American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 146 Everyday, Everyday, Everyday

Li Qingyue and the others returned to the office. In addition to gaining points, everyone also had the medicine needed to awaken the X gene.

Even if they don't have the X gene in their body, this awakening potion can allow them to obtain the X gene and awaken, but in this case, the awakened mutant ability may be much weaker.

"Do you want to drink it? This thing will be very painful after drinking it, so I suggest you find a safer place to drink it." Li Qingyue reminded everyone.

"Then boss, aren't you going to drink?"

"I'm not in a hurry. Let's take a rest. By the way, you guys can do some of the backlog of commissions. I need a lot of gift boxes."

"Got it, boss."

After everyone left, only two little guys, Jill, Li Qingyue and Tom Jerry, were left in the office.

Tom looked at Simba lying on his sofa and knocked him away with his butt. When Simba landed, he wanted to see who was so shameless and dared to hit him. When he saw Tom, he didn't dare to say anything. He could only run to Jill's feet, rub her feet and make a sound of grievance.

Seeing this, Gil picked up Simba and rubbed his soft fur with his face.

"It's okay, I'll help you teach Tom a lesson."

As he spoke, Jill lightly kicked Tom's butt, but the force was so small that Tom didn't react at all. Instead, he reached out and scratched his own butt.

Simba didn't want Gil to really teach Tom a lesson, just showing off was enough, so he smiled happily.

Then Simba called out to Gil softly a few times. Gil was stunned for a moment and said, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Simba nodded, then jumped off her and walked towards the back door. When he came to the door again, he turned back and called to Jill.

Upon seeing this, Gil followed. Under the leadership of Simba, Gil saw a group of kittens. They were all covered in pure-colored fur, and they were all chubby, like walking plush toys.

"You want to take them out, don't you?"

Simba nodded. Seeing this, Gil squatted down and opened his hands to the kitten. The kitten rushed towards Gil. In an instant, dozens of kittens rushed into Gil's arms.

Gil smiled. After all, it felt so good. Just like that, Gil carried the group of kittens outside.

Tom and Jerry, who were playing the game, suddenly stood up on their hair. They immediately dropped the controller and planned to run away, but the next second, Jill stopped them.

"Tom, Jerry, where do you want to run? Come here and meet your brothers and sisters."

The two little guys knew they couldn't run away this time, so they came to Jill with sad faces.

Looking at Jill's body covered with kittens, Tom couldn't help but have a headache. For a moment, he returned to the days when he was dominated by those three kittens.

"You are their brother, take good care of them. Simba, you too, take good care of them."

After Gil said that, he put down all the kittens. In an instant, they ejected one by one and hung on Tom's body. Even if Jerry was about to be caught by a pure black little guy, he would not let go.

Tom and Jerry showed expressions of despair, and Jill couldn't help laughing after seeing them.

Hearing the laughter, Tom and Jerry felt even more uncomfortable. Tom even lay down on the ground and allowed these group of cats to ravage him.

"Take good care of them, got it?" Jill came to Tom's side and patted his little head gently and said.

After warning Tom, Jill spoke to Li Qingyue and found Vanessa. The two women decided to go shopping to their heart's content.

Only Li Qingyue and a group of animals were left in the entire office.

"Don't look at me. I can't help you. Just take good care of your children. If you do well, I'll prepare a big meal for you in the evening. You can take care of it."

Although reluctant, Tom and the others had no choice but to act as nannies.

At this time, a white kitten came to Li Qingyue's feet. Upon seeing this, Li Qingyue picked it up and put it in his arms to straighten the fur on its back.

At this time, a luxury car appeared at the door. Tony got out of the car and found Li Qingyue with a gloomy face.

"What's wrong Tony, what happened? Why are you looking so dark?"

"Jarvis is dead. I killed it. I want to hire you to avenge it!" Tony gritted his teeth, with some sadness in his eyes.

"Tell me what's going on." Li Qingyue petted the cat and asked.

Tony let out a long sigh and said, "Do you remember that SHIELD invited you to help eliminate the remnants of Hydra? You didn't come at that time, so we set off alone, and we met two superpowers there."

"These two superpowers were developed by Hydra using the mind scepter. One runs very fast, even Jarvis can't catch him, and the other seems to have some special ability. I also say I don’t know what the ability is.”

"I just remember that I seemed to be led into a fantasy by her. In the fantasy, I saw a powerful being, sitting on a throne, with corpses lying around at his feet. Among these corpses, I saw Steve and the others. "

"Although I finally escaped from the illusion, the feeling it gave me was too profound, as if it were real. If I don't make changes, the future may really look like this."

"For this reason, I also used the mind scepter to create a brand new artificial intelligence to create a steel army. But no one thought that this artificial intelligence went crazy for no reason. It killed Jarvis and from the Internet disappeared.”

Li Qingyue nodded thoughtfully and asked, "You mean you want me to help you kill this artificial intelligence, right?"

"That's right."

"Okay, I'll accept this commission. What will you use as reward?"

"Can you take a look at the Mark 10 design drawing?"

"No problem, but I need to prepare. After all, as long as this artificial intelligence enters the network, it will be difficult to kill it. After all, no one knows whether it has left a clone, are you right?"

"I know, as long as you can kill him, no matter what method you use." Tony said fiercely.

"Okay, when I'm ready, I'll go find you."

Tony nodded, went through the process, and then turned around and left the office.

Looking at Tony's back, Li Qingyue shook his head helplessly.

After nightfall, Jill came in carrying large and small bags. As soon as she came in, she saw Tom and Jerry sleeping, with hair balls covering them.

Seeing this, Jill returned to the office space with gentle steps. Just when Li Qingyue was about to close the door, five figures appeared in front of him.

"You are?"

The five figures came out of the darkness. After Li Qingyue saw the five people clearly, he subconsciously said: "It turns out to be you."

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