Marvel Studios

Tom and Jerry were fencing, fencing in the real sense. They were wearing d'Artagnan hats and standing on the sofa to keep fencing. Under the sofa were their gambling money, which were cheese and dried fish.

Whoever is shot off the sofa first will own the cheese and dried fish, so neither of the two little guys will let the other's crazy fencing go.

"Boss, do you really don't need to worry about them?" a child asked timidly.

"Don't worry about them. Do they exist? Are you the top three in this assessment?" Li Qingyue asked with a gentle smile.

"Yes, boss."

"Here, drink it." Li Qingyue took out three bottles of T-virus and said.

The three of them didn't hesitate at all, just picked it up and poured it into their mouths. It tasted pretty good, orange flavored.

A minute after drinking, they felt groggy. Li Qingyue took out his wand and with a tap, the three of them floated in the air. They only felt weak in their limbs.

"Don't worry, when you wake up, you will find that you have been transformed." Li Qingyue said softly, his voice sounded very comfortable and convincing, so they did not have any doubts and closed their eyes with confidence.

Then Li Qingyue prepared a large amount of food so that they could quickly replenish their nutrition after they woke up.


The screeching sound of brakes sounded. Li Qingyue looked at the door and found that the person coming was actually Tony.

"Tony, why are you here again? Didn't you say that we would take action when we were ready?" Li Qingyue said impatiently.

"I'm not here for Ultron, but for the two children around Ultron."

"Oh, you mean you want to know their origins, right?"

"That's right."

Li Qingyue did not hesitate and took out two sheepskin scrolls.

Tony didn't hesitate at all and wrote a check directly. After going through the process, Li Qingyue asked him to sit down.

"Those two children are actually two brothers and sisters. The elder brother is named Pietro Django Maximov, and the younger sister is named Wanda Django Maximov. They were born in Sokovia. When they were very young, There was a war in their country, and their parents and neighbors died in the war."

"When the two brothers and sisters were trying to escape from the battlefield, a missile penetrated the roof and landed in the house. They were so frightened that they did not dare to move at all. They could only huddle under the bed, and the names on the missile were... Never forget, that is Stark Group."

At this point, Tony was stunned. He never expected that this would actually involve him.

"It wasn't until a few days later that they were rescued by the survivors. They were also lucky that the missile was a dumb bomb, but they actually didn't know that this was entirely because of the girl's ability. I will talk about this later, because In this war, they became orphans and began their wandering life. At the same time, they also began to resist the Stark Group. Not long after they reached adulthood, they were spotted by Hydra, and then they were taken to a certain base and began to use the Mind Stone to do... Experiment, and the Mind Stone also fully stimulated the girl's abilities."

"What is that girl's ability?" Tony asked.

"Distort reality, change molecular structure, material form, change physical laws, and release or eliminate energy. Her energy source is chaos magic. This kind of magic is a high-level one even if it is placed in Kama Taj. The source of energy, and you should also know the boy’s ability, which is fast speed. That’s basically the information. Is there anything else you want to know?”

Tony shook his head, stood up and walked towards the door. As soon as he reached the door, he suddenly thought of something and returned to his seat again and asked, "Then do you know Ultron's plan?"

Li Qingyue smiled without saying a word and took out the parchment scroll. Seeing this, Tony had no choice but to go through the process again.

"Ultron's plan is to clean up mankind, in other words, to kill all mankind, and the simplest way is to reenact the meteorite fall from the sky when the dinosaurs became extinct. His plan is to make a huge rock rise to a certain height, and then free It falls to the ground, and the results are predictable.”

"Where is the location?"

"I'm sorry, this is not certain. After all, the more you know, the more changes will happen in the future, and this information comes from the future. If I let you know the location, Ultron will most likely choose again. , by that time, even I am not sure where he will be, so I can’t tell you." Li Qingyue said helplessly.

Tony nodded, knowing so much information was enough. Just when he was about to leave, Li Qingyue called out to him.

"I'll give you another piece of information, that is, those two children didn't know that Ultron wanted to destroy humanity. The reason why they wanted to help Ultron was because Ultron told them that he would help them avenge you, but he didn't. Hiding his true plans, you can take advantage of that."

"I understand." Tony didn't talk nonsense after hearing this and left directly. He had obtained enough information, which could even help them turn defeat into victory, but the most important thing now was to find Ultron's location first.

Half an hour after Tony left, the children opened their eyes one after another. Their body shapes had hardly changed, but if you measure their weight, you will find that they have weighed more than adults. That is because the T virus increased their muscle density. With bone density, this is what causes them to be so heavy.

"You're hungry, there's food here, you're welcome."

The three children no longer care about etiquette, grabbed a lot of food and started stuffing it into their mouths. They stopped after eating all the food that could satisfy ten adults.

"Are you full? If you are not full, don't hide it."

"You're full, boss."

"When you're full, go find Wick. Now that your strength has increased, you still need to adapt to this increased strength."

The three children nodded, then politely said goodbye to Li Qingyue, and returned to the apartment building to find Wick. First, they competed with Wick and the others. Feeling their current strength, Wick immediately changed their training methods. , allowing them to adapt to their current bodies as quickly as possible, and finally participate in actual combat, real actual combat.


The sudden meow made Li Qingyue look back and found Tom standing on the sofa with a proud look on his face, pointing his Western sword at Jerry's neck under the sofa.

"Hey, Jerry, you lost?"

Jerry snorted and left in a sulky tone. Tom didn't mind either. He put away his swordsman suit, grabbed the cheese and dried fish, and walked proudly in front of Jerry.

Li Qingyue shook his head, took out the recliner, walked to the door of the office and lay down, because he knew that there would be another melee.

And the result was just as he expected. Looking at Tom who was so proud, Jerry took out a big black hammer and smashed Tom into the ground with one hammer. When Tom reacted, he saw Jerry holding his trophy. He ran away, held up his hands and ran out of the ground, then took out a wooden hammer and hit Jerry.

Li Qingyue could only pretend that he couldn't see or hear, and kept scrolling through short videos with his mobile phone in his hand.

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