Am I A God?

Chapter 56

Zhao Yao smiled: “So I can’t even let you go.”

“Is it?” Dahan also laughed: “Want to kill me? Then try it!”

At the same time, behind the metal man, from the position of Zhao Yao’s line of sight, a palm slowly extended out and grabbed the back of the big man.

It turned out that his remarks were all for the cover of his own actions.

The next moment, with the palm of the hand grabbing the shoulders of the big man, the floor of the two people swayed like a muddy water, and the metal man sank to the ground at a speed.

If this two people enter the underground, there is no way for Zhao Yao.

But when the two are about to sink into the ground, Zhao Yao has already started again. Not only is the big man delaying the time, but Zhao Yao is not delaying the time, waiting to stop cooling.

In a still world, Zhao Yao walked directly to the back of the big man, and he clearly saw the palm of his hand holding the shoulders of the big man.

So he switched the ability to Elizabeth again, and with the time to resume the flow, his eyes flashed red.

But this time, he failed to control the master of the palm, and the ability failed!

“What?” Zhao Yao stunned slightly, and the palm of his hand had already fallen into the ground. At the same time, most of the body of the metal man had already reached the ground.

Since the murder of the cat has been solved, Elizabeth’s loyalty has been raised to the 95 point, which means that the ultraability of Elizabeth has been achieved, and the success rate has reached 95%. Zhao Yao has rarely encountered the failure of the ability to launch.

But at this moment, the ability failed to start.

I couldn’t think too much. Since one failed, Zhao Yao once again targeted the metal man, and the other’s body immediately became stiff and forced to crawl towards the ground.

However, under the ground’s ability to launch, the ground around them became like water. Although the metal man was controlled to struggle upwards, he was forcibly dragged by the other side and gradually disappeared into Zhao Yao’s field of vision. .

Before disappearing, Dahan looked at Zhao Yao deeply and seemed to be saying.

“We will find you.”

But at this moment, the metal on the skin of Dahan began to fade, and Zhao Yao was in control of his ability to stop launching.

With the disappearance of the metal, the weight of the Dahan suddenly decreased greatly, and the speed of sinking was slightly slower.

Immediately after the control of Zhao Yao, his right hand slammed into the palm of his shoulder. Without the burden of metal rind, the power of the giant man was fully exerted. At this moment, the palm of his hand was suddenly grabbed. One by one.

The surrounding earth is as soft as water, so that the people below do not have the position to borrow. As the Dahan is so sloppy, the body of the Han is sinking, and the body of the driller suddenly floats out.

It was a fat, pale-faced man who looked at himself as a big man, his face was horrified, and the next moment he lost Manipulation to the body.

At the moment when it came to the ground, Zhao Yao had given up the big man and turned to control the fat man.

“What!” The fat man only felt that his body was stiff, and the next moment had already stopped in the ground.

When Dahan once again emerged from the ground, the situation in front of him was completely controlled by Zhao Yao.

The fat man’s ability to soften the ground seems to be only one meter away. The ground that is more than one meter away from his body is still as strong as ever. The two people at the moment are like swimming in a pool with a radius of one meter.

Dahan unwillingly screamed and swam to the hard ground. He wanted to rush out to attack Zhao Yao, but Zhao Yao controlled the fat man to stop the softening of the ground. The lower body was wrapped in the ground and could not move.

After the fat man on the other side finished doing all this, he slowly climbed out of the softened ground and then dragged the big man on the side.

The last outbreak has already consumed all the physical strength of the big man. In fact, his knee joint comminuted fracture has been painful before, and if it is not his physical quality is too good, I am afraid that it will be too long.

And now, after experiencing the outbreak, it has reached the limit, so it is dragged to the ground by the fat man, and there is no resistance.

Looking at the unwilling eyes of Dahan, Zhao Yao said: “Okay, let’s go, you can tell me who your boss is.”

Dahan looked at Zhao Yao’s gaze though he was unwilling, but in fact his heart was secretly shocked.

“Controlling the human body, moving in an instant, there seems to be a similar ability to read the power.” Dahan thought silently: “The ability of this guy is so strong, in terms of strength, it is almost comparable to the boss, especially even has A variety of capabilities… How did he do it?”

What makes the big man care more is the calmness and calmness of the other side in the battle, and the incomparably rapid response.

Zhao Yao controls the fat man to drag the big man away. As for Xiao Ming, although he also wants to have a good relationship with this super rich second generation, it is obviously not the time.

Mocha sat in the arms of Zhao Yao and shouted: “Zhao Yao Zhao Yao, how are you going to deal with these two guys? Killing people? We can send them to the suburbs, burn them, then chop them up. Feed the dog.”

Zhao Yao slammed Mocha’s head and said, “What do you say indiscriminately? Who said that I will kill? In the end, it is stealing a cat. You need to kill someone.”

Just then, a voice was introduced into the consciousness of one person and one cat: “How are you going to take me?”

Feeling that the kitten behind it was shaking, Zhao Yao smiled and said: “Don’t worry, we won’t be like you, just use the ability like you, it’s a matter of time to get caught, come to my house first. For a while.”

When I came outside the mall, the next moment, a sense of crisis rose from the heart of Zhao Yao, with a cat’s blessing. He always trusted the crisis and instinct of his heart, almost disappeared instantly. .

At the same time that he disappeared, there was a squeaking sound, and the fat man and the big man had fallen to the ground at the same time, and then the siren sounded suddenly, and a pile of armed policemen emerged.

At the moment when the anesthetic bomb was shot, Zhao Yao had disappeared from the whole person and appeared in the shadow of a street corner.

Looking at the sudden change, he was surprised to see: “What happened? Suddenly so big?”

Unfortunately, I looked at the fat man and the big man on the ground. Zhao Yao didn’t plan to grab people again at this time. After waiting for a while, he started the ability again and left.

However, this stolen cat organization has caught the attention of his heart. Because his task panel uploaded a new task.

Side quest: How can I run a cat thief?

Mission goal: Stealing cats in the rivers and seas within three months.

Mission reward: 300 point experience value

Mission penalty: deduct 300 point experience value

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