All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 117 Transaction, huge ambition (please subscribe)

Blood God, Glory, Eternal Night, Poseidon, Storm, Elephant Lord, Martial Artist, Teacher, Medicine Man, and Black Merchant.

There are ten people in total, either the top five beings in their respective communities, or they hold special authority and have some abilities that are different from ordinary people.

Their general divine attributes can also be seen from their names.

After briefly introducing their respective information, everyone quickly got into the topic, and the meeting location was chosen in the living room of the City Lord's Mansion.

Around the huge round table, familiar members gathered with each other.

"If you have anything to say, you can speak freely without being too restricted. Guanghui and I established this organization so that everyone can help each other, cooperate and win-win, and progress and develop together." Two organizers, Blood God and Guanghui, were sitting at the table On the main seat, the red-haired young man took the lead and said,

"Some of us are loners, some are the bosses of big families, and some have special authority. To put it bluntly, the players who can be invited in by the two of us all have some special skills."

Taking a sip of the wine in his glass, Su Xingyu listened quietly to the red-haired young man's speech. Such was his character that he didn't like to be in the limelight. The same was true for the others, who quietly waited for the Blood God to finish speaking.

"If no one starts, then let me speak first."

Seeing everyone so quiet, Guanghui said: "The first thing is the issue of welfare. Our organization still has some welfare. Here are the "Martial Artist Training Manual" (Levels 1 to 7) and "Magician Training Manual" (Levels 1 to 7) compiled by me. "Priest Cultivation Manual" (Levels 1 to 6), if you need it, you can print one yourself. In addition, this is an exchange resource that I can provide. Whatever you like, you can discuss it and I will give a relatively reasonable one. Price." As he spoke, he took out several thin books and pushed them directly to the center of the table, and then took out a piece of paper with a list of various items written on it.

The seventh-level crystal core, the light fruit that can purify the body, the eighth-level legendary monster blood essence, batches of gold-level armor, a small number of epic-level weapons, gold-level armor design drawings, gold-level weapon design drawings, and gold-level staffs Design drawing, Werewolf Familia (100,000), Half-Elf Familia (40,000), Fire Lion’s Warcraft Egg

The things on the paper are all rare items on the market. They are priceless and extremely rare.

"This is my need, you can also take a look at it each."

Immediately afterwards, he took out another piece of paper, which was filled with various requirements, such as building drawings of barracks of level 4 and above, crystal cores of level 8 light magic beasts, and a large number of spiritual plant seeds.

"My race is quite special, and my cultivation methods are a little different from yours, so I won't show them here."

Seeing that Guanghui brought out so many things and also provided organizational benefits, the Blood God couldn't sit still, and immediately took out nine bright red objects that looked like apples: "This is the 'blood fruit', which can barely be regarded as from my side." A special product, at the seventh level, as long as you don't die directly, you can recover within three minutes after eating it."

Then he waved his hand, and the blood fruits flew towards everyone present.

“This is what I can offer and what I need.”

Immediately afterwards, he also took out two pieces of paper and handed them out.

After someone started, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed. Everyone took out two pieces of paper and looked at each other as if they had been prepared.

Most of the resources above are rare resources and very rare.

After a while, after reading the paper, Su Xingyu looked at the young "pharmacist" opposite:

"That potion is generous, what do you want to exchange for it?"

The pharmacist thought for a while, "The design drawings of the thunder staff and the design drawings of the flame staff."

The Thunder Staff is a gold-level weapon, while the Fire Staff is only a silver-level weapon. Su Xingyu thought about it in his mind, and then nodded in agreement: "Okay."

"Yongye, how suitable is the training method for your black iron body? Can orcs use it?" The martial artist (Mo Kongwu) also asked after reading the transaction sheet.

"It can be used, but the effect improvement will not be too obvious."

Su Xingyu nodded, and then explained: "Practice the body's defense to a level comparable to black iron-level armor. The weaker the race, the more obvious the improvement will be. If the body is strong, such as tauren and elephants, their body's defense It is already very strong, not much worse than black iron level equipment, or even stronger, so there is no improvement.”

"I see."

The martial artist nodded and then gave up the idea. His family members were of the physically powerful type. As long as they became extraordinary warriors, their defense would be a little worse than the black iron level.

In this case, the exchange does not make much sense.

Hearing this, everyone present was thoughtful and their interest was greatly reduced. Among them, the teacher even murmured: "If it is only black iron level, the effect will be greatly reduced, but black iron, silver, gold, and silver should follow. A body of gold, I don’t know if there is an epic body.”

Su Xingyu glanced at him and said casually: "I have a body of silver, but if I want to condense the body of silver, I must first develop a body of black iron."

"It really does."

Everyone's interest increased greatly, and the teacher, who was also a human dependent, asked directly: "What do you want to exchange for a black iron body and a silver body?"

The black iron body has little effect, but the silver body has a great effect.

This is physical defense and does not affect the body's weight-bearing. Once practiced, it is directly equivalent to wearing an extra piece of armor on the body.

The weapons and armors of the families of today's mainstream players are still mainly silver-level. Let's not talk about the mainstream players. Even the families under their control still use a considerable number of silver-level equipment.

Silver level, even if promoted to mid-level extraordinary, it will still have considerable effects.

And there is a golden body behind them. If they can get the condensation method of the golden body in the future, their legion soldiers will make a qualitative leap.

Two layers of gold-level defense, this is completely an iron shell.

At this moment, even the Elephant Master, whose clan is known for its defense, felt a little moved in his heart.

"Educational divine architecture or man-made wonder."

The teacher hesitated, but after just a moment, he made a decision: "Okay."

His tribe has completed the construction of the education system, and the architectural drawings of the Divine Realm on hand were originally reserved for future use.

But for now, let’s switch to combat power first.

The two sides quickly reached a deal.

Neither the silver body nor the blueprints of the God's Domain buildings were on the transaction sheet.

The body of black iron and the body of silver can barely be regarded as the best treasures of the Night Tribe. Although the teacher's divine domain architectural drawing is not that exaggerated, it is also an item that can benefit the entire force.

From the perspective of value alone, Su Xingyu suffered a bit of a loss, but in fact, this was not the case. After all, his things could be traded multiple times, but the design drawings were gone after being integrated into them.

In addition to Blood God, Glory, and Storm, Su Xingyu and seven other people completed a transaction and gained a lot.

The trade fair lasted for five hours. During this time, they had accumulated too many items on hand, many of which were of the "sell at a loss and keep for no use" type.

The value of the item is not low. If it is replaced by a divine source of blood, but if it is left in their hands and cannot be used, then it can only be left in the divine space to eat dust.

Su Xingyu also took this opportunity to exchange some items that seemed useless but were actually of high value at relatively normal prices.

For example, the very useless "Special Props·Goblin Mecha Design Drawing", this epic design drawing is very valuable to Goblin players.

However, the requirements for consumables and technology were too outrageous, and the price-performance ratio was extremely low. In addition, I couldn't find suitable goblin players, so I was stuck in my hands.

This design drawing is naturally of no use to Su Xingyu, but he has a regulatory instrument in his hand, the Trading Scale, and is in great need of such a high-value item.

It is actually not easy to find an item that is of high value but of little use.

Because when you buy this thing, its value has already started to rise.

Su Xingyu only spent two gold-level weapon design drawings and one silver-level armor design drawing to obtain this epic design drawing. It was definitely a huge profit.

The elephant owner who traded this epic design drawing was actually quite happy. After all, this thing was so useless that no player was willing to trade it. Now that he has replaced it with three conventional design drawings, it is barely worth the price he originally opened. of treasure chests.

He himself naturally has no shortage of gold-level design drawings, but in addition to being the "Elephant Master" of Bloody Dawn, he is also the patriarch of a large family.

Whether these design drawings are auctioned or traded with others, the profits will be more than before.


It's a win-win deal.

Although everyone was a little strange about Su Xingyu's behavior, they didn't ask any more questions and just quickly traded some of the "weird items" in their hands.

No one raises the price, they all trade at the normal price. They can prosper in the elementary realm. No one among them is a fool.

This is just the first transaction, there are still many days to come.

They need to take a longer view. They can still distinguish between a full meal and a full meal. Yes, everyone has already thought of how to use this platform to earn the price difference.

Purchase 'luxury goods' from family members at low prices and then trade them to Yongye in exchange for high-priced items. The difference in price is the profit they earn.

A win-win situation, the family members got useful drawings, Yong Ye also got the items he wanted, and they got profits.

Su Xingyu didn't resent this. It didn't matter what others got.

This is just a transaction, and he only needs to focus on whether he gets what he wants.

If others can make money from him, that is their ability.

After everyone exchanged lists of urgently needed items, Bloody Dawn's first transaction officially ended.

But the meeting is still not over.

"The transaction is over, and it's time to move on to the next step."

Looking at the empty fruit plate and wine bottles, the red-haired young man's eyes twitched obviously, and then he clapped his hands and asked someone to send in another batch of things.

After taking a big gulp of a glass of wine, the muscular Elephant Master said in a loud voice, "What's next? By the way, this wine is quite delicious. Can I pack it up?"

"This is the tongue of flame brewed by the dwarves. One sip is like throwing a handful of flames into your stomach. Other races cannot drink it. It should be just right for the orcs." The teacher nearby gave him some knowledge, and also took some I grabbed a snack and took a sip of the water of life brewed by the elves.


The Blood God looked at the group of foodies in front of him, with some helplessness on his face. How did he manage to be on the same level as the guys in front of him, but he still explained aloud: "Two links, the transaction link, and the development of Bloody Dawn discussion session.”

"The plane fragment under our feet, as I told you before, is a large plane fragment. It can even accommodate eighth-level legendary beings. So I discussed it with Guanghui. In such a big place, only It’s a bit wasteful for us to have such a small number of people, so we plan to turn this place into a trading plane place, open to other players.”

"They can conduct any transaction here, and we provide the location and security, but it certainly can't be for free. We charge 1% to 5% depending on the type of items traded."

After listening, everyone fell into silence. After a while, the teacher subconsciously pushed the bridge of his nose with his finger, "This is a big project. It is not easy to do. There are many things to consider. The most basic point is that we How to make them believe that trading here is safe. There is also the issue of management. According to your idea, it cannot be like the previous transaction. The two parties negotiated on the channel, brought the things here, and exchanged the things. Just go back each other. If you want to run such a large city, you need a lot of managers. "

"It's not a big problem. We have thought about these two points."

After finishing the skewers in his hand, Guanghui said: "The first thing is the first point. Let the Blood God, Elephant Master, and Storm help promote it in the family, and then just make a sound and make a guarantee. Don't rush, take your time. Anyway, we still have time. There are also black merchants and pharmacists. They each have their own groups, and they all spend some energy to promote it."

"As for the second management issue, there are many followers of the Black Merchant who are suitable for management, so let him be in charge of this area."

As he said that, he paused and said, "Of course, if you want to send someone over, that's fine."

Managing a city is also a rare opportunity to effectively accumulate experience.

Different from the small fights that Su Xingyu and the others had done before, according to the two people's ideas, this time they are building a large-scale trading city for players from the entire Eastern Region.

Knock down the plane and build a trading city.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, many families are doing it.

In other words, their family residence is actually a trading plane in itself, but it only faces the inside.

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