Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 763: Angry villagers

The old man's clothes were very thin, and he quickly took off his coat. Looking at the **** wound, he felt a pain in his heart.

When Lu Shan's thoughts moved, he immediately took out two bottles of life potion from his Skyfire ring. Although the old man was very injured, as long as there was still a breath, then these two bottles of life potion could be saved or even restored To a better condition than before.

Chen Ling's eyebrows frowned, and she looked at Lu Shan and asked in confusion: "Did you just say that you were a doctor? But what are you doing with this thing out?"

Although she didn't know what was in the bottle, she could guess how much it was, and it must be some well-configured potion.

But the situation is different. There are three gunshot wounds on the old man, and there is also a very dangerous place. If Lu Shan is really a doctor, then he should take out a scalpel or gauze bandage. Stuff, not what potion is in the bottle.

Lu Shan didn't want to explain so much to him. After all, it was his own secret. When he was about to open the bottle cap, a group of people walked not far away, this group of about five or six people.

From the point of view of dress and dress, it looks like some villagers here, headed by an old man. The old man held a crutch in his hand and saw the tragic appearance of the clinic with a sad look on his face.

Behind him were two women, and two middle-aged people, with tears on their faces. Apparently, she cried not long ago. The middle-aged people were covered with dust everywhere. Maybe they were doing some work before that. Rescue work.

The old man raised his cane and shouted in pain. Lu Shan's eyes had been looking at these people, and he could not understand what the old man was saying.

"Well! These people are also poor people, but there is no way to meet these fierce guys!"

Chen Ling sighed and looked at the old man and the people behind him and sighed.

Lu Shan looked at Chen Ling in amazement, suddenly thinking that he was speaking with the militant in the local language when he was on the bus, so he asked curiously: "Can you understand them?"

Chen Ling nodded and said, "Of course I can understand. Burmese is a language I used to learn. Since my father was doing rough business here, I learned it by the way."

Lu Shan moved in his heart. Although Chen Ling had told him before that his father was doing rough business here and had met his father before, he was not in the heart because of his grief and anger at the time. on.

The main purpose of my coming to Myanmar this time is not to touch more rough stones. Unfortunately, I have no relatives here, and I do n’t know anything about words. It may be difficult to complete the task.

But now that I met Chen Ling, maybe this girl and her father could help themselves, thinking of it, his mood was immediately cheerful.

"That's great! I didn't expect you to know Burmese ..."

Chen Ling was unknown. So she looked at Lu Shan and asked, "Is there anything wrong? What is so good?"

Lu Shan smiled awkwardly, but now obviously it's not the time to talk about this issue, and I can only shift the topic and say, "I'll tell you when the things here have been dealt with, yes, what did those people just said, how do I Seeing them look bad at us? "

In the short conversation between the two, the original lamenting Lao Tzu looked at the two of them, and murmured a few words with the people behind him, but his eyes looked here and there from time to time, obviously Somewhat bad.

"It seems we are in trouble again. The old man is the head of the village. Behind them are some local villagers. Those people think that these troubles are caused by us, saying that we are unknown ..."

Although the voices of those people were not loud, Chen Ling, who was smart and sensible, could naturally hear it, so he translated it to Lu Shan on the spot.

The corner of Lu Shan's mouth twitched, although what happened here did not rule out a great responsibility with her, but what is an ominous person?

Seeing two villagers leaving immediately, he looked up at Chen Ling and asked, "Couldn't these people be against us?"

Chen Ling nodded, watching Lu Shan continue and said, "The village chief asked the two people to call some more people, and wanted to arrest the two of us who were unknown, and then hand them over to the militants ..."

After Lu Shan heard this, the whole person seemed to be trampled on the tail, and jumped off the ground on the spot, staring cautiously at the ordinary people and the village head. It really only passed two or three. In minutes, many people from the village rushed over.

At the same time, they also have guys in their hands, but these guys are usually working agricultural tools and cleaning brooms. Among these groups, there are even some children and women who are basking in the African style.

The clothes on the body are very simple, maybe because of the hot weather, or because the climate of Myanmar itself is like this, that face is even coated with a color.

Lu Shan knew something when he was in college. Naturally, this is the custom of some local residents in Myanmar. The color on the face is actually similar to skin care products such as sunscreen.

It ’s just that this color is colorful. The average old man and man wo n’t paint it, but young women and women will paint it colorfully. It looks very weird, but at this time these people stared cautiously. Lu Shan and Chen Ling, under the command of the village chief, slowly formed an encirclement.

Chen Ling asked Lushan for help and said, "What are we going to do now, this old grandfather hasn't been cured yet, I didn't expect these people to want to arrest us if they really gave it to the armed elements ..."

At this point, Chen Lin's eyes were filled with tears. For the previous experience, as long as she thought of her, she felt very scared, which is likely to become a shadow in her heart for a lifetime.

Lu Shan put his right hand on her shoulder and patted it gently. This can be regarded as reassuring to the other side and said comfortably: "This incident really can't be related to us, and I will naturally help these people recover Justice, let those militants pay a price! "

"Speak to the village chief and say that after we have treated this old grandfather, then we will let them send me to those militants?"

Chen Ling was shocked. She understood that Lu Shan wanted to take the responsibility on her own. She was naturally reluctant, but Lu Shan gave her a glance and let him convey his message as soon as possible. If people do, they can never hurt them again, right?

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