Alien Empire Total War

Chapter 94: peace

(Key words: it will be on the shelves on August 1st, I hope everyone will support a wave) Knock on the blackboard! ! !


"Last night's explosion was truly earth-shattering. I was so frightened that I thought it was a night attack by the **** from the National Assembly."

"Simon, who was in the same camp as me, was so frightened that he lost his incontinence. He spat out all the feces and urine. We had to move out, **** it."

"Hahaha, no wonder I said I haven't seen Simon today. That's the reason."

Behind the front-line barricade, several soldiers of the Eighth Division in blue-blue military uniforms were holding rifles and chatting one after another.

According to the original plan, their troops should have continued to advance along the street, but last night's shocking explosion made the eighth division's high-level officials dare not act rashly, and ordered the entire division to stop advancing and remain stationary.

At the same time, they are also actively contacting the Weisberg agent in the city, hoping to get the whole story and other information about the big explosion.

But before they heard the news, the surviving National Assembly had already taken action.


Just as several soldiers were talking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in front of them. One of the veterans with high vigilance grabbed his rifle and stood up instantly, and his conditioned reflex usually aimed the muzzle at the person who came.

Following his movements, the rest of the soldiers also stopped talking and got up to meet the enemy.

Seeing the soldiers of the other side point the black muzzles of their guns at them, the person who came here was shocked and his face changed, he quickly raised the white flag in his hand, and shouted: "I'm Macarena Milton, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I have come to negotiate with you by order of the Council."


The veteran didn't let his guard down because of his words. He tilted his head to his comrades beside him. The latter then took a few people over the barricade and trotted to the diplomat's side, pointing a gun at him while searching him. , after confirming that he was not carrying a weapon, he nodded to the veteran.

"Since you are the negotiator, come with us."

The veteran said, and the soldiers took Milton over the barricade and came to the area controlled by the Eighth Division on the side of the barricade. After they left a few people to continue guarding, the veteran personally led Milton to the rear.

The news that the National Assembly wanted to negotiate quickly spread to the rear, and under the direct instruction of the commander of the Eighth Division, Milton was quickly brought before him.

The commander of the Eighth Division, Bernard House, looked at Macarena Milton, who was standing in front of him. His angular face was expressionless. He bent his fingers and tapped lightly on the table in front of him.

"Your Excellency Macalem Milton, I won't say anything superfluous. Since the National Assembly wants to make peace with our army, it must accept the conditions put forward by our army, otherwise the Eighth Division will continue to advance until the National Assembly announces. surrender."

"Then what are the conditions of your army?" Milton didn't care about General House's high-spirited attitude, he kept his attitude low, and was still thinking about the entrustment given to him by President Sandy's cronies before departure.

"As long as their conditions are not too excessive and will not cause strong resistance from the lawmakers, you can consider agreeing."

Although it is hard to believe that this came from the mouths of President Sandy's cronies, Milton decided to follow the president's orders. No matter what, he is the leader of this country and the leader of his own party.

"First, arrest the culprits who incited the commoners to rebel against the nobles, and restore the nobles' reputation. The Santos Party promises not to attack the nobles again in the future.

Second, hold a new general election and replace government officials.

Third, reorganize the Constitutional Amendment Committee and re-edit the Constitution. The Constitutional Amendment Committee must be led by our side.


After a few conditions came down, Milton was a little flustered. After General House finished speaking, he couldn't let go of the heart that he had been holding. The nobles are ready to take power again, although they have a bottom line. The party has retained the principle of opposing the restoration of the royal family, but if they agree to their conditions, the Santos party will have no room to turn around.

The first article alone is enough to suppress them completely, and promise not to attack the nobles. This is not to give up the means of fighting back. If the nobles use the hands of others to slander themselves and break the peace agreement, the entire Santos Party will fall into the dust. middle.

There is also the second article, the replacement of government officials... He does not think that those nobles who are full of noble virtues will mercifully let their people remain as officials in the government. I am afraid that in the future republic government, there will only be people from nobles. .


Milton sighed. He recalled the current state of parliament after the big explosion. Most of the members of the Santos party were killed in the explosion yesterday. .

The bourgeoisie's seat in the National Assembly now has a faint momentum of suppressing the other two factions, and the bourgeoisie has instead become the biggest winner in this civil war.

"Please allow me to convey the conditions of your army to the National Assembly. Once there is a result, we will send it to you as soon as Milton pleaded.

House shook his head and said, "I only give you half a day. If you can't give us a satisfactory answer before dark, our army will start the attack again.

Your Excellency Milton, I remind you and the National Assembly behind you that General Charles Cross has led the main force of the Fourth Army towards Ankerton City. Died in a meaningless civil war. "

"I see, General House."

Milton said bitterly, and then left the Military Academy under the guidance of the guards.

Soon, the conditions of the noble army were sent to the temporary residence of the National Assembly, causing a great uproar. Although the remaining Santos party members wanted to end the war early, this was a harsh condition for them. They have a hard time making up their minds.

However, the bourgeois parliamentarians have no concerns about this. They have already bet on Charlie long ago. They believe that for the sake of the factories all over the country ceded to Charlie, Charlie will definitely not attack them. In the vote initiated by Di, almost all of them voted in favor. Although a small number of Santos party members were unwilling, they could only vote in favor of the bourgeoisie.

So, on March 26, the National Assembly announced a peace meeting with the noble army, ordering the troops from all over the country to stop attacking the noble army, return to their respective stations, and disband the national army that was spontaneously recruited in various places.

Since this peace was privately negotiated between the National Assembly and Charles, the aristocrats in the capital were completely unaware of it, and they did not know about it until it was announced publicly-although they were dissatisfied with the behavior of Charles for making peace with the parliament behind their backs, but in the Under this general trend, they can only accept it with their noses pinched.

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