Alien Lord

Chapter 261 18 Sand City

Sha Ding is the lord of Stormwind City in Eighteen Sand Cities, and Storm Wind City is the boss in Eighteen Sand Cities.

In each of the 20 Eighteen Sand Cities, there is an extremely powerful sand bandit army. The strength and combat effectiveness of these sand bandit troops are not even inferior to the regular army of Chu State.

Don't just subconsciously think that the scale of these cities is too small or that they can't be called cities at all because they are the cities of sand bandits.

Contrary to your guesses, Shibasha City is actually a real city. Compared with the capital cities of every state in Chu State, it is comparable in size.

More than a thousand years ago, the Eighteen Sand City was not what it is now, it was just an oasis in the desert. At that time, the Eighteen Sand City was a real green land, and the desert was hundreds of kilometers away. However, countless wars, Coupled with the endless demands of human beings for natural resources, slowly, thousands of miles of sand seas surrounded the eighteen sand cities.

Fortunately, there is a rich source of water around Shibasha City. Only once, they were able to survive the invasion of the desert.

In this way, Shibasha City became an oasis in the desert.

However, the foundation of the Eighteen Sand City is there. These cities before were also some medium-sized cities. In addition, the war has been far away from the Eighteen Sand City. Therefore, the Eighteen Sand City gradually prospered and finally became what it is now.

After these years of development, the population of each city in Shibasha City ranges from one million to four or five million. Therefore, Shibasha City is not a small city or a den of robbers, but a real City.

Coupled with the powerful sand bandit army, gradually, in the eyes of many people, Shibasha City is a country in the desert, a country jointly formed by 18 stupid big cities.

If these cities were not occupied by sand pirates, and they were still in the thousands of miles of sand sea, the surrounding countries would have recognized this small country in the desert long ago.

Therefore, being able to become the boss in the Eighteen Sand City shows the strength of Sha Ding.

According to the statistics of Chu State’s intelligence department, there are now 150,000 soldiers in the Stormwind Legion in Shading, and the population of Stormwind City has exceeded 1.5 million. Such a force is already an extremely powerful force. .

Don't look at the 150,000 White Elephant Legion of Chu State in Shazhou. However, the 150,000 White Elephant Legion is used to guard against the invasion of the barbarians, and it is not used to fight against the Storm Storm Legion in Shading.

Moreover, if the White Elephant Legion really dared to attack Sha Ding, the Eighteen Shacheng would immediately unite to fight against the White Elephant Legion. Huaxia is not the only one who understands this truth.

At this time, what the White Elephant Legion will face will no longer be the 150,000 troops in Sha Ding's hands, but the combined army of Eighteen Sha Cities, with a number of millions of troops.

At this time, the White Elephant Army will still win the war? !

What's more, if the White Elephant Army came to deal with Shading's Storm Army, who would resist the barbarians on the wild grassland?

Compared with the threat of the barbarians to Chu, the threat of Shading is really drizzle.

Besides, the Storm Legion in Sha Ding's hands has not come out to plunder for a long time now, and he has now managed Stormwind City as a real national city.

Now Sha Ding supports his Stormtroopers, no longer relying on looting,

Instead, he used commercial operations and farmland reclamation to feed his Stormtroopers.

For this reason, Shading opened several large mines in the desert, and planted food on a large scale around Stormwind City, and opened up a piece of fertile land. With these things, even if Shading's Stormtroopers no longer go out Looting, can also live very well.

The most important thing is that these reform measures of Shading have been successful, and it is not a small success, but a big success. Otherwise, Stormwind City will not have a population of one million in just five or six years. increased to 1.5 million.

If Stormwind City didn't have a rush, those people would willingly come to Stormwind City to live? !

In fact, this is also an important reason why the Black Wind Pirates attacked Stormwind City.

The reforms in Stormwind City have caused turmoil in Black Wind City, and the Black Wind Legion is gradually in danger of collapsing.

It is better to be a dog of peace than to be a person in a troubled world. This sentence fully illustrates the mentality of ordinary people.

To be able to live in safety and peace of mind like the people in Stormwind City, who wants to be a sand bandit that everyone hates, hates, and is precarious.

Therefore, after seeing the reform results of Stormwind City, Black Wind City, which is closest to Stormwind City, was gradually affected, and an impetuous atmosphere floated over Black Wind City.

As the city lord of Black Wind City, how could Xiao Quan allow the situation to go on like this, plus Xiao Quan's strength had increased significantly recently, so he was ready to attack Stormwind City.

As long as Sha Ding is eliminated, not only will the impetuous aura floating above Black Wind City dissipate without a trace, but also the entire Storm Wind City can be captured. The sixteen cities in the world will eventually establish a real desert country.

Driven by the ambition to build a country that truly belongs to him, Xiao Quanhao did not hesitate to attack Sha Ding. The first thing he dealt with was Sha Ding's heart, Shaman.

Shaman stayed in Stormwind City most of the time, and Sha Ding's prestige in Stormwind City was too strong, Xiao Quan didn't want to kidnap Shaman in Stormwind City at all.

Finally Xiao Quan found out that Shaman would go to Baiyu City to play every few months.

Compared with Stormwind City, Baiyu City is more lively. For Shaman who is only 18 years old, the temptation is too strong. Therefore, every few months, Shaman will go to Baiyu City to play.

This gave Xiao Quan a chance, and the three Luo brothers were sent out by Xiao Quan.

Some people here will say, since they are here to kidnap Shaman, and Xiao Quan is so powerful, why don't more people be shot, or masters enter Baiyu City, in that case, wouldn't the success rate be even higher?

Brothers, don't even think about the relationship between Xiao Quan's Black Wind Pirates and Chu State. They are life and death enemies. How could it be so easy for Xiao Quan to arrange a large number of people into Baiyu City.

Different from Stormwind City which has been reformed, Black Wind Pirates still maintains the habit of looting that Sand Pirates have always had, and often commits massacres, and even broke through some cities in Chu State. Therefore, Chu State Up and down are not as friendly to the Black Wind Pirates as the Storm Legion. They can be said to be enemies of life and death.

Although the state of Chu would not intentionally send troops into the desert for three or four hundred miles to attack Heifeng City, that would be courting death, but as soon as the Heifeng bandits appeared within the territory of the state of Chu, the army of the state of Chu would immediately go to encircle and suppress them, and, still massive.

The relationship between Xiao Quan and Chu State is so cold, do you think Xiao Quan has the ability to send a large number of people into Baiyu City?

Sending the three Luo brothers and the thirty or so people into Baiyu City was already Xiao Quan's greatest ability.

Besides, the masters around Xiao Quan, Chu State officials, and people from other forces have been watching closely. Once they disappear and do not show up for a long time, Xiao Quan can guarantee that soon, there will be Masses of hands set out to find them.

The appearance, stature and so on of these masters are clear to every force. Once these forces start looking for them with all their strength, these masters sent by Xiao Quan will be easily discovered.

At that time, Xiao Quan didn't say whether he could kidnap Shaman, but that these masters of his could return to Black Wind City safely, that was Xiao Quan's greatest comfort.

Therefore, it is the most correct choice to send the three Luo brothers, who are both inconspicuous and capable, to kidnap Shaman.

In addition, the number of guards around Shaman is very small, and there are not many experts, so Xiao Quan is so relieved that he only sent the three Luo brothers and the others.

Maybe someone will ask, as the eldest daughter of Stormwind City, Sha Ding's daughter, why is it that she doesn't have any masters around her, only Xu Huanming, who is at the fifth level of acquired strength, is this too fake?

Come on big brother, for ordinary people, warriors at the fifth floor of Houtian are already masters.

Don't look at Lin Ze's opponents who didn't move before, they were the seven or eight layers of Houtian, and even after that, there were experts on the ninth floor. They were all from the sect. On the mainland of China, only the sect has the strength and background to do so Many masters. Chengying Building is actually a sect, a sect composed of killers.

In the army, or in the aristocratic family, the acquired warriors of the fifth and sixth levels who can cultivate stellar qi are masters, and they are extremely rare masters.

Coupled with the stable life of the past ten years, Sha Ding's vigilance has dropped a lot.

Not to mention Shaman, even Sha Ding himself, when he went hunting, there were only forty or fifty guards around him.

The long-term comfortable life dispelled Sha Ding's vigilance.

Therefore, there are so few guards around Sharman.

However, after experiencing this incident, the number of guards around Sharman will definitely increase ten times, or even hundreds of times in the future.

For the changes in Stormwind City, Chu Kingdom and Later Tang Kingdom are happy to see this, and for this reason, they also opened the door to Stormwind City, not only allowing Stormwind City's caravans to enter their country, but also buying Stormwind City's production at high prices. of minerals.

Although it takes a lot of money to buy mineral deposits at a high price, it is much more cost-effective than maintaining a large army to defend the Stormwind Legion in Shading. Moreover, after these mineral deposits are bought back by Chu and Later Tang, they are not at a loss. There is no profit.

It can be said that in the past ten years, the relationship between Stormwind City, Chu State, and Later Tang State has become better and more harmonious. The only bad thing is that this relationship is still in the dark and has not been put on the surface. superior. To be continued.

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