Alien Knights

Chapter 292: Great Escape (7)

Two hours before the escape, the prison area on the basement level.

Ackerman kicked the unconscious guard who had passed out on the ground, threw away the wooden stick in his hand, and waved towards the cage.

Veteran barbarian Fried was the first to emerge from the prison. Looking at the young man with a playful smile in front of him, he asked tentatively, "Catriarch Boyle sent you here?"

Ackerman nodded, and pointed to the stairs leading to the ground: "That's right, but you need to hurry up, time is running out."

Fried and Minnie led hundreds of people, followed behind Ackerman, walked down the stairs at the end of the prison step by step, and came to the warehouse on the second floor of the basement, looking at the scene in front of them in surprise.

In the small warehouse area, hundreds of gladiators gathered together, sorting out their belongings and weapons.

Fried asked cautiously, "Who are these people?"

Ackerman greeted Casper who was walking towards him, turned his head and said to the veteran soldier, "These people are all members of the 'Red Branch Gladiator Association', and they are willing to follow the boss and escape here together."

Fried looked a little embarrassed: "But, so many people..."

Before the words fell, the sound of the valve turning came from the passage at the end of the second underground floor.

Ackerman lowered his body and signaled everyone to hide.

A creaking cart, from far to near, along the gloomy corridor, slowly pushed into the room next to the warehouse.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually receding in his ears, Ackerman tiptoed to the door of the warehouse, leaned on the door frame and peeked at the corridor outside the door, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no one there, he gestured for a few gladiators to go out together.

The old soldier Fried gave the shaman Minnie a careful look, followed Ackerman's footsteps, and walked into the room next to the warehouse.

After bypassing a white curtain and crossing a dirty ditch, the pungent stench made Fried frowned.

Lighting the velvet in his hand with a flint, Ackerman walked forward cautiously with the faint light of the fire.

Hundreds of corpses covered by white cloths lay quietly on the cold floor of the room, the bloodstains had already dried up, and the stench of corpses filled the air.

Ackerman glanced at the four newly sent "corpses" with his eyes, poked the arm of one of them with his toe, and said angrily: "Get up! How long do you have to pretend?!"

What made Fried almost scream in fright was that the four "corpses" lifted the white cloth and sat up.

One of them first pulled out an arrow from his lower abdomen, then took out a shriveled skin bag full of "blood", and finally stood up with a smile, stretched his legs and twisted his arms.

Another gladiator took off a piece of "fake meat" attached to his neck, wiped off the "blood" with his clothes, and said to Ackerman, "How is it? Are you all here?"

"It's almost there, and we just need to wait for the boss to give a signal, and we will officially implement the escape plan!" Ackerman opened the white curtain, turned and walked towards the warehouse.

Someone asked: "Then what will the president do? His gladiatorial fight was put in the last match!"

Ackerman said without looking back: "The boss said, he has a way to get out."


Time passed by, and as the gladiatorial sessions ended, more and more gladiators were sent to the second basement floor.

Soon, the huge warehouse was filled with all kinds of people, including gladiators and Boyle clansmen.

People kept running to Ackerman and Casper, asking them when they could leave, and the answer they got was only three words—wait.

Fried, who was restless, walked around the warehouse with his hands behind his back, and when he looked at the shaman Minnie, he always had a hesitant expression.

"Do you want to go out and help him?" Minnie looked at this restless clansman and asked with a smile.

Fried sat heavily on the wooden box, and said anxiously: "The patriarch hasn't contacted us yet, is there any accident?!"

Minnie closed her eyes and said softly, "Trust him."

Fried was about to say something more, when a calling voice suddenly sounded in his mind. In the next second, his consciousness was pulled into that solemn and mysterious temple.

Todd sat on the high throne, looked at several people in the audience, and said slowly: "The plan has changed."

Ackerman was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Did something happen?"

Todd stretched out his hand and waved it in the air, and the real-time image constructed by the holographic projection began to play in mid-air.

When everyone marveled at the greatness of "divine power", they also saw what happened in the arena on the ground.

"Ms. Pain" Deirdre was brought to the high platform, King Conchiub announced the list of traitors, and the people raised their doubts loudly.

The scenes that actually happened, like magic, appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Ackerman took a breath and whispered to Casper: "This is divine power!"

The latter glared at him: "Shut up, just watch quietly!"

Todd waved again, and the screen disappeared instantly. He said to others: "The tunnel on the second underground floor is no longer safe. You must choose other routes to escape."

After thinking for a while, Ackerman asked, "Then the alternative we mentioned earlier?"

Todd nodded: "Although that plan is risky, it may be the only way right now."

Fried asked eagerly: "Patriarch, we have all escaped, so what do you do?"

"I have my way."

After saying this, Todd sent the others out of the soul space.

Consciousness returned to the warehouse on the second basement floor, Ackerman and Casper glanced at each other, and began to arrange an escape plan.

Abandoning the nearby tunnel, the two found dozens of carts used to transport corpses in the morgue next door.

The first thing to do is to use the artificial plasma and weapon remains on hand to dress up some gladiators as dead bodies, let them lie on the bottom of the cart, then spread a layer of hay on top, and then put some rotting corpses in the morgue on top of these people as a cover. Finally, a mat made of rushes is spread on each cart.

The second thing is to go to the warehouse, rummage through the boxes and find out a bunch of clothes worn by slaves, and let Boyle's people wear them one after another, pretending that these men, women, old and young are slaves transporting corpses.

As for the remaining gladiators, they put on the clothes of the arena guards and pretended to be responsible for guarding and supervising the work of the slaves.

As for Ackerman himself, he found a work uniform in the arena and transformed himself into the corpse collector of the "Red Circle".

Ackerman commanded the trolley full of "corpses", from the waste slope on the second underground floor, all the way to the transportation passage behind the arena.

Before taking a few steps, a group of soldiers suddenly stopped the convoy.

The leading Ulster officer, looking at the mighty corpse transport team in front of him, frowned and shouted at the leader Ackerman: "What's going on? Why are there so many corpses today?!"

Ackerman, who put on a fake beard, cursed in his heart, why is there still an army guarding such a place? But there was a flattering smile on his face, he bent down and walked up, and said respectfully to the army chief: "My lord, you don't know that the king promised freedom today, so all those gladiators went crazy! The number of people who died in battle is several times that of the past! In addition to the corpses that have not had time to be transported out in the past, there is no room for them in the morgue!"

The officer glanced at Ackerman, snorted, walked to the side of a cart, held his nose and lifted a corner of the mat with the scabbard. The highly decomposed corpses and white squirming maggots exposed inside made him take two steps back, and shouted with disgust: "Pull these corpses away! Get out!"

Ackerman said with a smile: "Okay, my lord, let's go!"

Just as Ackerman was about to say the words of advancing to the others, the army chief suddenly walked up behind him and patted him on the shoulder with his scabbard: "Wait a minute! Stop!"

Casper, who was standing beside the former, had a fierce look in his eyes, and quietly stretched out his palm to the bottom of the cart.

Ackerman shook his head slightly at his companion, turned around and said with a smile on his face: "My lord, what else do you want?"

Officer Ulster patted his cheek with the scabbard: "You bastard! Did you forget the rules?!"

Ackerman was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he took out a small bag of coins from his pocket, and dedicated his hands to the officer.

Overturning the weight of the purse, the officer said cursingly: "Don't think that I'm new here, you think I don't understand the market, and collecting corpses is a fat job! The gold teeth in the mouth, the ancestral pendant, and the woman's hair are all in high demand!"

Ackerman apologized again and again in a hurry, then took out a small bag of coins from his arms, stuffed them into the officer's arms, raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "My lord, the bag just now is the rules, and this bag is a respect for you."

The officer smiled and accepted the money bag, patted Ackerman on the back, and said understandingly: "I accept your respect."

In the next part of the journey, the convoy passed through checkpoints without any risk, and finally came to the countryside outside the city.

The gladiators climbed out of the corpse truck, and together with Boyle's clansmen, looked at the long-lost blue sky and green land, enjoying the happiness and joy brought by freedom.

Some people knelt on their knees, chanted the names of the ancient gods, and kissed the soil under their feet; some people turned their backs to the sky, twisting their limbs like madmen.

"It's all up!" Ackerman's eyes still had tears of joy, but he kept in mind the task that Todd had just given him in the soul space: "We must pretend to be slave catchers and get on the road as soon as possible!"

Someone asked him, "Are we heading south next?"

Ackerman and Casper looked at each other, laughed loudly, and gave everyone an unexpected answer: "No, we are going west, and our destination is the largest seaport city in the Kingdom of Ulster - Gulu City!"

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