Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 174: College

That flower is dead?

Qin Fei is a bit wrong, so many people guard, how can he die?

Then I understood that the flower that Ivan finally said refers to the seriously ill girl.

"But this town has become the only rose in the world that never fades, isn't it?" Qin Fei replied.

Ivan’s mood is a little better: “Yes, sir.”

Subsequently, Ivan took Qin Fei to eat something, the price is more expensive, but it is much better than the sauce, acceptable.

"System, is there any way for me to quickly learn the language of this country?" Qin Fei suddenly wanted to know more about the Blood Moon Empire, and it was always inconvenient to translate through the guide.

“Hey, trigger the task, Rose Academy is hiring a chef. If the host can successfully enter the job, the reward will be upgraded to the first level. Remarks, you can get the **** empire language proficiency when you receive the task.” The snack system replied.

Qin Fei is speechless for a while, can't you simply open a price?

Qin Fei asked Yifan: "Do you know Rose Academy?"

Ivan introduced the situation of the Rose Academy, just outside the town of Rose Town, similar to the county school of Tianlongguo, and belongs to the place of educating people.

In this case, this task is nothing to be dangerous, Qin Fei accepted it to the system.

"Sir, do you want to visit the Rose Academy? It is not open to the public," Ivan added.

"Oh, I heard that there is a recruiting chef there, I want to try it." Qin Fei simply replied.

Ivan is stunned, is there a recruiting chef? Who did you hear, I don’t know?

Qin Fei’s cooking Ivan is convincing, but he reminded: "But sir, you will not speak the language of the **** empire."

Haven't you seen any chefs with translations?

"Oh, I have learned your language." Qin Fei replied.

Ivan smiled. Even if the language of the Blood Moon Empire is not as complicated as that of the Dragon Kingdom, it will not be learned for a while. Otherwise, they will simply go to the guide to translate.

Suddenly, the smile on Ivan's face became stiff: "Sir, what you just said is our language?"

"Well, isn't the pronunciation not damaging?" After Qin Fei accepted the task, the system embodies the language system of the Blood Moon Empire, and he uses no difference in his native language.

"Ah, how did you learn it?" Ivan was scared and didn't dare to meet each other.

"Oh, before I heard you talk to others, I learned." Qin Fei can only explain this, and put it on the way.

Ivan was shocked to be a man of heaven, and this learning ability is too strong, right?

"Then I...I..." Ivan was arrogant.

Qin Fei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will pay for the guide fee today. You take me to Rose College."

“Thank you!” Ivan grateful to Dade, because the Rose Academy had some distance, he went to find a carriage and took Qin Fei over.

This Rose Academy is a very large manor surrounded by iron fences. There is an old castle in the middle, which looks quite mysterious.

Inside the manor, there are a group of boys and girls, under the guidance of the elders, or practicing swordsmanship, or horse-riding archery, but it is comprehensive.

At the entrance of the college, a notice was posted. It was indeed to recruit the chef. Qin Fei gave the account to Ivan and went in alone.

The concierge is a one-eyed old man who stopped Qin Fei. He was wary: "You are a Tianlong national? What do you do at the Rose Academy?"

As a border town, Rose Town is not a trading hub. Occasionally, the caravans of the Tianlong Kingdom will arrive, so people in the town can identify Tianlong people.

"I came to apply for a chef." Qin Fei replied.

"Let's go, I don't welcome foreigners here." The one-eyed old man is dissatisfied.

Considering that there is a first-order repair as a reward for reaching the task, Qin Fei is dissatisfied and keeps his demeanor: "I want to try anyway, I am tired of the old gentleman's notice."

BU into the one-eyed old man, waving a cane began to scold:. "Even if you pretend more polite, they can not hide the fact that you despicable people Denon, Get out of here, or I'll beat you."

Qin Fei inexplicably remembered that when the caravan crossed the desert, several young men who had been driving the car said that the Tianlong Guoshang team was not too much to be seen. On the one hand, some people did falsify, and the reputation was ruined. On the other hand, it was also the blood moon empire. The people of the Red Dragon World Caravan have earned a lot of real money.

Qin Fei saw each other with a stick, and his temper could not be beaten up. He held it and tried to twist the other person's crutches. At this time, there was a sound: "Stop!"

A well-developed white-haired girl came riding. The horse was so big, hey, the horse was so white, the five senses were like the elves in the magic movie, full of racial superiority.

The sister came to the door and screamed: "What happened?"

The one-eyed old man replied: "Reporting the dean, this foreigner wants to harden the college and is blocked by me."

Hehe, young, turned out to be the dean?

Qin Fei reiterated: "I am looking at the Rose Academy to recruit chefs, so I want to try."

The white-haired girl looked at the one-eyed old man and looked at Qin Fei. She also had a vigilance, but the grace was still there: "Will you do the **** empire's dishes? Our college has very high dietary requirements for students."

Qin Fei had eaten some local food in the rose town and felt that he could make it. He nodded: "It will do some **** empire food, and it will also be a dish of Tianlongguo."

The white-haired girl slightly decapitated: "Well, you first enter the college with me and test if it is as you said."

With the command of the dean, the one-eyed old man could no longer stop, and Qin Fei entered the manor with the white-haired girl.

“How many teachers and students are there in the college?” Qin Fei asked casually.

"Sixty students, there are ten faculty members." The dean's sister answered very well.

The feudal era town has a college of this scale is already very good, Tianlong country's county school is also so big, but the **** empire is more open, men and women can go to school together.

Qin Fei opened the snack bar business when the hottest time, can receive thousands of people a day, six or seventy people are not to mention.

"Right, the chefs of our college have come home to recuperate because of illness. Even if you hired you later, it will only be a temporary period of time. You need to be clear." The dean’s sister’s face is ice-cold, and he is not intimate.

"I know." The notice was very clear. Qin Fei mixed for a few days, and he left the task. He didn't want to do it for a long time.

Qin Fei was brought to the kitchen, and there was a young man waiting. The dean’s sister said: “You both want to temporarily serve the chef of the college, but the college can only leave one person. To be fair, you are one. The dish, I judged, and left it delicious."

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