Alien Knights

Chapter 266 Slavery and Execution

The Griffon was huge and too conspicuous, so Todd let it return to the Kingdom of Shadows first. After setting up the surviving boy, he and Rachel began to walk to the largest slavery in the Kingdom of Ulster——Golden City.

The two were walking on the forest road, and the ruts of the heavy prison car were still faintly discernible on the road.

After climbing over several mountains, Todd traveled to the plain outside the ancient city before the sun went down.

On the vast and boundless plain, war horses neighed and people's voices were buzzing.

Ulster soldiers in battle armor rode horses and handcuffed teams of captives together, driving them in like livestock, and made temporary fences built with wooden stakes.

Barbarian tribes from the southern forests, ranging from dozens to hundreds. Among them, men, women, the elderly, and children were separated and detained according to gender, age, and physique under the discrimination of a group of medical examiners.

Suddenly, a young barbarian, taking advantage of the soldier's inattentiveness, climbed out of the wooden spiked fence and fled desperately towards the forest.

Lying in the bushes at the edge of the forest, Todd nervously looked at the young figure who was getting closer, with fists in his hands, sweat gradually oozing from his palms.

A slave catcher from the Kingdom of Ulster caught up with the fleeing boy on horseback, threw the lasso in his hand, and wrapped the loop around the boy's neck impartially.

The cavalry turned the horse's head, urged the mount under him, and galloped in the opposite direction.

Instinctively, Todd wanted to stand up and face him, but Rachel firmly held onto the hem of his clothes.

"With mutation and ability, you may be able to kill three hundred soldiers here, but there are thousands of Ulster soldiers in the barracks on the hills over there. And how long can your body last? Twenty minutes? Half an hour?"

Todd was powerless to refute Rachel's warning.

The boy was dragged on the ground and screamed; the soldiers whistled and shouted hello; the clansmen covered their faces and wept, unable to speak.

Todd closed his eyes, pressed his head firmly on the grass, his hands slowly evolved into the appearance of monster claws, the "cracking" ability was activated at full capacity, the plants turned into dry catkins, and the stones turned into powder.

The boy's voice became smaller and smaller, gradually disappearing.

Rachel looked at the gradually setting sun and said to Todd, "Maybe we can sneak into the slave house after the sun goes down."

Todd lay on the grass and said softly, "I thought I was used to death, but it turns out I was wrong."

Rachel was silent.

"Watching the warriors on the battlefield go to death for faith and hope; watching the innocent children die by the butcher's knife, but I am indifferent." Todd's mutated hands gradually returned to their original shape, and said weakly: "The two are completely different things."

Rachel lowered her eyelids and comforted in a low voice: "It's not your fault."

Todd shook his head vigorously, took a deep breath, and said, "Let's not talk about this! Let's think about how to get in."


As the sun sets and night falls, the plains are still brightly lit.

The slave catchers are "sorting" the spoils.

Sick, disabled, and emaciated individuals will be picked out first and kicked into the pile of defective products, waiting for "processing".

Next, strong men will be recruited into the army and given the title of Ulster servants; women with good health and good looks will be compiled into "trophies" and dedicated to the upper class, or distributed to meritorious officials.

Boys and girls with good looks will be individually marked with high prices and sent to the slave exchange.

The remaining "goods" will be sold on the spot to some well-known slave traders. The latter are mostly aristocrats who refuse to declare their family names, or mysterious consortiums with huge sums of money.

Disguised as merchants, Todd and Rachel approached the slave pens, looking for any familiar faces in the crowd.

It is not easy to find a few specific people in dozens of fences surrounded by thousands of people.

After searching for a long time, the two still found nothing.

But soon, things turned around.

The slave hunters set up a wooden stake at the gate of the city, and a man covered in blood was tied to it, dying.

"Come and see, come and see! The scum of the kingdom, the shameful deserter, the despicable traitor!" The clerk in a linen jacket shouted loudly while standing on the platform.

Grabbing the man's hair, the clerk spat at the distorted face: "This man's name is Boyle. He was originally entrusted by the kingdom with a heavy responsibility to lead troops south. But he absconded with his troops halfway, released slaves privately, and formed an army to rebel against the kingdom!"

There were angry shouts and curses from the audience.

"kill him!"

"Let him rot in the swamp!"

"May his soul be enslaved by the magic eye forever!"

The clerk nodded in satisfaction, and winked at the executioner behind him.

Watching the latter take out a sharp hooked scimitar from his pocket, he said loudly again: "According to the Kingdom's law, Boyle will be sentenced to the punishment of 'His intestines'! His intestines and internal organs will be displayed under the scorching sun and the dark moon, and the pain is unbearable!"

Turning around and walking in front of Boyle, the clerk patted the other person on the cheek and said with a sneer, "The last person's record is three days and two nights, don't let us down."

The executioner stepped forward, picked up the knife, and started gesticulating towards Boyle's lower abdomen, as if looking for the best cut.

Todd, who hid his face under the cloak, looked at the surrounding terrain, and said to Rachel: "Remember! As soon as you see my signal, use your "mind power" to overturn these braziers at the gate of the city. I will take advantage of the darkness and go up to rescue people. Regardless of whether the matter is successful or not, after you use your ability, leave the scene immediately, and you must not stay!"

Seeing Rachel nodding, Todd lowered the brim of his cloak to cover most of his face, parted the flow of people in front of him, and slowly approached the city gate.

The executioner found the right position, raised the sharp knife, and made a gesture of stabbing. Todd took aim, picked up a stone, and aimed it at the executioner's head.

At this moment, a sharp voice sounded.

"The king has ordered that the execution be cancelled."

Hearing this, the crowd immediately burst into voices of doubt and dissatisfaction like a tide.

The sharp voice sounded again.

"Boyle, the traitor, will be sent to the "Red Circle" for the first performance the day after tomorrow."

The crowd of onlookers was quiet for a moment, and then praised and cheered loudly.

Just when Todd was puzzled, Rachel walked up to him, gently pulled him, walked to an empty corner, and said to him softly: "The 'Red Circle' was built in the royal city of Ulster, and it is the most famous arena in the entire kingdom, and even in the northern continent. According to rumors, the gladiators sent there either fought each other or faced powerful enemies. They almost died, and it is rare for anyone to come out alive."

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