All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

The five hundred and twentieth chapters terminally ill 0 gold in the death game island (thirty-nine)

Chapter 523 The terminally ill daughter is on the death game island (39)

"R63 player, please give your answer within three minutes."

The dull voice of the machine fell, and the teammates standing above the five cages said their answers in turn.

Cage No. 1, via Xiyuan: "Not safe."

Cage No. 2, Fang Qing: "It's not safe."

Cage No. 3, Lu Shanyang: "Safe."

In the No. 4 cage, Huo Yi frowned and said his answer: "Safe."

Cage No. 5, Bai Huai: "It's not safe."

Bai Huai clenched his fists, facing the people he should trust the most, he was not surprised that they would suddenly turn against the water.

Fortunately, the mechanism of this game is that among the players who say the empty cage, there must be one person who is telling the truth.

This time, as the Emperor of Europe, can she win the lottery?

Bai Huai is still very worried. Humans are animals with feelings. In many cases, long-term relationships will make them lose their judgment.

The surrounding audience, even the players with size R, were not surprised to see Qianyan's situation at this time.

In the hearts of these assimilated people, the team members who trust each other will betray each other over time.

Now that they have regrouped, everyone has done betrayal, but with the understanding of Dead Game Island, they no longer care about it.

Forming a team is nothing more than finding two people to occupy the pit.

Besides, it's not every time they encounter tips that tell them to lie to their teammates, even if they know that they are being played by the game, they are not angry anymore.

It seems to be resignation, everyone should feel that when there is a huge benefit, they should betray, then they must betray.

If you die, then your life is not good, you should die.

go out?

I want to go out, but before I go out, it is to save my life.

If you want to go out, you have to have countless points. How do the points come? It's not to pit teammates, it's to help teammates.

It's a game that makes people lose their temper.

"My pick is number 4.

"Qianyan just paused for a moment, then said the answer.

Bai Huai was relieved, and sure enough, she was Emperor Ou.

"R63 player, are you sure you want to choose No. 4?"

Qianyan: "Yes."

The black cloth on the No. 4 cage was slowly lifted, and it was indeed an empty cage.

Huo Yi, who was standing at the top of the back, laughed. His palms were sweaty. He was really afraid that Qianyan would choose the wrong answer because of the first impression.

He looked at Lu Shanyang who was standing on another platform in disappointment. He heard that they had grown up together since they were children, and now they both started to betray.

Huo Yi's eyes are a little warm, is there really no friendship without betrayal here?

He doesn't want to become like these people, this game is simply sinking everyone.

He clenched his fist hard, he must not become that kind of person, even if he died, he would not sink.

no way!

Everyone came out, and several people seemed very silent.

If he had just faced this a year ago, Huo Yi would definitely not be able to resist going up to beat people. At this time, he no longer had the strength to beat people.

He can't control others, he can only restrain himself, maintain his original intention, so that when he is alive, he will not sink like these people.

"Huo Yi, are you sad?" Fang Qing and Huo Yi walked out side by side, she kept paying attention to Huo Yi's expression, "I'm also sad."

"I used to be happy that Ling Qianyan was terminally ill, but I still felt very ashamed. Because I knew she was not wrong, I disliked her because she was too good to catch up, her life is too good ."

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