Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 125: Really delicious

Sorry, let's say a lot. "Zhao Ru came back to God, and he actually said so many things to a stranger, his face was a little red.

"It doesn't matter, I really like to hear people say my own experience." Qin Fei replied.

Zhao Ru was silent for a moment, as if for the sake of peace, asked Qin Fei: "Yes, what are you doing?"

"High-end flame control technology and animal and plant deep processing decomposition division!" Qin Fei replied.

Zhao Ru:? ? ?

"Abbreviation chef."


Although Zhao Ruping was a hegemonic female president, he was very interested in cooking. He asked Qin Fei for many questions. He returned to the thatched cottage to rest at night.

"That, if you are afraid of cold at night, you can sleep in my house..." Zhao Ru said that this was a bit wrong, but she just didn't want Qin Fei to freeze to death, but she was justified.

Qin Fei looked at the simple thatched cottage. How could the snack bar sleep comfortably, then shook his head: "I am not afraid of cold."

Food can be used as an excuse to say that it is a wave of waves, but it is impossible to come to a house, or to take advantage of her.

Qin Fei went to the other side of the island.

When Zhao Ruyin’s teeth were bitten, he did not want to take control of Qin Fei, and he hurried back to his hut.

The next day, Qin Fei refreshed his breath, took the bowl and crossed the rice noodle, and ate the belly round, then ran along the coastline and activities.

Otherwise, eating so well every day, the body is getting fat.

I ran a few laps along my own site. At this time of the week, Zhao Ru should be collecting dew or fishing. Why didn’t he get up?

Qin Fei shouted a scorpion, did not respond, he came to Zhao Ru's site and drilled into the thatched cottage to look at it.

Zhao Ru's face curled up in a corner, like a kitten, shivering, Qin Fei shouted that she did not respond, seemingly lost consciousness.

I touched Zhao Ru’s forehead with my hand and it was like a soldering iron.

Although she always looks like she doesn't admit defeat, the girl is naturally weak and can't afford to toss too much. The key is to wear so little last night.

Recalling the operation skills of artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, oh, fever can not be treated like this.

Qin Fei had to find a system to buy some antipyretics, fried the soup, and fed Zhao Ru.

After taking the medicine, Zhao Ru’s breathing was much smoother. Qin Fei took the big quilt in the snack bar and wrapped it in her.

After a while, Zhao Rusu woke up and felt the warmth of the quilt. It was very strange. Where did the quilt come from?

Then she struggled to get up and walked out of the thatched cottage. I saw Qin Fei digging a stove, cooking something, pots and pans, tables and chairs, and everything.

"Where are these things coming from?" Zhao Ru was stunned.

"Oh, the waves are coming." Qin Fei had already thought about the words, and then opened the subject. "Is it better?"

The waves are your home, paying for the benefits? Zhao Ru has no intention of spit.

"It's much better." Zhao Ru knew that he had burned very badly last night, but there was nothing on the island, he could only be hard-hitting, and later he was not awake.

It seems that Qin Fei should have tried to save himself.

"Thank you." Zhao Ru added.

"It doesn't matter, sit down and have something to eat, I cooked the green porridge." Qin Fei took a bowl of hot porridge from the pot.

If it was before, Zhao Ru might refuse Qin Fei's help, but she is really weak now. The most important thing is that she chatted with Qin Fei for a long time last night, which is a friend.

Zhao Ru picked up a spoonful of green porridge with a spoon, and blew the heat and sent it to the entrance.

Although the green porridge does not have any seasonings, the refreshing taste is delicious and Zhao Ru wants to cry.

Anyone who has been licking a small bitter fish for two days and suddenly can eat a white rice porridge will be the reaction.

After eating a bowl of hot porridge, Zhao Rucai felt that he had come back to life and was grateful: "I will definitely repay you later."

"Let's talk about it later." Qin Fei did not put it in his heart, and then went to move the stone and transform Zhao Ru's cabin.

Zhao Ru wanted to help, and the result was reprimanded by Qin Fei: "If you are sick, you will stay on the side. If you get better soon, it will help me a lot."

There was only Zhao Ruxun, who was trained, but she was not angry at all, sitting on the side and watching Qin Fei move the stone.

It is said that Qin Fei’s strength is so great, so big stones, one hand will catch it, and Zhao Ru Yue will be more blushing.

Qin Fei used a stone to build a stronger huts. The sea breeze would not be poured in again, and the insulation effect was good.

Almost as fast as noon, Qin Fei went to make a bridge rice noodle.

After Zhao Ru had eaten, the whole person was like a normal person. He never thought that he could eat such a delicious thing when he was on a desert island.

She suddenly had a strange idea. If she could live on the island like this, it would be good.

After all, shopping malls, such as the battlefield, are full of waves, and they are guilty of treacherousness. If you step on the wrong step, you will be ruined and very tired.

There are no such troubles on the island. Although the days are tight, there are shelters that can shelter from the wind. Is there a reliable man, is it enough?

Zhao Ruzheng thought about it, Qin Fei suddenly pointed to one direction: "Boat!"

Looking at the gesture, there is a black shadow in the place where the water and the sky meet, and it is indeed a ship.

Qin Fei immediately poured some water into the fire, creating smoke, but the ship in the distance was indifferent, and Qin Fei plunged into the sea with a fierce, and swam to the distant ship.

According to the speed of the dog flying by Qin Fei, it is impossible to catch up.

Zhao Ru looked at this scene, his heart was a bit complicated.

It is reasonable to say that if you can be rescued, you should be happy, but she likes this island a bit.

And Qin Fei is so active, is it not willing to stay with him for a moment?

When Zhao Ru was thinking about it, Qin Fei suddenly returned to his face.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Ru asked with concern.

After Qin Fei landed on the shore, he took off his shoes and rubbed his toes: "Hey, cramped again."

Zhao Ru did not hold back, and laughed when he snorted, laughing and showing.

"You still have a mood to laugh, the boat is gone!" Qin Fei turned his eyes.

"Sion loses his horse and knows what is not good?" Zhao Ru returned with a deep and unpredictable sentence.

Soon, the night came, Zhao Ru lived in the stone house built by Qin It was so airtight that it was not cold at all.

"Since the house was built by you, don't you sleep outside today?" Zhao Ru didn't have the righteousness last night, and his voice was as fine as a mosquito.

"I like to live outside." Qin Fei turned and went to the other side of the island.

Zhao Ru is mad, iron shovel.

In the following days, Qin Fei made a lot of snacks for the existing ingredients, and the patterns were different every day, as if they could do anything.

Where is this difficult, it is a food conference, Zhao Ru once curiously said: "What else can you do delicious?"

"Actually, I am very delicious underneath. Do you eat or not?" Qin Fei smiled.

"Now?" Zhao Ru was shocked, but watching Qin Fei's attitude was tough, and he finally nodded shyly.

So Qin Fei turned and gave her a bowl of egg noodles.

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