Tsk tsk tsk!

Two extremely hot rays intertwined and competed with each other, making a chirping sound.

The intertwined points are like a small sun, extremely dazzling.

Cyclops' rays were blocked by the Pig Charm's laser and could not go any further.

Venom grinned:"I didn't expect that I also have laser eyes!"

Venom laughed wildly, like the villain of the Doomsday Judgment.

Seeing the extreme laser light erupting from Venom's eyes, everyone was stunned.

They never expected that Venom even had a pair of laser eyes!

He has obviously revealed so many terrifying abilities, but in the end, he still hides such powerful abilities.

This was something they didn't expect at all!

Everyone was shocked by Venom's abilities.

This guy is so scary.

Venom shot out again, dragging Wolverine and Little Lightning directly with his body.

The two of them were completely unable to restrict its movements, or even slow down its speed.

Venom dodged the opponent's laser beam.

After all, it still has a talisman in its body, and it doesn't want the talisman to be destroyed by the laser beam.

Although the carrier stone of the spell is blessed by divine power, it is relatively strong.

But facing this kind of extreme laser beam, it should still be impossible to withstand it.

After extinguishing the laser eye, Venom was behind the laser eye in an instant.

A slap hit him on the back of the head.

Knock Cyclops out on the spot and quickly put on his special frame.

Everything happens in an instant.

Cyclops completely lost its combat effectiveness.

Get rid of Cyclops.

It directly grasped Wolverine's hands.

The cow talisman in his body suddenly lit up, and power surged into his body.

His strength was already beyond ordinary people, but now with the blessing of the Ox Talisman, his strength has reached a terrifying level.

In order to hug it and not hurt Little Lightning, Wolverine put away his claws.

Venom pried Wolverine's arms apart.

Wolverine still wanted to resist, to tightly confine the venom, and he used all his strength.

There are blue veins all over the face, neck, and arms.

"ah!"Wolverine roared, stimulating his full potential, and huge power surged out of his arms.

As a result, he was shocked to find that Venom's hands seemed to have absolute power.

Even if he exhausted all his strength, he could not resist, but Being able to watch those hands open his own hands, the power of Venom was so terrifying that it crushed him.

Only then did he realize that Venom had not used his full strength, otherwise, with this terrifying power, they would have been hit.

Wolverine's hand was opened at a constant speed.

"ah!"Wolverine let out an incompetent roar, and veins popped up all over his body.

On the other hand, Venom's face was full of relaxed and playful expression.

The two formed a sharp and strong contrast.

When Storm Girl not far away saw this, she was extremely crazy and followed Fear.

She has a lot of abilities now, but she has no use for them, because her special skills seem to be completely immune to the venom. Moreover, this monster is too terrifying.

There is no way to defeat the opponent. This makes Storm

Girl feel desperate.

In fact, the venom is not immune to lightning, but the combination of the horse charm and the dog charm allows it to recover quickly and without pain. It was thought that the venom was immune to thunder and lightning, but it was not.

If it were not for the fear of the laser beam hitting the spell, it could even show them immunity to the laser beam.

When Little Lightning saw this, he was so scared that he had just debuted. At the same time, he also understood that the reason why Wolverine did not use the steel claws was because he was afraid of hurting him, so Little Lightning quickly released his hands holding Venom, and he shouted:"Use your claws! Don't worry..."

Before Little Lightning finished roaring, Venom flew over with a whip leg. call out!

Like the most powerful steel whip!

It hit the other half of Little Lightning's face that was not swollen, interrupting Little Lightning's speech!

"Still pushing hard, asking for a beating!"Venom showed a vicious smile.



Little Lightning flew out again and hit the ground so hard that his bones almost fell apart.

The other half of his face also swelled up quickly, completely turning into a pig-headed face.


Wolverine stretched out his extremely sharp steel Claw, wanted to attack Venom.

Unfortunately, his hands were tightly controlled by Venom, and he couldn't move at all. Wolverine was like a stick in his hand.


Seeing Venom coming, Storm Girl gritted her teeth:"Damn it!"

She couldn't sit still and wait for death, so she could only raise her hands to fight back.


Terrifying thunder fell from the sky and struck Venom.

Endless electric current washed away Venom and Wolverine.

"ah!!"Wolverine let out a painful cry.

But Venom, which had withstood the endless current, was fine.

This wave was a severe blow to his teammates.

Venom rushed in front of Storm Girl, directly picked up Wolverine and slapped it.

Bang bang bang!

Just like slapping a mosquito,

Storm Girl let out a painful cry.

When Eddie saw this scene, the venom was too cruel.

Of course, it was a poisonous attack. In other words, human women are no different from pigs and dogs. They are just pieces of meat.

Storm was beaten to the point of losing her fighting ability.

Wolverine also temporarily lost his fighting ability.

The intense pain continued to stimulate him, and at the same time, his self-healing factor also increased.

Helping him recover from his injuries, he was unable to continue attacking for the time being.

Venom turned to look at Little Lightning and grinned:"Okay, you're the only one left.

I said, are you ready to get spanked?" Little Lightning looked at the demonic Venom, his scalp was numb, and his heart was full of despair.

He was about to run away.

Venom rushed up and grabbed him:"Run? Master Venom wants to run away after provoking you?!

" Then he punched Little Lightning in the face.

The only sound at the scene was Little Lightning's painful wails.

Soon, Little Lightning was beaten into a complete pig's head, and was thrown to the ground by the poison, groaning in pain, leaving silent tears of pain.

That night, the venom was destined to leave a shadow that would be hard to erase for the rest of his life.


(Please give me flowers, votes, and everything! Brothers!)

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