Alien Knights

Chapter 519 The Rise of the Kingdom of God (3)

The North Island Knights, head of the regiment.

The tall body of the deputy head Jerry was lying on the cold brick floor, and he fell into a deep coma, his whole body was red like a fire.

Beside Jerry, Edgar slapped his face hard and shouted, "Big fool! Big fool! Wake up!"

At this time, the door of the house was pushed open, and Lev, a soldier of the North Island Knights, limped in with a bloody hand ax pinned to his waist and a basin of ice water.

"In order to kill the enemy as much as possible, the deputy commander has used the ability of "Rage" several times, and has entered a state of exhaustion." Lev squatted down, pulled out a cloth towel and threw it to Edgar: "Now we must find a way to help him Cool down, or he'll soon be insane in a persistent high fever."

Lev looked at Edgar's anxious expression, and added: "I've seen berserkers die slowly after getting sick, and it doesn't look good."

Edgar, with red eyes, picked up the wet wipe, wiped Jerry's blood-stained body vigorously, and said with a choked voice, "He will be fine."

Lev picked up another wet towel, wiped Jerry's wounded abdomen, and said calmly: "The teachings of the gods tell us not to be afraid of death. When life comes to an end, the balance of fate will wait for you." The arrival of all people. Whether kings or slaves, everyone will be judged, the good will enter the temple, and the wicked will fall into ghosts."

Edgar sniffed hard, and asked Lev, "How's it going outside now?"

"The enemy's offensive has temporarily stopped, but only temporarily. They are preparing for the next attack." Lev wrung out the warm towel, re-wetted it with cold water, and continued: "Two hundred and twenty There are six brothers, and now there are 109 people left. The corpses piled up at the gate of the regiment headquarters are like hills. Some belong to us and some belong to the enemy. Identify."

Edgar asked depressedly: "Can we win?"

Lev shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Originally, we had the upper hand in this battle. Speaking of will and belief, no one can compare with the soldiers of the North Island... But the explosives and guns owned by the enemy can destroy Without the bodies of brothers, no matter how strong the will is, it will be useless."

Edgar shook his head: "So you mean, we will lose in the end?"

Lev said calmly: "Is there any difference? If I win, I will still die decades later; if I lose, I just reached the sanctuary earlier."

Just as Edgar was about to speak, a burst of explosions and gunshots came from outside the house, interrupting his words.

Lev threw the towel into the water basin, took down the beloved handaxe from his waist, and said to Edgar with a smile: "Goodbye, my brother, the gate of the sanctuary is open, and the balance of fate is waving to me. I have to go first..."

Seeing Lev's joyful face and relaxed tone when he left, Edgar knelt on the ground, clutching Jerry's arm tightly, trembling all over.

Explosions came and went, and gunshots gradually approached the house.

Edgar wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, grabbed the dagger and shield from the ground, struggled to get up, and wanted to walk outside.

A large hand grabbed his ankle, and a low voice came from the ground.

"Help me up."

Edgar looked down, and the weak little Jerry opened his eyes and was staring at the door.

Gritting his teeth, Edgar squatted down and helped Jerry up with difficulty.

The two stumbled out of the door and came to the square where the North Island Knights were stationed.

A large number of mercenaries holding huge shields formed a solid shield wall and walked slowly towards the survivors of the North Island Knights.

Behind the shield wall, a group of rebels armed with muskets fired continuously towards the opposite side through the gap.

The soldiers of the North Island Knights, facing an enemy army ten times larger than their own, took off their obstructive armor, picked up their weapons, shouted the names of the gods, laughed, and committed suicide towards the opposite enemy. type of attack.

After a burst of gunfire, the deputy head Jerry looked at the fallen brothers and groaned in pain. He picked up a two-handed ax on the ground and walked towards the enemy with heavy steps.

"It's him! It's that monster!"

Someone in the enemy line recognized Jerry's figure and let out a terrified cry.

A musketeer hurriedly turned the weapon in his hand to the direction of Jerry, blew on the tinder in his hand, and leaned towards the fire rope.

Looking at the black muzzles of the guns, Edgar waved his arms in a state of anxiety, and shouted at Jerry, "Big fool! Come back!"

Facing the tide of enemy troops, Little Jerry didn't stop walking. While speeding up his pace and rushing forward, he glanced back at his brother, with the harmless smile of a long time ago on his face.

Tears welled up in Edgar's eyes, and he fell to the ground, with nothing but endless despair in his eyes.

At this moment, a clear cry came from the sky, and dozens of huge figures flew over the city and began to dive down from high altitude.

Accompanied by the sound of the bowstring piercing the air, dense rain of arrows fell into the enemy's formation, reaping a large number of lives in an instant.

After the rain of arrows, in the dim light of the flames, a huge griffin flapped its huge wings, whipped up a gust of wind, and appeared over the camp of the North Island Knights.

A dark-skinned dark elf jumped off the back of the griffin. Before he landed, the bow in his hand was shaking constantly, and the arrows filled with bursting flames fell on the enemy. In the middle, huge explosions were set off again and again.

A strong orc nearly two meters tall jumped directly into the shield wall from another griffin. He waved the mace in his hand, which was about the size of a normal person, and hit the enemies around him like crazy. The sound of breaking shields, bones, and screams suddenly rang out.

Those heavy infantrymen holding huge shields, as long as they touch the mace, are like kites with broken strings. They are thrown into the air and then fall to the ground, turning into piles of inhuman flesh and blood.

In the dark night sky, several werewolves who were invisible jumped down. They walked along the top of the house and came to the rear of the enemy without a sound, then used the chaos to jump into the musketeers, and finally harvested life with their sharp giant claws and sharp wolf mouths. In a moment, the enemy's formation was disrupted into a mess.

Immediately afterwards, lizardmen, tauren, harpies, dwarves... one after another, creatures that only appeared in myths and legends, landed in the camp of the North Island Knights.

There were less than fifty aliens who suddenly participated in the battle, but facing an army composed of nearly a thousand mercenaries and rebels, they unexpectedly showed an overwhelming advantage and completely reversed the entire situation of the battle.

Facing this monster-like army, the improvised group of rebels could not raise the slightest desire to resist. They threw down their weapons and were defeated.

Edgar and Jerry looked at an elf woman with long ears, gathered a ball of fire with her hands, and blew up an enemy's baggage truck not far away into pieces all over the sky. They couldn't help being stunned and couldn't believe their eyes .

Above the heads of the two, a silver-haired Valkyrie wearing close-fitting cavalry armor and a feather crown slowly descended on a griffin.

Seeing the appearance of the visitor, Little Jerry was overjoyed, and shouted loudly: "Big regiment leader!"

Evie looked at the devastation in the camp. Angrily, she grabbed the spear in her hand and ordered loudly: "Those who can still move in the camp, stand up for me! Take up your weapons and kill this group of uninvited people!" You bastard, kill them all!"

Holding a war bow, Ackerman pulled the bowstring and shot an arrow. After the arrow penetrated the breastplates of two heavy infantrymen, it still pierced into the forehead of a musketeer with undiminished force.

He shouted to the crusaders around him: "Orc squads move forward! Werewolf squads go around and outflank! Tauren, lizardmen, guard the left and right wings! The elves enter the center of the array and attack the enemy troops that are grouped together to resist !"

Evie put her finger to her mouth and whistled, then said: "The second and third Valkyrie squadrons, return to the fleet and continue to transport the remaining crusader soldiers to the city! The first squadron, follow I come!"

Soon, this army composed of Valkyries, Crusaders, and Bei Dao soldiers rushed into the streets of Muxi City, defeated all the enemies that appeared in front of them, and began to march towards the port area.

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