American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 113 Choosing a Magic Wand Part 2

"Come on, little guys, which hand do you like to use?" Ollivander asked softly, as if coaxing a child.

After hearing this, Tom and Jerry immediately raised their hands, and Ollivander couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"It can't be like this. Which hand do you use best?"

As if they saw that their little idea had no effect, they pouted and raised their right hands in unison, and then Ollivander commanded the soft ruler and quill to start recording their body data.

But they are so small that even the shortest wand is too big for them.

"You are too small. Unless it is custom-made, I think the wands here should not belong to you."

After hearing this, the two children hurriedly ran to a shelf and took down a box. Ollivander did not stop them. They each took out a wand. Under the incredulous eyes of everyone, the wand began to shrink and actually changed into a box. Gotta fit them in.

The two little ones waved the wands in their hands, and streaks of light shot out from the top of the wand. The two little ones seemed to be playing games. The two streams of light collided and offset each other, and the collisions canceled out.

"Is this suitable for them?" Richard couldn't help but ask.

"They seem a little strange, little guys, come here." Ollivander waved to Tom and Jerry. The two kids looked at each other, then ran to the counter again, looking at Ollivander with curious eyes. , I don’t understand what he asked me to do.

"Here, you try these two wands." Ollivander randomly pulled out two boxes and handed them to Tom and Jerry.

They were not polite and opened the box directly. As soon as they touched the wand, the wand instantly shrunk to the length that was most suitable for them. They each held the wand with both hands and released the stream of light towards each other.

"They seem to have a regular power in them. No matter what wand it is, it will become suitable for the wand they use in their hands, and this change seems to be irreversible, so they can't get close to my wand. This is really too much." Amazing, is this a magical animal?"

"No, they are the boss's pets, but they have many strange abilities, just like they do now."

"Now?" Ollivander looked down and found that Tom and Jerry had changed their appearance at some point. They were wearing purple wizard hats with yellow stars on their heads. This was a cartoon. A hat often worn by witches.

At the same time, they were wearing blue robes and black cloaks behind them, just like the witches in the cartoons.

The most important thing is that they started to cast magic, and this kind of magic was the kind that Ollivander had never seen before. He saw them conjuring dragon-slaying warriors, fire dragons, tornadoes, volcanoes, etc. out of thin air, although these were only miniatures. , the largest is about the same size as Tom, but the problem is that the power has not changed at all.

"Tom, Jerry!!!" Richard shouted as he saw that the volcano had started to make a "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

This shocked the two children, and they quickly put away their wands and wizard suits. As they put away their wands, the tornado, volcano, fire dragon, and dragon-slaying warriors all disappeared. They looked at Tom and Jack who were standing aside obediently. Rui, Richard couldn't help but slap himself on the forehead.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Ollivander, look at how much the damaged items cost, and we will compensate you." Richard said sincerely.

"It's okay. Clean it up and restore it as before."

As Ollivander's magic went down, the store returned to its original appearance.

"Okay, kid, it's your turn. What's your name?"

"Richard Fisk, Mr. Ollivander."

"Okay, which hand should I use?"

Richard raised his right hand, followed the same process, and soon Richard chose a wand that suited him, which was poplar wood, with a core made of bird and snake feathers, twelve and one-third inches long.

"Okay, here are your wand care tools, one hundred galleons in total."

Richard quickly took out the traceless stretch bag, took out a hundred galleons from it, and placed it on the counter.

"Tom, Jerry is gone to buy books."

Tom and Jerry bowed to Ollivander, and then left with Richard. Walter also left after seeing this, just as he was planning to pack all the books.

Not long after they left, Li Qingyue and Jill walked into Ollivander's Wand Shop hand in hand.

"Is Mr. Ollivander here?" Li Qingyue shouted.

A ladder suddenly bumped against the shelf, and Ollivander poked his head out from the top of the stairs.

"Hello, Mr. Ollivander, my girlfriend would like to purchase a wand."

Ollivander saw that the person who came was actually someone they had never seen before, and immediately asked: "Do you know Walter O'Brien Khwadja, John Constantine, Richard Fisk, John... Connor and the others?"

"They are my employees, what's wrong?"

"It seems I guessed it right. Who will come first?" Ollivander asked with a smile.

"My wife, I already have a wand." Li Qingyue called out his own wand and said.

Looking at the wand in Li Qingyue's hand, Ollivander's eyes lit up, and then he cautiously said, "Can I see your wand?"

"Of course." Li Qingyue handed his exclusive wand to Ollivander. As soon as he took over, Ollivander clearly felt the strong feeling of rejection, so strong that Ollivander almost didn't grab the wand.

"Stop!" Li Qingyue yelled, and the wand suddenly stopped. Ollivander showed a grateful expression to Li Qingyue, and then he carefully examined the wand in front of him.

"The material is so strange. It's not any tree I'm familiar with. It's more like bone. And the core of the staff doesn't seem to be made of magical animals. It's more like the blood of some kind of creature."

"Bones and blood?"

"Yes, but I can't tell the difference between bones and blood. And can this wand really be used?"

Li Qingyue took back the wand and used the transformation spell directly on a vase. After confirming that the wand could be used, Ollivander froze on the spot. It was not until Li Qingyue knocked on the table that he came back to his senses.

"I'm sorry, I almost forgot, which hand do you prefer, ma'am?"

Jill raised her right hand, and the same process followed. Because Jill was nothing special, Ollivander soon helped her choose a wand. After giving her the money, the two left Ollivander's Wand Store.

After they left, Ollivander looked at the door and murmured: "Should I try using bones as a wand and blood as the core? Do you want to try it? In this way, the wand can be revolutionized."

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