Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 454: We're friends

Although Chen Jiarou didn't give up, she finally wiped away her tears and left. If there is no obstruction from her sister-in-law, or she can invite Lu Shan to come and show Lu Shan to the father in person.

But now, in this case, since Lu Shan is completely unsure of the cure of the old man's illness, there is naturally no need to tear his face with Dasao.

Looking at Chen Jiarou's back of Xiao Xiao, Lu Shan could not help but sigh, he did not know whether he was doing this right or wrong! Originally, he had the ability to let Father Xie live a decent and healthy life for a few more years, but out of various scruples, he didn't even mention it! Thinking of the old man who had some affinity with him or his death soon, he could not help but apologize.

And ... In fact, he was still a little confused about Mr. Xie's situation. That is ... the elderly's body seems to be a sign of normal aging, and it is not disease itself. But ... Father Xie is still less than 80 years old this year!

Even the elderly in ordinary people's homes, if they do not have any serious disease, it is normal to live to be around 90 years old. And Xie Jiaben is the home of Dafu. Father Xie's health care has always been very important. It is said that ... if someone like him is able to live a hundred years old without any serious illness. But why ... he was only seventy-eight years old, and he had aged to such an extent? Inside ... Are there any hidden secrets?

So, when Chen Jiarou and they were going to leave after eating, Lu Shan called Chen Jiarou again, called her aside, and then hesitated again and again, and finally handed a small bottle clasped in his hand. Chen Jiarou whispered, "Although I don't have a good idea about the situation of the father for the time being, but ... depending on the situation, the father's physical condition should be fine for another two or three years! But ... if it is during this period, What is happening to the old man, even if it is a flu, he may be killed! So ... you hold this bottle of potion and keep it for your father, I do n’t want you to give it to anyone Man, only if the old man has any accident and his life is not guaranteed, give him a drink to at least guarantee that he will not die for a while ... Can you do it? "

Seeing Lu Shan take out this thing, Chen Jiarou's expression could not help but a little excited.

She is one of the few people who knows about this magic potion. She knows ... Most of her auntie Xie Fenglan, and Xie Fenglan's mother-in-law were able to survive and stand up after years of paralysis. The effect of the magic potion.

She knew that Lu Shan's medicine was very sophisticated, but in fact, she wanted to let Lu Shan go to treat his grandfather, and she was thinking whether Lu Shan could use this magic potion to make the elderly's body recover miraculously.

But from Lu Shan's words before, she knew ... this kind of potion is probably not really almighty thing, and she is not good at asking Lu Shan directly for this thing, because she understands ... this potion must be very big The secret, if Lu Shan herself is not willing to take it out, she is not good at forcing it.

Now Lu Shan took out this bottle of potion to give it to her, which meant that her grandfather's life was guaranteed. Although the situation of grandpa may not be relieved, but with this thing ... At least if the grandpa's body suddenly changes, or this bottle of potion can save grandpa's life!

"thank you……"

Chen Jiarou held the bottle of medicine tightly. In the irritated mood, there was an urge to hug Lu Shan to kiss him, but ... At this time, her friends were still watching her not far away. She arrived It's not easy to do too much, just nodded gently to Lu Shan, and then whispered: "How much is this bottle of potion, I will transfer the money to you."

In Chen Jiarou's perception, although Lu Shan's person is good, he is a little bit greedy for money, and this bottle of potion is obviously a kind of good thing that cannot be bought with money, so she does not want to let Lu Shan lose money and pay more It's okay to have a little money, and she's not short of money anyway.

Lu Shan shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Although this potion is very troublesome and laborious to make, I don't have the ability to make too much, but the cost of this potion is not high, so ... the money is not needed. In the future, you can introduce me to some rich friends to eat here! Oops ... I almost forgot that your home is also a hotel, which is a bit like grabbing your business! So ... you don't need to take it seriously if I just said it, I think this bottle of potion was given to you ... We are friends after all, right! "


When Chen Jiarou heard Lu Shan say the word "friend", she nodded softly, and she felt a little bit happy and at the same time a little lost. In short, she didn't know what it was like, but she was deep again. Glancing at Lu Shan, he turned and left ...

For the next few days, Lu Shan lived a tense and orderly life. Because the two tables of the private kitchen every day have been booked out in advance, he is also not anxious about his business. Every morning, he will take Rhubarb and Xiaohuang to play around, take a video and start live broadcast, or go to the hospital to treat the disease and save people. By the way. Teach ... Oh, not ... Teach Chu Siqing.

In the afternoon, I prepared my vegetables safely at home, served some flowers and plants in the yard, and after receiving two guests at the table in the evening, I harvested a wave of experience points and wine crystal rewards.

Sure enough, as he guessed, as long as he received two tables of guests on the day, he would get two wine crystal rewards, but in fact ... because the two tables of guests have a limit on the purchase of wine, one wine crystal bubbled out a day. Instantly, Fanghua was enough, and there was even some left. So after a few days, he took several wine crystals in his hands and it was useless.

In the vegetable garden in the backyard where he had high hopes, the six kinds of vegetables previously planted had sprouted and grown up seedlings, and a total of thirty seeds had survived. This is of course because these seeds are inherently special, and they are also related to Lu Shan, who is now a horticulturalist and has a high planting ability.

It's just ... These vegetable seedlings are not as Lu Shan imagined, for example, they grow two tall in one day and fully mature in two or three days!

At least it now looks like ... these vegetables still look unremarkable. Although they grow faster, they don't go faster than normal vegetables, and they don't know where the magic is.

However, Lu Shan was not impatient. Looking at these vegetables, they are growing well. It is estimated that after a dozen days, the leeks can be cut first, and then you will know where the vegetables are.

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