Alien Knights

Chapter 294 Returning to Camp

After several days of sailing, one morning in the late autumn of November, "Black Pearl" docked at a shoal on the west bank of the southern forest.

The gladiators plunged into the icy water and dragged the boat ashore with the ropes.

The hatch was lowered, the deck was raised, and the passengers on the ship stepped onto the land from the deck. This was the first time since they escaped that they set their feet on solid ground.

Ackerman took the roster and compared the personnel and supplies one by one, then walked to Todd, and said worriedly: "Boss, we may be in trouble."

The latter looked at him: "Tell me."

"At the beginning in Gugu City, because there were too many people on board, most of the space was used as a cabin, and there were hardly any supplies." Ackerman tapped the handwriting on the roster with a charcoal pencil: "In the past few days, many people on the ship have been infected with diseases, and the medicinal materials are used less and less; Qi, which means that a considerable number of people will be sleeping in the wild..."

Listening to Ackerman's statement, Todd nodded approvingly.

Apart from his ability to control the lower body, this young and handsome guy is a bit helpless. He is a rare talent in handling government affairs and adapting to changing situations.

This may be related to his past experience. Ackerman’s father once sent him to study in a monastery (according to Casper, he was sent there to get rid of sex addiction), and he himself did some small business (according to Casper, the so-called business is “pimping”), and later became the village head of Qianmu Village (it seems that because he slept with the wife and daughter of the nobleman, he had to go back to his hometown to take refuge after the incident).

Todd patted Ackerman on the shoulder, beckoning him not to worry too much, then got off the boat and led the crowd towards the "Froststone Camp" in the forest.

The sun is gradually rising, and the warm sunlight penetrates through the gaps in the needles, bringing some warmth to the earth.

A team of more than 300 people walked through the dense forest and slowly headed southeast.

Todd found Rachel, who was at the back of the team, and asked her, "Have the resources allocated by Muxi City arrived yet?"

The latter raised his hand and brushed aside the low-hanging branches, and replied, "According to the signal from the liaison officer, all of them arrived yesterday morning."

Todd nodded.

Rachel looked at him and asked with some uncertainty: "I have a question. Why did you choose to rebuild the outpost on the ruins of the Froststone camp? Although the terrain there is dangerous and suitable for building defensive military facilities, neither the soil nor the climate are suitable for crop growth. The way of transporting food from Muxi City is not good for the future development of this place, whether it is cost or risk."

Todd used his shield to part the bushes in front of him, motioned for Rachel to go first, and then explained: "I once lived in the Froststone camp for a while, and found that the terrain is higher, the terrain is a basin, the humidity is relatively high, the lighting conditions are good, and the soil is red soil, which can grow a high-value cash crop."

"Cash crops? What are they?"

"Say it now, you don't know what it is, and I will make it for you when the time comes."

Glancing at the two men and women who were talking non-stop behind her, Deirdre, who felt so lonely, turned around, with sadness on her delicate face, and walked forward with her head down.

After walking for almost two hours, the team finally came to the ruins of the Froststone Camp.

To their surprise, an army seemed to know their arrival and was waiting there early.

"Enemy attack!"

With a warning roar, the gladiators walking in the front row drew out their weapons one after another and formed a shield formation to stare at the opposite army.

There were no more than 30 people in this strange army. They didn't display any banners, and they couldn't tell which kingdom they belonged to. The well-crafted armor covering their entire body made it impossible to see their appearance.

Ackerman, who opened his bow and arrow, looked at the army stationed in the ruins, swallowed, and said to Casper beside him with difficulty: "Look at the guy in the front! That set of armor, and the giant sword on his back! I bet that the price of that equipment is enough to cover all of our belongings."

The latter glared at him: "Besides women and money, can't you bastard pay attention to other things?"

"for example?"

"The positions they stand on, the terrain they are leaning on, the arrangement of the formation... You have been in the "red circle" for so long, and you haven't made any progress!"

"Casper, have you noticed that you have changed."

"What do you mean?"

"There's more nonsense."


Todd ran all the way to the front of the line and yelled at all the gladiators: "Drop your weapons, put down your weapons! They are not the enemy!"

Seeing the silent army in front of him, Rachel walked towards them and asked with a heavy sigh, "I remember that in the king's handwritten letter, he only asked Muxi City to bring supplies, but did not dispatch reinforcements..."

The army commander quietly took off the full-face helmet with complicated patterns, and the terrifying scene after the mask was removed made the gladiators around scream out in fright.

Dozens of parasite limbs like steel bars squirmed slowly along the contours of the top of the head and cheeks. The owner of the armor may have had a heroic face in the past, but his face was permanently scarred by a fire.

Alfonso stared into Rachel's eyes and said coldly, "Where is Your Majesty?"

Rachel subconsciously wanted to turn around, but was pulled into the soul space by Todd in an instant.

"My Guards, why did they come here?!" Todd opened his eyes, his face full of doubts.

Rachel sat on the swivel chair in the office, kicked her feet, turned around with the chair, and muttered, "How would I know?"

Todd circled the office with his hands behind his back: "Could it be something happened in Muxi Kingdom?"

"I don't think so. If there is something in the kingdom, someone will definitely bring it up at the morning meeting." Rachel stood up, walked to the locker in the corner, and quickly found a box of Ferrero chocolates.

"What would that be?"

"What else could be the reason? Those people in the kingdom have been investigating your whereabouts all the time. I left Muxi City on the same day as you, and they will naturally think that I am the most suspicious of your disappearance. In addition, your king's warrant for allocating supplies was passed to the kingdom through my subordinate channels, and they will naturally send someone over to question you."

With two chocolate balls stuffed into her cheeks, Rachel said inarticulately, "If you don't listen to my advice, go back to Muxi City as soon as possible..."

Todd sat down and thought about it carefully. The reconstruction of the barbarian outpost was just around the corner, and the relationship between the people in the camp still needed to be coordinated. It stands to reason that he should stay and take charge of the overall situation, but since the day he left Muxi City, he had been drifting outside for more than five months. The delay was indeed too long, and it was time to go back.

Seeing that Todd had made a decision, Rachel finished chewing the chocolate, swallowed hard, and said with a happy face, "Does this mean that I can go back with you?"

"No, you have to stay." Todd's words caused Rachel's face to collapse immediately: "Alfonso is more than loyal and brave, but he lacks flexibility. Leaving him here alone, I'm afraid it will mess things up."

"Well, so I have to stay in this place where I can't even take a hot shower, and spend the whole winter?" Rachel gave Todd a supercilious look.

Todd scratched his head: "I can assure you that before winter here, a livable residence will be specially built for you."

Rachel, who was familiar with Todd's character, did not doubt the other party's promise, and finally reluctantly agreed to stay in the Froststone tribe.

Immediately afterwards, Todd pulled Alfonso into the soul space alone, and after explaining the cause and effect of the incident, he gave him the task of guarding the camp.

After making the personnel arrangements, Todd withdrew from the soul space and began to command the gladiators and clansmen to rebuild the barbarian camp.

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