Alien Knights

Chapter 222 The Shadow of the North

Back in the research institute, Mary manipulated the computer skillfully, using somatosensory movements to push and glue the images suspended in the air.

"No. 1386, No. 3695..." Mary pulled out the fragments one by one from the memory bank, first found an indistinct colorful vase, turned it upside down 180 degrees, and placed it in the center of the picture.

Then put the memory fragments scattered by another flower behind it.

The next fragmented picture is a foot on the petals.

Mary is like a master editor, connecting those fragmented clues. As more and more fragments are combined together, the originally static picture is formed into a moving film, and the sound, smell, and touch are also enriched little by little.

After more than an hour of polishing and adding and subtracting, a memory of the conversation between Clarence and Sabrina appeared in front of Todd's eyes.

The freshly picked flowers are quietly sleeping in the vase, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning shines into the room, covering the petals with dewdrops in a golden glow.

It's a pity that this tranquility was completely destroyed by the furious owner of the room.

In the first perspective, the vase was thrown to the ground with great force, the ear-piercing shattering sound was accompanied by flying debris, and the flowers were scattered all over the ground.

An exasperated male voice sounded: "Sabrina! You said you failed, what's going on?!"

A young woman in a workshop white robe sat on the desk and lazily stretched her waist: "Do you want me to say it again? My identity has been exposed, and Theodore's laboratory can no longer stay."

Clarence took two steps forward and stepped heavily on the flowers on the ground: "How is it possible? How is it possible?! I remember you said that you have mastered all the expressions and movements of this woman!"

Sabrina raised her hair and looked helpless: "As Theodore's assistant, I have observed this woman for a long time, and she was safe and sound the week she first entered the laboratory. However, this woman has a lover at the place where she works."


"An Etanian, good-looking, good-looking, good-voiced..."

Clarence shouted angrily, "Sabrina!!!"

The young woman tilted her head and said, "You impatient guy, let me just get straight to the point. One night, he came to spend a good night with me..."

"You agreed?!" Clarence's face was darker than the bottom of the pot.

"I don't want to make the other party suspicious, but to be honest, I was also a bit bored during that time. So, we went to bed..." Sabrina's expression became playful: "The trouble is, I know the woman's movements and expressions, but I don't know her position on the bed. Maybe it's because of my wildness and enthusiasm that I made the lover realize that something is wrong."

Clarence kicked away the debris and petals on the ground, and whispered, "What did you do?!"

"I killed him."

Sabrina shrugged: "That Etanian lay on the bed pretending to be innocent, turned his face on when he put on his pants, and threatened to report me to Theodore. I had no choice but to kill him."

Clarence slumped on the chair weakly, shook his head and asked, "So, during this week in Theodore's laboratory, what did you know about Jerome?"

"Not much, but critical enough."

Sabrina's words made Clarence instantly interested.

"Tell me!"

"Theodore seems to be using a black liquid to cure the mutation of the successor. This liquid comes from a place in the north called the Kingdom of Shadows."

Clarence was thoughtful: "The Kingdom of Shadows? I remember that it seems to be the domain of the gods among the barbarians?"

Sabrina continued: "Theodore used this black liquid to try to treat multiple mutant successors, but the success rate was not high, and most of the samples would still die. Even Jerome who survived, in Theodore's own words, was the result of a 'failure'."

Clarence then asked: "The result of 'failure'? Did he say what it would look like if he succeeded?"

"He said that the species in the whole world will lead to a great evolution!"

The memory image is over.

Todd watched the screen turn black, and the words "black liquid", "northern realm", "land of shadows", and "species evolution" still echoed in his mind.

The key to healing the successor lies in the north?

Todd turned his face to Mary and asked again: "Apart from this memory about Theodore, is there anything else?"

Mary focused on the screen in front of her, and replied absently: "This paragraph is the most complete, and the other memory fragments are too damaged to be spliced."

Todd came to her side and asked curiously, "What are you looking at so seriously?"

On Mary's screen, several oil paintings with female human bodies suddenly appeared.

Mary carefully distinguished the names under the oil painting: "'Sleeping Venus', 'Susanna in the Bath', 'Danae'..."

Todd finally understood what happened. When he participated in school activities in his previous life, he visited the World Oil Painting Exhibition one day. He had no impression of other works, except that these content were oil paintings of female bodies, engraved in the subconscious mind of the brain, and now they have been dug out.

He ran over, quickly covered the screen with his back, and smiled awkwardly at Mary: "It's nothing to look at, it's just a few body oil paintings."

Mary said to him excitedly: "Your Majesty, who painted these?!"

The corner of Todd's mouth twitched and said: "These are the works of masters!"

Mary looked suspicious, raised her head and glanced at the screen again, and said, "I have been exposed to countless paintings since I was a child, but I have never heard of these few paintings! You told me that these are the works of masters? Then, who is the master who created them?"

Todd didn't know until now that he could sweat profusely in the soul space. He desperately recalled: "I remember one named Joel, and another named Ann..."

Mary lowered her face: "Your Majesty, no matter how noble your status is, you should not treat art so frivolously. I have never heard of these masters you mentioned!"

Seeing that he couldn't explain clearly, Todd simply broke the can and threw all the blame on the illusory unknown: "I don't mean here, but a more distant world."

Mary opened her eyes wide, pointed her finger to the sky, made a reverent sign of the cross, and nodded slowly in agreement.

What Todd didn't expect was that Mary, who had walked out of the soul space, relied on the power of "Super Memory" to imitate and display the famous paintings she had seen stroke by stroke. This incident triggered a magnitude 10 earthquake in the entire Muxi City art circle.

Regarding the source of the famous painting, Mary kept secret, and only vaguely pointed out that she had copied King Todd's collection, and these collections came from a higher place.

Of course, the impact of this incident is much smaller than that of another incident.

And the latter is exactly—Music West City's first official examination.

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