Gu Yan quietly leaned against the wall without saying a word.

After waiting for Gu Yongjun to come over for a long time, Gu Yan took out another candy.

In her first life, she became addicted to sugar.

Maybe because it's sweet.

Another fifteen minutes passed, and Gu Yongjun rushed over.

As soon as she entered the door, cold and disgusted eyes fell on Gu Yan.

"Gu Yan!" Gu Yongjun gritted his teeth, walked over, and wanted to slap Gu Yan.

Gu Yan had expected her to act like this, and grabbed Gu Yongjun's wrist at the right time.

She didn't say a word, but her cold eyes made Gu Yongjun's body suddenly chill.

Gu Yongjun remembered what happened a few days ago, and Gu Yan also stopped her from falling slaps, her eyes were as cold and biting...

Gu Yongjun glanced around.

It was embarrassing to see everyone staring at her.

She scolded, "Gu Yan, you unfilial daughter, don't let me go!"

Gu Yan let go of her indifferently and leaned against the wall quietly, "Don't mess with me."

Gu Yongjun gritted his teeth and said, "If you hit someone, don't apologize to them as soon as possible! Gu Yan, you are really capable. To come to fight, it's a shame for me."

Every time he came to school, Gu Yan always caused trouble, and his grades were always counted down.

I have never heard the teacher praise Gu Yan.

Gu Yongjun has a good face. Gu Yan has embarrassed her again and again. If it is possible, Gu Yongjun would not like to have Gu Yan as a daughter.

Gu Yan raised her eyes, "Are you sure this is my fault?"

Gu Yongjun didn't even think about it, he said with certainty, "It's not your fault, who else could it be? Gu Yan, which time did you not cause me trouble? Have you been at ease?"

That look is gnashing of teeth.

Gu Yan replayed the past events in her mind, and mockery appeared in her eyes.

It was never her fault.

And Gu Yongjun reprimanded her indiscriminately every time, and would not pursue the so-called truth.

Gu Yan did not explain any further.

She explained that Gu Yongjun wouldn't listen, and there was no need for it.

Mother Chen sneered: "Mrs. Gu, it seems that your daughter has not caused trouble once or twice. This time, I think it is Gu Yan's fault. Look at my daughter and the other two little girls. Injured, this Gu Yan must give us an explanation."

At the end, she added, "My Chen Group is not easy to mess with."

Gu Yongjun's face changed again and again when he heard the words behind.

She glared at Gu Yan fiercely, who was not good to offend, but wanted to offend someone from the Chen Group?

The development of the Chen Group and the Zhao family is comparable.

If the Chen family is investigated, the Zhao family will definitely have an opinion on her. She is in the Zhao family, and she may be even more humble and small.

Gu Yan's intention was not to want her to feel better.

Gu Yongjun hurriedly smiled and said, "This is natural. Although I am Gu Yan's mother, I will never be partial. What you do with her is up to you."

The director of the Political and Religious Office on the side frowned when he heard Gu Yongjun's words.

He called her over to mediate.

And Gu Yongjun didn't ask, he directly put the blame on Gu Yan.

It doesn't look like a mother's performance.

Mother Chen put her arms around her chest and nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, I'll be relieved with your words. Of course, if you dare to go back on your word, I will continue to pursue it."

"I won't, if Gu Yan did something wrong, she has to take the responsibility." Gu Yongjun's tone of flattery.

Gu Yan did not interrupt.

Quiet as always, it seems that the object of their discussion is not her.

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