined, that most of the inventions of this gray wolf are useless things. After all, inventing a toy that has never existed before can be called an invention!".

"That's how he got more than a thousand inventions!"

"However, being able to research thermal weapons is also a pinnacle achievement for him!"

At this moment, the gray wolf suddenly took out a hammer above the light curtain.

I saw that the two sides of the hammer were blue and yellow, but the middle connection was purple.

Looking at its appearance, it does look very much like a children's toy.

The gray wolf stared at the hammer in his hand, and the wolf's eyes were full of doubts.

"What is this? When did I invent this thing?"

As this scene happened, Sallton's eyes lit up.

"Hammer! This hammer is also an invention of the gray wolf. "

"I have a hunch that this hammer must be amazing!".

Saul's words immediately drew the eyes of the popular science duo.

"Thor! This hammer is a children's toy that no one can tell. Even the gray wolf himself has forgotten what kind of invention it is. Maybe it's not his invention at all, it's just a toy!".

"You say that purely because your own weapon is a hammer!".

Seeing that his thoughts were exposed, Thor could only stubbornly push back.

"What do you know! And say that my hammer is not a high-tech product!".

"Just because you can't make a powerful hammer doesn't mean others can't!".

"I'm sure this hammer is absolutely powerful!".


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